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Show Social Happenings in Cities and Towns of Utah. "j ' ' " - ' ' 1 " -.- , , , , ,- " " l """V) ' TOOELE ., . t TOOK Ort. The marriasr! of Ml fa Ida M. I and K. S- iarrlon;h took place Tue-i'lav at h;(?h noon in KvanHton, Wvo. The bride is th dau'h-tcp dau'h-tcp of Mr. and Mrs. John 8. Ttfi of this rlty and was 'hlef op:iuior in tn lO'.al tHrphon exchft-i. for a numltftr of year, whilft Mr. HarraciouKl-.. formerly or Hf-avrr City, is now pi .armors t fur the Tooelft OriiK company. Th couple returned re-turned to this city Tuesday evening: to mak'i th'rlr home. MfMS Ida AHarHnri and Oommadore Slntin. both of r;mntKvill;, wyre united in inarnaK during th vil(. V ism MurK.'uvt Mit'-hpl) of Salt Tolse Hiy w:ih i.l if ffueiHt of Mr. and Mrs. Rob-rt Rob-rt MU'.hell this week. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Johnson wfirfi the rf'-'ipientu of a pleawant surpri parly at their home WediH-sdav evening, prior to their depy i't uro for Wiilr:, ' 'ul.. where they will make their home for the win ter. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Khifildn entertained a! a farewell part v Morn lay evening in Imnor of thir son, Harold, who de-pa de-pa rled V"dnsfay for American Lake, WaHh., with Tooelp. county's third .ota. Aivoul forty rlk-.ms enjoyed the affair. MIhs Halla Taylor of Tooele and J. W. TibaiiKh of Indepfindflnce, Mo., wre nnlfe.d in marrlune Wodneeday. The ceremony cere-mony was performed hy Judge O. A. Ki minfrton. Mrs. M, A. Adam, on and daiiKhtor. MIhh Jennie, end Mm. Leo F. Teitjen, all of Bait Uk Cltv, wero guests at the home of Mr.- and Mra. David M. Adam-ni Adam-ni over Sunday. In compliment to Mtss Tda Lee, a bride : of the week, Mrs. Klnior J. Elkington en-leriainei en-leriainei at a mlKeellaneous shower at her home Friday evening of last week. The deeorationH were artistically carried out in a pink and white effect. The Ktiestw Included, brides Mips Lee, Phyllis Mallet, Olilla. Shields, Mary Anderson, Tui'y Pocock, Gilda Pocock, Myrtle Ise-RrtM?n. Ise-RrtM?n. l-ina Gurnlry. TCffie Marsden. Maud Oowans, Clara Johnson, Mra. IV H. Cameron, Cam-eron, Mrs. Dan Nelson, Mrs. Marlon Nelson, Nel-son, Mrs. Roy Shields. Miss Clara Johnson entertained at a miscellaneous shower at her home Monday Mon-day evening In compliment to Miss Ida Lee, whose marriage took place during the week, Tha house decorations were carried out in an autumn effect. Those present, besides the honored guest, were Agnes Ciller t. Tranche- Walters. Eva Sloane, Lucille Johnson, Mary McKellar, Cecil Vowles, Klsie and Orlie Johnson, Mrs. John A. Dick, Mrs. Joseph Peterson, Mrs. Frank Fastman, Mns, Hollin Nelson, Mrs. Krb Johnson. Mrs. Eugene Smith was given a pleasant pleas-ant surprise party Thursday evening by a number of friends, the occasion being her birthday anniversary. Twenty-two guests were present, i The Beehive girls entertained, at a 1 kitchen shower Thursday evening of last ' week in honor of .Miss Ida Ie. Those who participated, besides Miss Lee, were HUrircd Nelson, Emily Warburton, Nellie Shields, ( 'ecile Vowles. Phyllis Vowdes, Ada GilleU, Elsie and Orlie Johnson, Ruth Lee and Mrs. Frank Eastman. A dancing partv was given Tuesday evening in the 1. 0. O. F. hall at Stockton Stock-ton in honor of Leland Connor and Percy Shelton. who departed Wednesday with Tooele county'.? quota for Camp Lewis, at American Lake. Wash. A number of Tooele people motored to the mining1 town to attend the affair. Countv Commissioner and Mrs. Richard tended trip through southern Idaho. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry "Williams' during the week were Mrs. William Din-wood Din-wood and Mrs. William Hanna. of Vernal. Mrs. Marion Lee was hostess to the Orio swarm of Reehlve girls at her home Tuesday- evening. Following an interesting interest-ing meeting, "luncheon was served to Mrs. Leo W. Isgreen, Afton Staines, Elva Hill, Mary Bo wen. Ruth Gordon, Lillian Davis, PaiM' iowans. Iverna Bunn, Ruth Spiers, Rimy Elkington, Ruby Isgrecn and Margaret Carson. