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Show Pnpa In tho Rebellion. fl An old army ofllcor, according to -,fl Mrs. Custer, had a four-year-old boy ' JpH who never tired of war storios. "Tim H story is a llttlo rough on me." said the J oflkor to Mrs. Custer, "but it you H know a child, you know that ho wants M n pleutiful sprinkling ot I's, and noth- fl log told In the third person. So I kepi 'M on is ho demanded, till ono day he H looked up Into my face nnd said: H "Father, couldn't you get any onu to M help you put down the rcbcllluuf" B y Ofa, the wftjdl ' Monday 'night, ' geaal .r. vXort'ls'-IJoDdon.' H ' ,' . rV,vBT-.ABb.wortli cal'cd in on u' Lefl ?as4bebirgettBnow of the season JFm Jj5ifr . , . BaH . .i1 Petrlal work and lnnd matteia, 1 '''aWJty.ftk wat closed on Thursday .1jiWj;Hlirikli.i Mas tho reason, .i.SvWvjW'? Leigh hue been honorably 'friksavffclffoiai bis labor iu truvollng 'Hwrw.UW'WeWr conference, to return AaaaaeoriHeybowe la, among tho pco jo 4eHlBf projerty.,lf vor tbo people n, r,: Mepeoril U liiro to bo whou tlio .tywiwor eeile'Ltound. BaH 5tv4 Of,Wjl,' who aouio months ago m "y aa iMCBtefieed to the Pen by Judge H Aiidmwi.ord cbafga oi dtiltr. has ' " .& will '-bo WppW ted In .o- , 'jMwt UwIetonWA aild di;if bcalhallon." H '' tprebrf of men of Bound M i-'Jttt'fWrylitro. bbbbb 'j .i r ' H v,Mania).Pary hk ,been on the m 5 ftMtflt'Hi-wpoped in ppvoial LH , "WwkwwWwttBjnucted by lilts H '.j, W to tJWfUBecYieverar dollar each LeLm . .fJ. Freer, the former genial man'- LbbbbbVi. , ' f? tt o.l1uated at MWord, was H A .iBwiMaweekatiriing in Iho man X... ,t j.,c4UJeircl in file lnteiest, df fn ight H & c-' ru4,fnrnlBg accounta. bbbbbbbI sT jjv v-'r. ' V I .W.-iMeBdayCedttrvras vlsllcd by b ' I ' W l storm which i ooo melted all Ue dow, but cfef-Tueaday ovenlug a now LeLir Jw Ml jnd of course tbo stiouta are H )VtKt dry yet;. '. v H f jfri'leart'ifea'rMr. Chancy McFarlano BaH 'I??1? hl K Panacea to be. with hla BaH 'JrftVif HflB ui lllDei". I" "iintolf H kkB iiowjif.wltb ih sum,, disoasea H 'EiaVyboJy la aide around this part of BBBBal sre9'Mltr. .with a very severe odd and H fevM.The disease is going tho rounds, BBBBal ?tP?fwe) mumps aud cCdd,complaln K . ' ''Ml O'' fioifrtor" Ta. Iho name, 1 6T'a,jUiHjittful , JomeBtio drama H which the Cetlai-Dramatld AbsocI j 'ttlort yohleniplateprotfohting as a QtifirR6.ttraotioh, a. " aiB t"' V'';1ah. Ouray and ' WeSfreiu!iwi; p Jhavo 'their ailH nfffrdaaee" early.in March. Uundads H . PlYiH.'FWpl ,o to ane thorn and take iH fwifjBa.ctiriouamneauvi Tings.'' aH 'Wjlftoj!Allen,.fc( Paragoonuh, con. H gaMgjH i; W 'fly roiuoval lo 8U LiH SfWiF.' Vyltef'l Wln tor ft. Ooorite, H ' yij -RffM j-W Kentloman and hia , "aMy Twry wfccew la Uielr new homo, iiBL ( JOlaaed'.f aieri-eyiallnr atcknesa L .S!a"aj?t B" the '"'" l -down) the iiiiHitf i l'j!frtctwM hlU beerircloafd for two .1 ta t,gyitt.achera aa well ub many of ft BobbUn7f couhued to tiiulr room a JL nbe officers of Cedar, as HHVRttU lU'iMi ther plkces huvo boon iiHiiVth0 nialJMfflt in times post, but K crj rmtgiHlhtoKoknoWlodgo thu V SS1 Wgrjyucy.pif3,theJaw, and thu no-B( no-B( I fifyk ofi.il irtinp carried out. P i' ' tjitid.Clty Council 1 cm a see LibibV.' A , :.'MI ,N IhsmJav last and pnsml two bbbH CTV ',Vy teporUnt ordinances, ouo. in o- V -f v Ulia) -atiwk JunninK on thejmbliu BLLr Bttimaudonatprovidlnufortho nam- LHUVK " ' b ttrceu.ot the cl y. ; X jgjliBtiMiitrJwk the Kippe has H y t(ce4la Faiowan. The .wldo spread j tijtMlatiea, bcbohk -thrre houre-hold 1 I'IB -'apk -his nk-htly . vlsiu LbbbbbbbbB, BBoadlAf bexaBRht v likely be bun. ; v to4,Hckhorn. Vi't TIW,rlVieomefn tbatout on the V ;V S)Kk,?e.tbt'Toadahave.l'cen,wahed 1 l er.Mlfc(itBf the very heavi fieihi'. LbbbbbbbbS ''A .)thkK:hVB . rectnUy vitltod that H U B6Mfcood,cotieqoent upon the emit B UiBW.elWweek.Cettainitlatbaithb H if mbII tnta "wek has bad lo bo carried on B bre,aobtKk boarder' coach cair B pMBtkatwy. . LbbbbbbbbbbbV - LbbbbbbbbbbbbW .. Wfr&f "(" d8lrei us tostato H tbf f toffttt hm for delivery of maile L are frec;a,SO a. ta. to Q p in. All letters V,v iHKffd.tbi nt with the north mail LbbbbbbbbbbbbbK y.Wtt '! 'tk.Mtco not later UianCp. L " HjLwktiitQ IxtdetinliqlyundoL LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV i'';tirt tbe'people may ' nut bo LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVvI. d,W;Ui.dvanUige8. Thiq ached-. LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW 4lM oldBiod JjbUI further notice. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB L"" IbbbbbbbbV A BDe SHi'ih- "S.01 ctemplattd HnV dV h laJtet.tddlng produces uiHin H .. r weMtvta lfeIMViaTOUiiigaad- drink K , I 'wakJa-ffwjdl tight thteUng per" LK " J TOWWll eieta, and endeavor to W ! $ BXjtBHive wine traffic. bHbI 81 PfWoftotoa ahould be raLwl LbbbbbL "CAhBM.ItotaMroiboodlumhm, and itBW 1 " to(ble to reflect "that not only LbbbV a wftW1n''Beinlyaets,.but LbH K Sdtfii0, JL immunity ffm b enUtHXe,'enlMde agalaat the very LbbbB if 'tWitMlVea ate pwiuln. IH M mjMaiayeigatie, thua for, ,H , 1 sotliaievio'btgin In earnest to set our PPH fliiflM.gkliitt tbl downward iifk ll coBrMuBBA'feeruit pilr scattered forcs Lf Vt i? "WSJ? ??'h J'BJorUltitt inlluencesT fgfgK s light fcfaTrie that others socitiL' your ffra y goiaeAi will pattern after you. BBBBBBBBBBBBBn ' ' BBBBBBBBBBBBbI ; LbbbWh. . BgBBlBfBjBBBBlBr,T'" ""-- ' " " I ' PgHPgfgPgPgHHHhaJajWAajp If tbo amino and fehnx ltlppvr of Par' owan want to rcitp a rich hurvett and reccivo hla just reward, ho should corao to Cedar. Rehearsal on the forthcoming Acad-emy Acad-emy Concert are being actlvoly conduct cd by Prof. Coeslott. It promises to be a fine affair. Josonh Cosslolt abowed ,.u aomo beautiful goods he has Just iccelved. tie Iih somo veiy lnteretlni reading matter abo. The loters of good fiction can bo supplied from bit Varied stock. Call and soe. ' ' .Tho. Cedar Dramatic Association pre sent iheinrtelves beforo the public next Monday and Tnesday evenings in the celebrated drama of "Lost in London." It Is sorao tiiuu since the play was first talked of, but some difficulty in obtaining obtain-ing tiuitablo playrra for tho ensthaa .been experienced, wnicli, having been over come, the piece is to bo done as above latedi It is a nice play and worthv of patiouago, The improvementa at the Tabernaclo that are now umier way'-linger 'tho direction of Jones, Aahdnan and Fret well, aio roliig to add materially to tbtf bevuty of ho lioueo inside and so far as the doors ale concerned, ontside also. A new stand i to be put in, thua doing away with the present eyr sore. Doora aie to be hung- at the main entranco, the north aide and webtind. Mr.RJ. Uryant Is 'busy with his brush and we mav.hoiH) to find some very flneimurove lueiitu about tho timo conierenue, March 2'1,TS, comes on. Of couiae tho prime movers In tins matter are our rustling bishop and hla uouneeloia. Maggie Ow-ns, n little six year old girl wJk roitldea with I er grandma at l'aragoonafa,. Tel down the other day aid split her arm bone and dislocated hor Biiouldor. Hor grandma who did not know pf. the accident, thought the, chilu va. siilfeiing from rheumatism and dqutored her acio'dingly, but. aa she got no butter,Mr. shoppmann was callea In to see bar. Ho foi.nd the cause o t trouble, replaced the shoulder and bound -up the urm. The little one ia now: at vase and doing veil, , On account of8ickno8S,alI wart on Iho 'mines at Piooho has been1 temporarillv suspended. Thorewas only one miner, in the camp last week able to report for work, Terhaps never beforo in the bis lory of Iho' Territory has so, much eiukncsH ben,ki.oivn aa is nbw.tbi oe found among tho people, Vfly few cases have been reported as -terminatitlg'fatally. . Why are not tome arrests made undertl'o liquoj ordinance "which aayat "It Mliall be unlawful for any. person within tho limits of Qedar City to manufacture, soil, .barter, deal nut or otherwiBO disiK.M of any spirituous. Villous, malt or ..other Intoxicating liquors without first, obtainjng from the city council a l.cenpe therefore,'' How. many gallons ol wluo and perhaps other liquora havobten drunk' thla ws'ek ia dirrct conflict v-ith this prdlnance, and no urredts nimief, Are. oar prdlnance to be considered a dead letter ,The great drama of" Married Lifo'1 as performed at tho Harris residence on Wednesday evening ltiht wub u brilliant affair. The lead ing roles were most odmirally performed per-formed by Joseph Bryant. EBq. and Miss Rachel Harris. The offloiutiug. oflicur of the occasion was Bp, Vv II. Corry. All tho othor characters were wull sustained. The News joins in wishing "tho happy coupje; all the' joy and pleasure, necessary., to 'make their present condition. one. of the r alest enjoyment and satis faction to Mr, and Mrs Bryant. |