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Show NOTICE OF SPECIAL STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. FJmeraM MlninR- company. Principal office and place of general business, -05 jndpe buiUIinp. Salt Lake City, Utah. Notice is hereby given by the undor-sipiunl, undor-sipiunl, th:U they, as officers and stockholders, stock-holders, have called a special stockholders' stockhold-ers' meeting of the Emerald Mining company, com-pany, to be held at tne principal office and' place of general business of said corporation, cor-poration, above specified, on Monday, October Oc-tober 15, 191". at the hour of S o'clock p. rn. lor the purpose of increasing the amount of the capital stock from S-iOO.OuO.OO to ?1 i00, 000. 00, and of placing said increased in-creased capital stork of $fi00,00i.o0 in Ihe treasury of said corporation as a working fund, and of amending the articles of incorporation in-corporation as heretofore n mended by .amendment certified December 1. 1 V 10. ac-I ac-I cordingly. In the following particulars, to 1 wit, b striking out the words ' four hun dred thousand dollars, which shall be divided di-vided into four hundred thousand shares," i from article IV, as amended by amend-I amend-I ment certified December 1. lMi and in-1 in-1 serting in lieu thereof "one million dol-! dol-! lare. which shall be divided into one mil- lion shares," and alto by striking out the word "one" from article XVI, added , to said original articles by said amend-! amend-! ment certified December 1, 1JU0, and in-I in-I serting in lieu thereof the word "six," to the end that said article IV, amended as aforesaid, be changed to read as follows: fol-lows: "Article IV. That the amount of the capital stock of said corporation shall be ovje million dollars, which shall be divined into one million shares of the par Vfihie of one dollar each," and that said article Xo. XVI, contained in the amendment amend-ment aforesaid, be charged to read as fol-j fol-j lows: "Artule XVI. Thai tne tlx hun-I hun-I Jred thousand d-Ml.i'-s, increase."! .-apital i stock provided fur by the amendment of t said ai'iii.le IV, heremabuii e, be designated 'treasury HtO'-k. and 1-e placed In the treasury of said corporation to be held and disposed or under and -y direction of the board of directors, and that the proceeds thereof be placed in the treasury of said corporation as a working fund for the purpose of further exploring, developing and improving its property and extending extend-ing its operations, arid paying its debts and obligations." Dated September H, 1M7. H. C. Hoffman, President; .1. E. Oglesby. Secretary. z?34 |