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Nelson gave a farewell party at their home Monday evening in honor of Wilford Leroy Nelson, who left Wednesday with Tooele county's third continent to American Lake, Wash. Luncheon was served to twelve guests. Mrs. Charles R. MrEride entertained at a family dinner at her home Monday evening eve-ning in compliment to Mr. McBrlde's birthday anniversary. The. violin pupils of Profofsor Gustav Rchuste? will entertain at a musicale Sunday Sun-day evening in the South ward chapel. Sunday a number of merrymakers motored mo-tored to Provo to spend the day. Those who en.iovecl the outing were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ed-ward Cuddihy, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Irvine. Ir-vine. Mr. and Mrs. .lames Nearv, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Irvine of Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Gold of Spanish Fork. Miss Amy Shields was given a surprise party Monday evening in honor of her hirttiday. Following games at her home, the pa rty adjourned to the Eagles' hall, where dancing and a luncheon were en-jo en-jo ved by the following: Fern Preaee, Edna Cuddihy, Bertha Spiers, Margaret Stephens. Ella v mock. Margaret Mcleod. Mc-leod. Lucille Nelson. Ada Dick, Melba 1 V 1 m Mare. Heneratte Simpson, Amy shields. Grant Lee. Alvln Howartn, Lester Les-ter Smith. Ted Somenson, Ross Iee, Anthony Bates, H. Coy ley, A. Allen, M. Howell, David Altop, Earl Boltz and Harry Boltx. The Women's club heM its opening meeting in the Fraternal hall Friday afternoon aft-ernoon in the foim of a "club tea," with Mrs. Robert H. Page as hostess. The time was occupied in a social session. The Idles of the Maccabees entertained enter-tained at a card party Friday evening in the Fraternal hall. Luncheon was served, following the playing of whist. t LAYTON f 4 i LAYTON, Oct. 6. Mr. and Mrs. Henry-Morgan Henry-Morgan entertained Tuesday evening in honor of thpir son Henry, who left Wednesday for American Lake. The house was beautifully decorated with fall flowers and American flags. The time was spent in games and music, after which a three-course luncheon was served. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Har-old I .ay ton, Mr. and Mrs. William Morgan, Mor-gan, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Ellison, Mr. and Mrs. Wiilurd Berden. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Lee S packman, pack-man, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Dan-ial Dan-ial Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Paul White-yides. White-yides. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. King, Mrs. Harry L. Strong, Mrs. Wilford Wiggle, Mi, -s Bessie Ware, M iss Nora Morgan, Miss Lelia Lay ton, Mis Bessie Blood, Miss Fern Whitesides, Miss Minnie Burton, Bur-ton, Miss Pearl Burnett, Miss Mary Bra-7.er. Bra-7.er. Miss Cora Flinders. Miss" Artel Adams, Miss Dot Day. Miss Maggie Morgan, Mor-gan, Miss Beatrice Ellison, Miss Beatrice Boylin, Miss Mary Flinders, Miss Zella Adams, Miss Mury McPherson. Miss Le-ora Le-ora Smith and Mrs. Veda Adams, Leonard Leon-ard Morgan, Clyde Reed. Clyde Walker, ;ien Warren. James McPherson. Glen Smith. Howard Freestone. Koyal Morgan. Mor-gan. Clarence Frew, Carl Whitesides, George Morgan. Doc Summers, Clair Whitesides. Frank Adams, Martin Wig. gle, n.i:i Adams. Glen Ellison, Byron Nal-der, Nal-der, Spencer Adams. Robert Green. Emmet Em-met t Wiggle. Leonard Sand oil, Hazen Adams and Edgar Adams. Mr. and Mrs. John Fingree and children nf Salt Iike City spent Sunday here visiting with Mrs. A. B. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. John Carbridge of Salt Lake spent Sunday as the guest of Mrs. Car bridge's mot her. Mrs. Stevensen. , Mrs. James E. Ellison visited friends in Salt Lake Tuesday. Mrs. David Stevensen was a week -end vis! tor with relat i ves in Farming ton. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Ellison entertained enter-tained at n dinner Wednesday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Evan Kllison and Mr. and Mrs. Murray W. Cowley. Covers w re laid for E. P. Ellison. Mr. and Mrs. T.awreiiee Ellison. Mr.- and Mrs. Jabo?, A Oanis, Mr. and Mra. Riley Skecn, Mr, M' RS E. s! BAURA- j CLOUGH, formerly : Miss Ida M. Lee of Tooele, ; who was married last Tues- j day. and Mrs. Vern Bowne, Mrs. Morris Ellison, Elli-son, Mrs. Nettie Stevensen, Mrs. Marguerite Mar-guerite Taylor, Mrs. Susanna Ftobins, Miss Elisabeth Ellison, Miss IJuth Skeen, Miss Beatrice Ellison and Joe Stevensen. Mrs. Job Fingree of Ogden is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. A. B. Cook. Mrs. Nettie Stevensen visited friends In Salt Lake Wednesday. I PROVO f PROVO, Oct. 6. The Utah Sorosls met Wodnesday afternoon at the local Red Cross headquarters and engaged in sewing sew-ing and knitting for the soldiers. The marriage of Miss Mary Hartley of this city and Ivan Perry of Oakley, Idaho, and Miss Elma Hartley and Willis Carter of Provo took place Wednesday in the Salt Lake temple. