OCR Text |
Show i. iBBW BBH &!: 1 W- f -' - K: 'W - "- v T- - ,,(' yr EbbbbbbV 3? ' tv, iw mBjBBBBBBBfck '-H ; &;'" m ' - ", . . . ' ' &?.;. i ' mS? f i I 4&0" I . IPNl -co. ' , V ' . I I " No. 788. iVellcc For Publication. Land Off.ct Suit LaV fit j Utah Jm. 80. 18U1, otIc lahcelirren tnnUtieMlowlnit- nm odieitler Im Sled tio'lee of his luUtitlon tfl make final proof In upporl rf Ills ctulin, and llmt aid prtolMlll l nude bfore tl-o Krobt Judo of O't field Co Utah, or In lil atwttico Ibc c" uMjrelcrV at langullohon March l'lli, lilM.Ui' Uc iKOpoJJ., en II. H. 739i for tin N K', tec. 2ITp8 11. 7 W. Ho namra tbo followlnt wIiupmm to prove hlieonilnitouii retldeaeiupon and cultlratlun I raldlaud, vie: William 8rgnt JfMo w. Crotby Jr. Jiuncn .Montasuo laM W. IJVrtlu nil of l'nnsullcll Utah. Fiank V. Hot.M Ilcgl.ttr. 1 No SK). i(ttice I'ur rublication. Land OJco at Halt Lalo City, Utah. IMinuryTtli, 1801. Notice li hereby git en that ihn following, named tctt vr ha llhtl notice of ht lutontlon t'tnalcc final proor in tujiport M blaclam,ntd tlmtiuild proof will be mado befmo tkol'robato Judge or In his utaenco the County Clerk of Maxhliigtou County DWtat 8t (Jeorgo, Utah, on arch JOtli. 1831 vl. Henry J. 'audloy II K No WS for the V, ofN J, W.N.W ,o MK.JiNKofWj4 i-co. UT: '. It. IS W H (. M I'tnli. lie nam the following wllneietn provobli eoi tlnnom rMldensx upon, and tiltintlon of, aid land, till linrlca V. Fo'tcr ,c t Ooorgo Washlnc.un Co Uuii. Iiaolluiit ,of " ' " Jainra Jncobson ,of Pino Valley Wellington Cotltali, llen'j Jaoolmon ,of rino Val'cy Whlgton to Uun. (Frank V, Hobbs, n. .. Bcglitcr. T, C Ilnlley AUorncy. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate Ok Samuel Pollock Dkceahul . Notice ic horeliy pivn by tli un dori-igiieJ ntliuinlatrntorBOf tin- Pollock, Pol-lock, l(-ceniit.'d, to tli creditors of nnd nil tiorFotiB huving clnim ' nninsr tliu pnid deceived, l ex-liililttlieni ex-liililttlieni with iifCPHsnry voucliore, witliiii four mtintliH nfler tltc firet jiuliliciition of tlim notifi'. lathe Hind ttdinit jftratnrs lit tlieir reti-cdiiooutKiitinirnlroiiCoiiiilv reti-cdiiooutKiitinirnlroiiCoiiiilv Utidi. S. J Pollock J. W. Pollcock Admiii'iFlrntorf: of llit tptnto of. mucl olloi'k (lipciiBpd jiuted Feh. 24.1891. laaaaaaMiajiaaaggHHaaaaniaajpaaaaaaaaaaB iMasalHHiLklaHikLbLLaKZjV' aLLLLLLLLLI ' urn I Land A sent, H aH Notary Public I IcdarClty, Utah. ' ' al Variety Stoxr - I Notions Jewelry I You' should surly seeds'- H lOcent 4M COUNTER lessons anjils I : - '. ... ' I The Favorite- I T Medicine for Throat and' Lung Dim. cultles has long been., aud still is, Ayar'a ' I Cherry Pectoral. It cures Croay. I Whooping Cough, nronchlilv and Asthma; soothes irritation of.'tha " I Larynx and Fauces ; strengthens the I Vocul Orsanij allays soreness of th I Lungs ;,preveuts ConauinptloB, aud. I