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Show STOCKS I BONDS .' 2409 llud.son Ave, . 169 Main St.. j FORTUNES MADE Rv srnail Investments In Arizona Coppers. ' I-'iee na tuple copy of The Arizona Copper Miner, which gives reliable Information. 'Tit to any address without obliKytion by - vddreB.ilfitf ARIZONA COPPER MINER BT7 FlrKt National B.mk. nnrivor. Colo. Flotation OILS PINE TAR PRODUCTS ROSIN, PINE OILS WOOD TURPENTINE Manufactured by Y ARYAN ROSIN & TURPENTINE CO. i WAREHOUSE & STORAGE CO., I SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. Phone Was. 479. P. 0. Box 776. Agents and Distributors. Samples on Request. 1 Refineries and Pipe Lines Make the Eig Oil Profits THU R1VKRTON-WYOMINO RRFINKRY at Hivcrlnn, hi tin' heart of ttifl proven Wyoming oil fields, will have initial capacity of barri'Ia. and kIiouM earn uct profits exceeding exceed-ing $;i000 a day: and ahouM havn J0.fr'l-ljar-re capacity wltliin a yar. Thouaartds of barrels nf oil nrnflnrcrl now wltliin a few miles of un. ami nearest refinery Is 125 inll"n h way. Pi pis linesi will tap rich lianlns of Pilot Piiti e, "Wlrul River, La ml or, Hmlwon, Jlfftver Creek. Rlvertnn, SnRe Crk and many others. Holds tI5f0 ncra In fiva of tlioso proven fields and will bavo largo production. R I VERTON-WYOMING" REFINING COMPANY ' la direct rr1 hy well -known and responsible nicn, inchKlhiK Prcf. P. C. Buffuiu. president presi-dent r.iiiiiH'r 'rodii' ia i.'o. ; M. .1. .Martin, view president Hiverton State bank; C. C. Clark and J. B. Wel'iier, experienced Wyoming Wyo-ming and Oklalioma oil nperaiora. Invlltvi HtrlelenL In vet gallon. I'apii al (ration .1,000. o) shores: 3,")'W,0iXt are treasury sliarea. Offer limited amount nt this Flock at 25 CENTS A SHARE At thin price your tianctq are n I mont certain cer-tain for 100 per cent pmht wll hln a yt'r, ini'l mil at initial annual dividends Four hl cIhiih'ch to win i'if inlMR, prod net Inn of oil. pipe lines and royaliien from leaon. Write today fop full details about thin attract (vo Investment. KINGSBURY & COMPANY 227 Century Eldg., Denver, Colo. Oct t hr Imnost, tm.'ttliiltfM-atr'd fats n limit "Wyontitur lil invrsl nicntH. TH K ) t J j Titp 1.1 ,K'V X prlul m I tin latr.st news from Uin nil 1 1 I J a ami iv-porlM ninnt r coiil (li f'I'pnifii's it: Graj-H frock, 101k Hasin, MMwp.st, Merrill, Ho.-k, HlK I'l vp, 101 k horn, Mall, I "nitcti l 'otroloniti. Midway. MidlanU, A morlcaii, Out Went lJ(i rolouiu, Apox. Pf-troloiiin Olirields, and most n;liM' nrtivo. oiiiHuil'n. Jf you want to K''t 'l n,'w ar"' lTLlu view of 'yontlnis' ON drvi'lopifionl mid liivoHtnieiUs, road I'lMO oil, IfULblOTIN ri-Kularly. ACQUAINTED Without placing you under tlie slightest oblinatlon, I will send you THt OIL BULLETIN for Three , Months, absolutely FREE. Just send me your name to tnc following addrens: THE OIL BULLETIN. 'r -"'5 FilRt National Bank JluilHing, . " ' nrr -. Coin. j Holdings and proposed capitalization considered, Syndicate shares are your cheapest and J best opportunity to acquire a substantial interest in the Great Powder River Dome. j j , ' I - . - I li A glance at the map will serve to show that the holdings of the Syndi- I I cate are right in the heart of the Big Development. !f j During' the past 4.S hours the Tisdale Oil Syndicate has acquired 1 60 acres in sections 'IS and 19, township 41, range SO, increasing Its holdings S to 1200 acres instead of 1040, as at first proposed. 1 I -ill j The Tisdale Oil Company well on section 35, township 41, range 81, is Hi" j . reported to be entering the limestone formation or capping which is said to j exist about 80 feet above the Embar sands, where the big flow of oil j j expected. . . j I ' 1250 Syndicate Shares i j at $50 -Each I P I The Tisdale Oil Syndicate consists of 1250 shares, the unsold portion of jj which is offered at $50" a share. As soon as these 1250 Syndicate shares are jji disposed of a company capitalized at $200,000, par value 10c a share, w-iLl be formed to take over the Syndicate holdings. j I i i Each Syndicate share will at once be convertible into 600 shares of ; stock in the company, which is at the rate of Sc a share, and your stock j will be delivered to you individually after the company is formed. 1! h ' . . ii j As soon as drilling begins, which will be at the earliest possible moment, " j the first offering of treasury stock at 20c per share will be made (provided, j !;! however, a well has not in the meantime been brought in). l il ! I I Investors and speculators will not be slow to see the immense possibil- f ities for large profits in the purchase of these Syndicate shares. ! j The Weber Petroleum Company, headed by Dr. Howard "Weber, million- !i ; aire oil operator of Oklahoma, has offered to develop the Tisdale Oil Syndi- j J cate holdings on a fifty-fifty basis. ' -" ' ; The Tisdale Oil Syndicate has contracted with the parties from whom j j; it acquired its property to have a rig on the ground by November 1st, thereby j I i providing quick action-for owners of Syndicate shares. ' 'A Our holdings adjoin those of the Tisdale Oil Co., the first company to Hi ii drill this field. They are close to the holdings of the Western Exploration, ! ! 3j Jupiter and Mountain & Gulf Co. holdings, which latter company is con- ' trolled by officials of the Mid-West Refining and Mid-West Oil Co. jj j! As soon as the company is formed, which will be immediately after the I Syndicate is closed (which will probably be within ten days) the stock will j at once be listed on the Denver and Casper exchanges. ijiiy 1 ... : ' j We anticipate (based, on reservations received from outside sources) jj j ' that the heavy demand for these shares will continue and predict that within I two weeks they will command a premium. j I QUICK ACTION IS NECESSARY t ' jj l ifsn. 11 SliIScl H a. Sero & Thomas ! ) Stock Exchange Building. Newhouse Building. OUT-OF-TOWN INVESTORS ARE REQUESTED TO USE THE COUPON BELOW. j , jj I dusiro to subscribe l'or sharps in Th8 Tisdala Oil Syndicate, ami Jforewith j 1 i ' Si inclose dollars, at the rale of $f0 a share. j ii Nanio i |