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew An-drew Hartley, parents of the brides, accompanied ac-companied tlie young people to Salt Lake. Miss Lavery Hardy of Provo and Earl Woolsev of Escalante were married Wednesday in the Salt Lake temple. The young couple will reside in Escalante. Mrs. J. R. Hodson is spending the week with Salt Lako relatives and friends. Monday evening, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Jones, the members of the First ward quartette delightfully entertained In honor of Mrs. W. L. Hol-brook, Hol-brook, prior to her departure for Ogden to reside. Progressive games and music were the features of Interest, during which luncheon was served. The guest of honor was the recipient of an appropriate appropri-ate token of remembrance. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. George B. Harding spent part of the week in Salt Lake. Mrs. O. B. Hendershot is here from Salt Tnl, ,.;r.Wlnn All- ayA Mra Tl T? Rohp for a few days. Mrs. Ben C Rich Is spending a few days in Provo with, her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth S. Hardy. Mra. J. O. Berry left Monday for Chicago, Chi-cago, after spending the summer with relatives and friends in Provo and Nephi-Dr. Nephi-Dr. and Mrs. E. G. Hughes entertained at a prettily appointed dinner Sunday, complimentary to Parry Guy Thomas of Spanish Fork, who left Thursday for I American Lake. Wash. The guests included in-cluded in addition to the guest of honor, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bruce Jones of Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Jones and iMiss Florence Jones of Spanish Fork, i Mr. and Mrs. Dimmick Huntington of : Springville and Mr. and Mrs. H. F. 1 Thomas of Provo. I Miss Lael Irvine Is here from Eureka to spend the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Irvine, Jr. The marriage of Miss Jessie Green of .American Fork and Fred Bushman took place Thursday in the Salt Lake temple. The young couple attended the B. Y. U. for some time and have a host of friends in this cltv. Mr. and Mrs. Bushman left immediately for St. Josephs, Ariz. Mrs. Zebina Alleman of Springville was a Provo visitor Sunday, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George S. Taylor, i Miss Florence Bushman is here from St. Josephs, Ariz., to attend the B. Y. U. for the winier. Miss Anna Taylor, who is teaching school in Payson, spent the week-end at her Provo home. Mrs. M. H. Graham, Mrs. Earl Graham and Miss Maud Graham entertained Friday Fri-day evening in honor of Miss Sadie Graham, Gra-ham, whose marriage to C. Arthur Haws will take place in the near future. The Nineteenth Century club members met Fridav afternoon at the Red Cross headquarters and engaged in Red Cross work. Mrs. Angus Buchanan of Long Beach, Cal., spent several days in Provo this week with Mr. and Mrs. George Madsen. Mr. and Mrs. Knight Starr Jordan left the latter part of the week for San Pedro. Pe-dro. Cal., where Mr. Jordan will be engaged en-gaged in military service. Mrs. T. W. Shelley and daughter. Virginia, Vir-ginia, left Saturday for their home in Shellev. Idaho, after spending three months in Provo with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ramsey, Mrs. Sarah E. Jones, Mrs. Ada B. Harrison and Miss Arlena Harrison spent Sunday in Provo canyon. Miss LaRue Cassity is the guest of Salt Lake relatives and friends for a number of days. Mrs. A. J. Stewart was has t ess at a children's birthday party Friday afternoon after-noon in honor of her 9-year-old daughter. daugh-ter. Dorothy. Twenty little playmates were present and spent a jolly time with games and music, during which refreshments refresh-ments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Willlarm5 are Salt Lake visitors for a week. Miss Emma 'Anderson, a bride of the near future, wns the guest of honor at a shower given by Mrs. James A. Oliver at her home Friday evening. Pretty autumn au-tumn decorations adorned the entertaining entertain-ing rooms, where fifty guests spent the evening hours merrily with interesting games "and music. A delicious supper was served. The honored guest received numerous nu-merous bautiful gifts. Saturday afternoon last Mrs. C. E. F.rirkson was hostess to the members of the Auction Bridge dub. The rooms were decorated in the season's flowers. Luncheon Lunch-eon followed the game. The employees of Taylor Brothers' store gave a delightful dancing party Monday evening in t he Pioneer ward, complimentary to Walter Needham, Peter Jensen, Deloss Stewart and Sterling Taylor, Tay-lor, who are enrolled in the army. One hundred guests were present. A successful surprise party was rnn-dia-ted on Miss Emma Anderson Wednesday Wednes-day evening by the members of her Sunday Sun-day school class at The residence of Mrs. James A. Oliver. The time was pleasantly pleas-antly spent with musk- nnd