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Show A BOSTON GREENHORN. JIow II Wat Aaprd by Shrew4 Adl-roadack Adl-roadack Oaltu. Thoy tell a good story ot a Boston merchant at tho Adlrondocks last year, says .Forest and Stream. -Ho was particularly anxious to kill a doer. Ho omployod "ono of tho bost ;uldes In tho region," and thoy jacked nnd jaaked noari.y all night, amid great sulforlng ot tho would-bo shootor. Not a drer did thoy soo nor hoar. Tho shootor shoot-or was nearly dead from sitting in 'ono position. Toward morning (hoy passod a nwnm'py place, and tbero was a' rustling rust-ling In tho roods. The" guldti'dsked In a short whlspijrit tho ghootorhoard It Ho did hoar it, and his teeth woro already al-ready ohattcrlng with tfuA -fovdri or with lipid, ho could not toll which. ' Ho signified his willingness t6 shoot by tho trembling of tho 'gun In his unsteady , hands. Tho jjulilp again whtsperod .that tho runtllnp was a doer, and for .tho. mctv.liaitt to watch for ryes, but If ho ;ould not seo any eyes to shoot as near ah hu 'could at 'tho sound. At tho samo tlmo thn guide suggostod tbo caution that tho shootor should bo oaro- fuland not shoot him. Tho hunter fired. Tho echoes awoko, and tho splashing and rustling coascd. Tho guldo told tho niorc)iaut that ho bad-shot & door, and "by tho sound" ho judged that It was ' a largo buck. Ho had doubtloss socured a. beautiful palrot antlers. Hut tbo swamp was so thick and of such a nature that it would not bo posslblo to got tho door, but whon winter camo tho placo.would frcozo over, and thon tho horns andbldo could bo socured. Ho would tako tho earliest opportunity to got thom and forward for-ward thom to Ilaiton. Tho morohant-camo morohant-camo homo In the full faith ot his. success suc-cess Whon cold wcathoroame ho dally oxpectod tho horns. Tho express wu watch od, but thoy havo not como to hand. Lator In tho winter ho loarncd that somo guldos arrangod wit another-;utdo another-;utdo to go Into tho swamp, got bohlnd a tree, so as to bo sato from tbo shot, and then to rustle and splash till the tenderfoot shoots, Aftor which all Is still, and tho tondorfoot Is satisfied. Ho has shot a door. N.ow that roorcbant . does not caro to havo his frionds men fttin tbo pair of horns ho expected. ,' ' ' -'"'.' i |