even In advanced sUges of that dlscaaa, I relievos Coughing and Induces Bleep. I There Is no other preparation foi dial .1 eases of tho throat and lungs to be cos. jl pared wltJi this remedy. .. ( I "My wife bad a dletreealag oouJk 41 with pains in the side and breast.1 Wa tried various medicines, but non iU ", M tier any f-oo.1 until I got a Lotth) of " H Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which has cared !' Bfl her. A neighbor, Mrs. Glenn, btO)xi ' JlSSI tneaalei, and Uie rough was rellaVed hr BBB tho.ttae of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ft" have no healtatlon la recommeadlag tUa fl Cough MedicJjBBBB to one aftllcted." RobeSPPPPPPPPPPP. oriiiiau JUtulltght, MorrillioaipppppppppH been w,th iBBBBIPBBBBBb jears. ItpriiigI'aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1th a i lolent cough, which threaURKTBsSsSsSflSfl to teruiinnle my days. Evrrr ah mr" !! ' tioiinced rue In conaumptlon. 'I detar-"' nBJBBSBBBfl mined to try Ayer's Cherry Peotoral. VBBBBBJ Its efTects Were musical. I x IminedL a atcly relieved and contluueil to Improve- '.' ttiilll entirely reiu drod." Joel UuliariL vBH Guilford, Conn, aBvSvJ " Six months ago I had a acyer has. H orrlmgo of tlio'lnnps, brouclit on by an ''rBBBBl . Iticciwant cuiirIi which deprived lue qf BBBB alei'p and rest. I tried urioui rein- Jt 'BBSJ dlcn, but obtained no relief until I ae-,. ' can to take A) er's Cherry Pectoral. .;X BBB lew bottles of this medicine cured itit." BBBJ Mm. E. Coburn, Vi Second at, Lowell, TBBB Mas. VB1 "For children aflllctcil with colds, , ,jPPJ coughs, sore throat, or croup, I do noi ' ,Bfl know of any remedy which will git ' H more aeedy relief than Ayer' Cherry r BBfl Pectorul. I hae found It, alo, Invalid , ablH In raaes of Whooping Cough."-- t jBSBS Ann IxifJoy, 1237 Washington street .BBBBJ Iloaton, Mass. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, . u rniPAnKO nr i ! Or, J. C. Aysr k Co., Lowall, Mast, M eoldbyallDraulaU. rrlcal;aliUtUa,at; '' JH ' , jhH HENRY M. STANLEY jAfM IN .DARKEST AFRICA :f: i Tba oomiikta tor t KUoJe (Mart UtrttHM' fwaTJ a-lTouturei an4 tif dlKlofira t ala lapqrusl , "1 t, cSaufl tlli3-T0rte vlll vpe for tJia flnl tlta la it ainH ro k wrtllca Vr LlautlC aoUtlaa "la DuM 1SB1 ,'rl-v" l noi h dcCTlrea lif r at Uiaia i 91 c J cJ "BUaler boots iww Ulof au.r.d m "nm- 'B,iB la4auil"nu.!icntlii. Te iih cl IktM m ' Taafl BUnlo7ootributt4 ollno. . H 1'hnrelaiiaeiiMUonaboaltMjaUUaiwtWaf H TTocllntcTrprtloulr. Wa (uarabla li aat jH villrlvrna-llndarionamillcatlML , jBIH PAIITinM la antw nnt la U nUUd. m fH OrtUllUn tbat Uia o litan tha tiaj BB plhlof CHAHLE3 SCnlBNKFfS BNS Ami th th hitmIb- awa aarrlw a aartrHaite Ha or aga from ui. HHJ A. L BANCROFT i0, . 1 . 132 POST STREET, C .H 8AN FnAHCISCO, V i '. General Af-utk for' tha autf (fii MM Mmj BBJ BBbJ |