games. Lunehcon was served to fifteen. Miss Anderson, who is to .be married this month to Bernard Nash of Salem, was the reripient of a beautiful gift by the self-invited guests. Complimentary lo Mr. and Mrs. Warner Stephensun and Mr. and Mr?. Herman Ilat'h. who were married l-tst week. Mrs. John W. MrAdam entertained at a 'd'aiii-tily 'd'aiii-tily appointed dinner Moiid;iv evening Mrs. George Hatvh of Banrmu, Maim also was a g'lei. 7! he, nftieers and teachers of th Second wa'd Sunday school were the guests vi Miph ia Von I lenric risen Wednesday evening eve-ning at her home. Refreshments were served. Mrs. Albert Sundstrom of Butte. Mont., is hre visiting her mother, Mrs, S. Bailey. A prettflv appointed dinner was given oy. M iss Ethel Taylor Sunday evening In honor of her brother, Sterling, who left Monday for Fort Douglas. Covers were laid for twelve. Mrs. John W. McAdam had as her ues t the past week Mrs. Fred L. Da,vis of Salt Lake. Mrs. E. L. Jones is spending a few days in :iit Luke. Mrs. T. N. Taylor is a Salt Lake visitor this wi-ek- Monday evening Miss Anna F.ooke entertained en-tertained the women clerks of the Wood-Clition Wood-Clition Mercantile ompany at a slumber parly at her home. Supper was served Hi the- early evening. Mrs. Lynn Sutton is a Salt Lake visitor this week. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Beebe entertained at dinner Tuesdav for Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Beebe and Mrs. O. B. Hendershot of Salt Lake. Dr. and Mrs. George W, Ekins and family motored to Salt Lake Tuesday to attend the fair. The Misses Eva Robison, Leona Stagg and Ada Hickman were Salt Lake visitors vis-itors Sunday. The senior Beehive girls of the First ward entertained the other Beehive swarms of that ward at a pleasant social affair Tuesday evening at t lie home of M rs. Gertrude Page. Luncheon was served. Miss Myrtle Loveridge has returned from Salt Lake, where she spent a week. She was accompanied home by Miss June Milner, who will spend two weeks lp Provo. Complimentary to Miss La Vern Hardy, a bride of the week, Miss Edith Ross and Miss Hatlie Scott entertained Monday eveing at the home of the latter at a miscellaneous shower. Twenty guests spent a jolly evening of games and music, during which dainty refreshments were served. The women clerks of the Wood-Clifton Mercantile company formed a theater and supper party Wednesday evening. Mrs. Robert A. Moorfield has returned to Ogden, after a pleasant visit with Provo relatives. Mrs. May W. Retherford had as her guests last week Miss Vera Shipley and Miss Florence Openshaw of Salt Lake. Miss Fontella Madsen spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. William Mitchell In Lehl. Mr. and Mrs. I, M. Warner left Monday for Salt Lake City to make their home. Mrs. F. D, Cassity was an American Fork visitor Friday. Under the direction of Miss Helen Carleton and Miss Edith Ross, a delightful delight-ful birthday party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ole E. Olsen, Sr., Friday Fri-day evening, in compliment to Oriville Olsen end Miss La Vern Hardy. Twenty guenta participated in a programme of games and music, after which refreshments refresh-ments nrere served. The widows of the Pleasant View ward, numbering fifteen, surprised former Bishop Burdell Davie at his home Thursday Thurs-day evening. An excellent programme, including music and speeches, was rendered, ren-dered, a notable feature being a talk given by Mrs. Martha A. Harris, sister of President Joseph F. Smith of the Mormon church, who enlarged on the generosity and charitable nature of the guest of honor. Btshon Davis was nresented wi(h a hat and cane. Toward the conclusion of the entertainment dancing and refreshments re-freshments were enjoyed. f MARYSVALE f MAHYSVALE, Oct. 6. During the week Mrs. Alice De Witt ha3 as her guests Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Barnsoa of Junction. Mrs. Clara Peterson and daughter, Ora, John Henry and wife, Mrs. G. T. Henry and daughter, Dorpthy, are Sa.lt Lake visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Larson of Salt Lake are- guests at the Stock home. Mrs. Anthony Soyka entertained Wednesday in honor of the birthday of her son, Dee. About twenty of his little lit-tle friends enjoyed a frolic on the grand lawn. , Blanche Robins returned Monday from Scipio, where she was called to the deathbed or her father. Mrs. J. TJ. Sargent and Mrs. J. D. Bertelsen spent Saturday, in .Monroe, visiting with triends and relatives. Anthony Soyka and daughter, Hazel, went to Salt Lake Monday. Miss Hazel will enter the St. Mary 'b academy. SPANISH FORK . . f SPANISH FORK, Oct. 6. Mr. and Mrs. Dixon attended the farewell party given Tuesday evening In Provo for the Taylor Tay-lor brothers. Mrs. J. P. fvnell entertained at a dinner din-ner party Tuesday evening in compliment to Guy Thomas, who left Thursday for American Lake, Wash. Miss Florence Barney was hostess at a delightful party given Sunday evening at her home in Lake Shore. The rooms were decorated in the national colors and after games and music luncheon was served to twelve guests. Mrs. Joseph Finch entertained at family fam-ily dinner Wednesday evening for her son, Roach Finch. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mra. Richard Bird of Mapleton, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Selman, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Garns worth and Mr. and Mrs. Roach Finch. Edward Huntington of Palmyra and Miss Othelo Nelson of Manti were married Wednesday In the Manti temple. A reception re-ception to the friends and relatives was tendered the young couple at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Nelson of Manti, Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Huntington will make their home in Palmyra after October 15. Mr. a nd Mrs. Isaac Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lewis and Miss Mildred Moore motored to West Porta Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. John Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Swenson entertained at a family dinner Monday evening in honor of Mr. Swensons brother, Nephi, who left Thursday for American Lake, Wash. About twenty were present. Mrs. Dorothy Sne!l left Wednesday for Salt lke after an extended visit of two months at the home of Dr. and Mrs. A. G. Stoddard. Miss Bertha Swsnson was hostess at a farewell party given Tuesday evening for her brother, Nephi, who left Thursday for Camp Lewis. Twenty were present. Mrs. G. A. Nelson of Burley. Idaho, is here for a ten days' visit with friends and relatives. Miss Hannah Jar vis entertained her young married friends Wednesday after-noon'and after-noon'and evening at a trousseau tea. In the evening her girl friends were the suests. Miss Jarvis will leave in the near future to join her fiancee in the east. Miss Leora Hughes. Miss Ann Money. Miss Eliza Money, Miss Florence Jones. Len Andrus. Bryan Beck and Harvey Nelson met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lewis Wednesday evening at a farewell fare-well pari y in honor of Guy Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Jarvis announce an-nounce the engagement of their daughter, Hanna C, to Ralph Put man Berry of Lowell. Mass. The marriage will ta ke place the latter part of October in Washington. Wash-ington. D. C. A number or soi Inl events have hern given during the week in honor of Mis? hnma Jarvis, a popular bride of the month. A inis'-c'.laneous shower was given Tuesday evennig at Hie home of Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Lewis by Mifs Frances Lewis and Mis Bessie Gardner. Twenty'" guests were present. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mr?. Parley WooIfcv of Provo were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Crl Stewart during the week. ' The Mises Ethel and Blanche Holt en-terratned en-terratned at a handkerchief shower Wednesday Wed-nesday even nig in honor of Miss Hanna Jarvis at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Holt. Sixteen were present. Luncheon was served. ' Professor and Mrs. L M. Gilltlan of Salt Luke were Sundav afternoon callers at the home of Dr. and Mrs. A. G. Stoddard. Stod-dard. Mrs. Frl Stewart left Saturday for a week's isit with her daughter, Mrs. Edward Ed-ward Griffith of Magna. Tiie Clover Blossom club entertained Monday evening at the home of Miss Susie Snell in honor of Victor Leifson, who left Thursday for American Lake, u ash. Thirty guesls were present and at midnight lum-heon was served. The members of the club presented Mr. Leif-eon Leif-eon with a gold signet ring as a token or esteem. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hendrickson of Green river spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Thomas. Mrs. HeridricK-aon HeridricK-aon s parents. Thursday thev left for Salt Lake, accompanied bv Mrs. Thomas, for a visit with friends and releatives. MANTI MA NTT. Oft. 6. The Kcedlncraft club ladios met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs, Viola Till ten. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Kiddle of Pan-guitch Pan-guitch are here visitir-g relatives. The Hopeless elub members were entertained en-tertained Tuesdav evening bv the Misses Cieneil Brown, Maud Tuttle, Fannie Kenner, Lucile Tuitle and Mrs'. Laura Tuttle at the home of Geneil Brown. Visiting quests were Mrs. Ross Cox, Mrs. Heber 'Bird and Mrs. Mont Harmon. