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Show ...CARE OF THE HANDS. f Uttle XtBo-j That VTUl W.ep Them ia ., ' Ctood Cotxlltloa. 1 'robably thero is no ono thing that wakes glrle- shrink from housework ' moro than the offoet it baa on tho hands, especially in cold woatter, says Iloalth. It is a root trial to sit down to tho piano and spread a etalned, rough band on tho ivory koys; or to tako onb'e pen in an unsightly hand to answer a lettor; or to pick up a bit of embroldory, If it ia only that on perforated hoao, and use tho needle whnn ovory thing' .that touches tho bands atloka to tUom because of their wughnesa. Sowlnfjpn woolen or ailk fa at auoh tlmos a sov'ore ponanuo. Thoro are methods of preserving the hands moaaurably against the destructive, de-structive, offect o! dlsh-wasblng, ecrul-blng ecrul-blng and tbo' like. Thoy should bo kopt , aa much out of the waSar as poaslblo, and when the" work' la dono thoy should bo washed clean and rubbed dry. Borax water 1 good for washing tho hands. Coarsely ground oat-moal la a fair substitute for soap in washing tbo hands. Whltd tinscentod soe'ps aro tho boat, as the highly scented eoapa aro uaually tdado bf 'rancid fata, A solution of oxalio acid will remove fruit atains from the kanda, but it must not touch on abraded aurfaee After washing and drying the bands tboroagbly, glycerine glyc-erine and spirits of camphor In equal parts mixed tegothor la good to rub over thorn. Cocoanut oil la a pleasant application. TVcarlng kid 'tflovee two alxea too Urge is helpful in presorvlnp. tho bands. One should havo an old pair of gloves to take up ashes in, to sweep tn and to wear in all dirty work that permit tho wearing of gloves. If gloves are dipped in not vory hotllnscod oil thoy become waterproof, and may bo worn whllo washing dishes. A pair of canton flaacol mittens is pleasant to 'wear when hanging out tho elothoa on a enld .ayrayij-. Jpquont rubbing of tbo-, bands will proraoto circulation and kbon-tho kbon-tho akin in gopdoouditkm. To tako the best caro of tbo nalh, soak tho onds of the Anger. In hot water for somo tlmoj until tho skin iasof toped, tbon dry, and with a pair of pail scissors thin off all thfrdoad aktn about tho nails and trim tbo nails neatly. i -. , |