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Show BEAUTIFUL MAXWELL MODELS ARRIVE 1 u-ix 7 ! w' V J , v Av J ; SeJ- y, Jfcji NUjr f f I hrr" l - r-r 1 i I 1 As shown herewith, the new Maxwell line comprises a smart three-pnssenger' roadster; a jauntily elegant coupe; a long, rangy touring car; a luxurious luxur-ious five-passenger sedan and a beautiful sis-passenger berline. Elegance and beauty of finish, exemplified in the very newest and classiest lines, are evi-dent evi-dent in every model of the 1918 Maxwell. The Sun Motor Sales company has just cause for a deciuedjy boastful attitude atti-tude since the receipt of the new 1U18 Maxwell models. Tne Maxwell, known for years as a car of genu: ne merit, of sturdy qualities, of power ami stamina, but, perhaps, not among the leaders as . far as stylish lines were concerned, has come out a la mode, or. as the Vie-partnent Vie-partnent store advertising man would say, "gowned in the very latest of , Dame "Fashion 's most exquisite crea- ( " tions." There has been no change of model in the line of the Maxwell Motor company com-pany for 1018, the chassis known as the "3oM being continued. Tho models shown at tho Sun -Motor Sales conij lmny's temporary sales rooms at 4-15 South Main street, however, reveal i body lines that, were the name plate not visible, would never be attributed to the Maxwell. These models are such as havo been found only in much higher priced lines, and it is another triumph that tho genuine merit of the Maxwell y has been retained, coupled with a beauty beau-ty of finish and outline that will put -Maxwell way up in the line of most de- birable cars on the market. l The chief of the Maxwell line, the X. famous five-passenger touring car, is now seen with a new slanting windshield, wind-shield, demountable wheels, longer wheclbase, stream line body and much longer and more resilient springs. The one-man top completes this old-new model, presenting a car of peerless efficiency ef-ficiency as well as unrivalled beauty. The smart Maxwell roadster a genuine gen-uine innovation of the Maxwell line affords a very - snappy appearanco, heaps of comfort and convenience in fact, a car that will more than hold its own in the medium-priced class. This t roadster seats three passengers eom-v eom-v fortably. A new addition to tho Maxwell line is an all-weather top, which may be fitted on the touring car or roadster a bit of modern improvement which will find instantaneous favor with the public. pub-lic. A car of elegance ind' utility in- comparable in its class is the five-: passenger sedan which offers the owner own-er twelve months in the year of comfortable com-fortable driving and which, in finish and benuty, is not surpassed in the "winter top,J models. Tho berline, another Maxwell beau-tv, beau-tv, is similar externally to the sedan, - but carries six passengers. The driv-rl driv-rl pr'e seat is shut off by a glass partition, parti-tion, and is the acme of automobile art at this price. Like the sedan, tho berline ber-line become the ideal summer comfort com-fort car bv lowering the glass windows, tho permanent top affording protection from the sun 's ravs. In the Mnxwefl coupe nro embodied i Jill the comfort and beauty that me-v me-v chanical genius and art can devise. This new coupe combines the closed car with the elegance of the Maxwell roadster. Its staggered seat for the driver affords af-fords comfortable seating capacity for three grown persons, and its elegant exterior ex-terior is not to be surpassed in any of the clcsed cars shown. The chassis changes concern the electrical elec-trical equipment and spring suspension principally, although there is a detail I change on the engine. "While the ignition igni-tion and starting units remain the same, there has been a change in the wiring. The 12-volt single-wire svstem is now used ou the starter and lights in place of tho double-wire method. The starting start-ing switch has also been simplified by using a new design of the single pole type, and improving the pedal arrangement. arrange-ment. The starting pedal operates the switch and meshes the starter gear with the flywheel. The pedal has an automatic auto-matic magnetic lock attached, which, prevents the starter gear from being thrown in mesh while the engine is in motion. The improvement in tho spring suspension sus-pension is due to a change in the rear spring, which is now. termed a compensating compen-sating underslung semi-elliptic. This is a forty-nine-inch underslung spring in place of the three-quarter scroll elliptic ellip-tic formerly employed. The change in the spring has provided a lower oar, and one which tends to cling to the road more closely, due to the lower cen- i ter of gravity. I Another detail change is on the en- giue. The fan belt has beeu widened : in order to give it more life. This boHt also drives the generator, and, due to its use, the over-running clutch has been eliminated. Other than this small change the engine remains exactly the same as last year. This is tho fourth year of the Maxwell' Max-well' '25'J chassis, without radical change. The lengthening of the wheel-base wheel-base permits more body room and gives the car a lower and longer effect, as well as better riding qualities. The channel section has now been increased to six inches in depth. Another change which adds to the appearance is the elimination of tho splash guards, giving a much wider running board. |