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs.. John Cunliffe of Oregon Ore-gon nvo visiting relative? in this city. Mrs. J. U. Horning left Thursday for Salt Lake. Miss Ann Olsen, daughter of Bishop h. C. Olsen of Sterling, formerly of Manti, was married in the Manti "temple "tem-ple Wednesday to Oscar Peterson of Sterling. A reception was given in the evening by the parents ot the bride, many Manti relatives and friends attending. at-tending. Mrs. W. G. Hogg:m and sons, William and Harold, left 'Tuesday for a two weeks' visit with relatives in Emmett, Idahc Mr. and Mrs. Alfred F'amsworth of Peekabo, Idaho, are visiting relatives here and in Monroe. The social at che Presbyterian church Friday evening was enjoyed by many young people. Mrs. David Olsen entertained Wednesday afternoon in compliment to Mrs. Orson Madsen. Mr. and Mrs. James Mjckleson of Bo-nita Bo-nita are visiting relatives here for a few days. Thursday afternoon Mrs. Wilford Wintch entertained in honor of Mrs. Ward Hall of San Francisco, Cal. Air. and Mrs. L. V. Carlson announce the engagement of their daughter Martha Mar-tha and Kdward Tooth, the marriage to take place October id, Miss Charlotte Parry entertained Thursday afternoon in honor of Lura Crawford. Twelve yutsts were present. pres-ent. Refreshments were served. Miss Delia Buyingtcn entertained the I. T. club Wednesday evening. Those present wero Eva Hallj Mary E. Henri.;, Hen-ri.;, Leda Miller, LilKe Boyington, Ruby Mirrlam, Loy Maylett and Francis Mail-sen. Mail-sen. Refreshments wero served, Mrs. Helen Madsen, Mrs. Clinton Fox, Belle and Beth ox and Mrs. Belle Brandon, who have been visiting relatives rela-tives and friends hero the past three weeks, left Thursday tor their homes in Bonita. j WELBY " , f WELBY, Oct. 6. Mrs. C. E. Payne of Salt Lake was the guest of Mrs. Floyd Ward Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Dyet and family left Monday for Silver Lake, where they spent two days duck hunting. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burrows and son Jesse and Mrs. M. Driggs of Salt Lake were the guests of Mrs. J. H. Cameron Sunday. Mr. "and Mrs. C. J. Graff left Thursday Thurs-day morning for Illinois, where they will spend some time with Mr. Graff's sister, who is ill. Mrs. Clifford Cameron spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. A. Dahlquist of Sandy. The Red Cross unit which was organized or-ganized last June with Mrs. J. Nelson as chairman, Mrs. W. J. Dunn as secretary secre-tary and Mrs. fcl. J. Knowles as treasurer treas-urer will again resume active work. AMERICAN FORK f , , AMERICAN FORK, Oct. 6. Miss Ar-yilla Ar-yilla Christensen, daughter of Mr. nnd ; Mrs. Hans Christensen of this city, and Leo Harvey of Pleasant Grove were married mar-ried in the Salt Lake temple Wednes- I day. The bridegroom left the next day I for Camp Lewis. i William S. Downs and Miss Rachel Loveredge of this city were married at Provo Monday. Mrs. Lawrence Smart of Roosevelt is here for a short visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Buckwalter. Miss Jessie Green of this city and H. Fred Bushman of St. Joseph, Arts., were married In the Salt Lake temple Friday. Fri-day. They ' left the next day for .Arizona. .Ari-zona. Miss Bertha SteggMl of this city and George L. Wood of Holden were married at Salt Lake City Wednesday. They will make their home at Holden. Miss Olive Shelley, assisted by her mother, gave a bundle shower Monday evening complimentary to Miss Bertha Steggcil, who was married Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kirk of Salt Lake were the guests of Mrs. Kirk's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. King, the early part of the week. Mrs. Sadie Allen of Denver, Den-ver, Colo., sister of Mrs. Kirk, who has been visiting her parents here, accompanied accom-panied them home and will be their guest- for two weeks. Mrs. John W. Wright and" children of Ogden were guests of Mrs. Elizabeth Durrant the fore part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. James Chad wick of Shellev, Idaho, who have been visiting Mrs. C. M. Chad wick in this c-!'y for the past two weeks, left for Salt Lake Tuesday. They will visit there a short time before returning home. Among the visitors to Suit Lake Tuesdav Tues-dav were Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dean, Harrv Chlpman, Mr. and Mrs. W, R. Halliday, S. W. Chip-man, Chip-man, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. w. Miller and Charley Gaisford. A number of friends of Miss Pearl Row-Ir-y tendered her a pl.a..int surprise at her home in the First ward Saturday evening. The time was pent in games I and luncheon was served to about twenty guests. Mrs. Dell Singleton entertained the !'. B. Indies at a krnsington Thursday nfternoon. The time was pleat-'intly spent! in fancy needlework, followed bv luncheon served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Roys Hawkins of Bing-him Bing-him spent Sundav in American Fork as guests of Mrs. Hawkins's father, Henry Hen-ry Steel. Mrs. Lo T. Shellev returned home Saturday Sat-urday a lu-r a few davS" visit in Salt Lake as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roberts. Rob-erts. Mrs. O. C. Loekhart of Ogden spent the week in this citv visiting her parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Thornton. Miss Alta Oakley of TYovo was the guest of Miss Norma Storrs Monday and i Uesday. Mr. and Mrs. David Smith of Salt l-ake City spent the week in American fork. Mr and Mrs. James Chipman, Sr.. of ah Lake City were guests of American fork relatives the fore part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Paxman of Rex-burg, Rex-burg, Idaho, visited American Fork relatives rela-tives a part of this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Watt Storrs and daughters daugh-ters Norma and Mabel motored to Provo Minoay and were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Lewis N. Oakley. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Firmnge, Mrs. Fannie Fan-nie Chipman and daughters Fae and iviane motored to Nephi the fore part of the week and were guests of Mr. and Airs. David Firmnge. The following boys left here Thursday Thurs-day for Camp Lewis: John H. Robinson, John Hunter, Edward J'nss, Carl Ja-k-son, Otto Laursen, Leon Miller, Harold Brown and Bert Oakey. BRIGHAM CITY 4- . BRIGHAM CITY, Oct. C Saturday evening Mrs. Orion Jensen and Mrs. Clit-roid Clit-roid Jensen entertained the Social Development De-velopment club at a 500" parly at the home of Mrs. Clifford Jensen. Tiie guests were Mrs. K. C. Wright, .Mrs. wilford L. Anderson. Mrs. S. U. Madsen. Mrs. Perry D. Peters, Mrs. Alphonzo Nelson, Mrs. Milton Jensen. Mrs. Frank Karl. Mrs. Emery Rees. At a meeting this week the Civic Improvement Im-provement club elected Mrs. Joseph A. West, president; Mrs. Elms Jensen, vice president: Mrs. Dan Petersen, secretary; Mrs. Amanda Campbell, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. W. L. Hoist, treasurer. treas-urer. Mr. and Mrs. R. w. Nicol of Salt Lake were Brighan visitors Wednesday, having hav-ing just returned from a honeymoon trip to New York. Mrs. Nicol was formerly Mrs. Frances pitt of this city. In the Salt Lake temple Wednesday Miss Hortense Malmrose of this cltv and J. A. Johnson of Bothwell were united in marriage. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Augusta Malmrose. A reception was tendered Mr. , and Mrs. Johnson Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Malmrose. Miss Eliza Hansen was hostess on Wednesday evening at a Kensington and luncheon at the home of Mrs. Matilda Hansen on East Forest street. The guests were Mrs. W. C. Richardson, Mrs. Henry Seeger, Mrs. W. R. Dredge, Mrs. Annie L. Cottam of St. George, Miss Alice Parsons, Miss Laura Mathias, Miss Trieste Box, Miss Mabel Harris. Mies Nellie Jensen and Miss Sarah Mathias. Mrs. Milton Jensen entertained at a parcel shower Tuesday evening for Mrs. Clarice Wright Forsgren. Thirty guests were present. Saturday afternoon the Ladies' Aid society so-ciety of the Presbyterian church met in the first regular meeting of "eB,nv The club decided to become an a umI . to the l;oxeld,-r chapter of the An ' KM .Yoss, and enrolled k m ' members: Mrs. Olta A stockei . -V s. llarrv Ahramson. Mrs. Atom If. "M Mrs. 'J. .1. Sutton. Mrs. Nlcolai Nelon. Mr, o it Mabee, Mrs. J. E. Ryan. Mis. W. L. Kriih'. Mrs. Caroline Mabee Mrs. w. I. Huvs. Mrs. W. 1. Harms, Mra. 1-K. 1-K. Webb. Mr. and Mrs. Chauncev West hove re -moved from tins cily to Salt Hake, wheie, they will make their home. Hnwlev llarsis of Marysvnle spent Saturday Sat-urday .md Sundav In this city visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Hargts. Mrs Fenlev Merrell of Mnbicl spent a few davs of 'the week In this city visiting visit-ing relatives and friends: The marriage of J. Johansen of this city and Miss Fannv Crockett of 1-ogan. w.ncn took place sumo time ago. whs announced tills week for the llrst time. The marriage mar-riage has been kept a secret for a number num-ber of weeks. Mr. Johansen is a prominent promi-nent jeweler of this cily. I heber'city" : H10BBR CITY, Oct. (1. Miss Alice Wood entertained nt a moving picture party at the plavhouse Monday evening. Luncheon Lunch-eon was served at the Turner hotel following fol-lowing the evening performance. J ue partv Included Miss Carrie Marouard-son Marouard-son 'Miss Vihlte McMillan, Miss Almeda McKnight, Miss Alice Murdock and Miss Lenora McMillan. Mrs. Neva Chapman entertained Monday Mon-day evening at a house party for twenty guests. Music and dancing wero the features fea-tures of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Brlggs of Wyoming Wyo-ming are visiting relatives In this city. Mrs. Agnes Turner, Mrs. William Cum-mings Cum-mings and Mrs. Fred Paybell are visiting visit-ing in Salt Lake Cily this week. Miss Inez McDonald of Provo is the guest of Miss Dessie D.t.ike. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. McDonald of Buysville are visiting In Salt Lake City. Mrs. Orson Hicken and Mrs. Hannah Averett were visitors to Salt Lake City Wednesday. One of the social events of the week was the farewell party given in the amusement hail Tuesday evening In honor of the drafted men. Miss Marge Murdock entertained at dinner Saturday night. The rooms were decorated in fall flowers and autumn leaves. Tiie" Invited guests were Miss Jean Byrnes, Miss Inez McDonald, Miss Bessie Duke, Miss Donna Murdock, Miss Sarah Murdock, Thomas McMullln. Lynn Clyde. Boyd Duke, Victor Duke and Wallace Wal-lace Jones. Miss Jean Byrnes entertained at dinner Monday evening for ten friends. Mrs. Richard Jones and daughter, Dora, are visiting In Salt Lake City. Mrs. Monroe Lee accompanied her husband hus-band as far as Ogden Thursday. Mr. Lee lias gone to the military encampment at American Lake, Wash. Miss Jessie Murdock of Salt Lake City spent Sunday in Heber. Mrs. William Bonner entertaied the Five Hundred Card club Thursday afternoon. after-noon. The rooms were decorated in autumn au-tumn leaves. Prizes were nwarded to Mrs. W. J. Rosevear and Mrs. Chase Moulton. Those present were Mrs. Neva Chapman. Mrs. Emer W. Murdock, Mrs. J. W. Day bell. Mrs. Alma Miller, Mrs. Ruth Hatch, Mrs. David Fisher, Mrs. Theodore Jasperson. Mrs. Ueorge i 1 Fisher, Mrs. J. E. McMullln, Mrs. Al(r? Puke, Mrs. Phoebe. Murdock, Mrs, j j. Puke, Mrs. Ann Coleman and Mrs.'jj. seph S. MePonald. Miss Vera Lindsay, daughter of f and Mrs. J. L. Lindsay, was marriet , the Salt Lake temple Wednesday to Wa'i ter J. Rasband of this city. A receptj.v will be tendered them next Tuesday tVc; ning In Heber. Miss Pearl Basloy, daughter of Mr, H. J. Paramore of Charleston, wan rniu rlcd in the Salt I-ake temple WelnesiJai to Leroy Mahoney. Mrs. Mahoney eompanied her husband as far as 6g,iej Thursday, he being on his way to Amen can I-ake, Wash. i ( ELSINORE 4 . ELSIXORB, Oct. 6.A social l5 given at the opera nouse Wednesday evening complimentary to Waldo Pur rv, A. D. Anderson, H'alph FarnswortY Ornery and Love! Hannon, who lei Thursdav for American Lake. Daiii'infi' and refreshments were features of tho evening. A procession of cars took the boys to Eichfield. The employees of the Utah-Idaho Su- i gar company entertained Monday eve- I ning for Al 1. Anderson. A wri i watch was given to him. Kefresr-ments Kefresr-ments were served to fifty guet; ' The Pollyanna club was entertaiU'i' i bv Miss Ruth Johnson Monday evV ning. Music was the feature "of the ' evening. Refreshments were served to the Misses Anna anil Mabel Dunn, Maurine Lee, Ana .Jensen, Ruby Kot ter and Florence Jensen. . .4 Mrs. Theo Christensen was bostess r, auction bridge Wednesday afternoon. Luncheon was served to tiie Mesdamis (J. Crabb, J. Zabriske, H. C. Larson, J. C. Hill, Arthur Jensen, C. MarquaM son, A." Hanson, Fred Leo and J. V. Wiilardson. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jacobson of M ' gan are here visiting relatives nil friends. Mrs. J. A. Arnoldson left for Salt Lake City Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hanson spent the week-end at Redmond. C. M. Porter and family are Salt Lake visitors. f Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sylvester and' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jensen of Eureka Eu-reka are the guests of Miss Eliza Sylvester. Syl-vester. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Snyder are visit ing in Salt Lake City, the guestn of Mrs. Snyder's sister, Mrs. Parley Gor ringe. Mrs. Sarah Mortensen returned Tues- day from a four months1 visit in Idaho. 1 Miss Ruby Ogden and Melissa Ram- ; say of Richfiald were the guests of Ruth Johpson Sunday. t Miss Ha Rasmussen of Ephraint is visiting at the home of Mrs. J. A. Bel, Mrs. Olena Larson of Salina spet the week-end here, the guost of lire. Annie Jensen. Mrs. Andrew Hanson left for Salt Lake City Thursday, N |