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Show i A HT IN SCHOOl- iuiii Tlilii-n tlie lVreeptlv Jfucalttx 'Mio4.iI Ho TrMlmtl to Do. Tho following list of questions, in tho ino dovi'loplng tho porcopttvo facul-l facul-l havo boon compiled by Louise Stockton: Wbon you go to your room at night, can you walk dlroutly to tbo match-box and put your hand on It? Whon jou turn out your light and loavo your, rooip, do you havo to f umblo tor the' door,.. or can you go straight across tho room and take bold of the knob? Can' you, at night, walk among the tress without running into them, or keep tbo garden path as directly as yon would wcro It daylight? If you wish to ostimato tboslzo of any thing, do you know enough of feet and Inch03 to mako a fair guoss by simply .looking at it? , Can you guoss tho height of a hat b sight? Can you calculate tho woight Of book, a box of matches, a bat, a ball, a glass of water, a lottor. by holding it in your hand? t' If you boar street cars, whoro thero la a doublo track, can you toll by the sound which way they are coming? It you aro noar a rlvor, can you locate a steamboat by sound? Can you uso your knowledgo of musto In anntyzlng tho progressions of a steam whistle? Can you toll on which tono it stop? With your oyes shut can you toll what kind of a flower is put to your noso? Can you toll from the bark of the trees tho points of tho compass? Can you, by listening, tell what kind of a vohiclo Is coming, and how many horses are attached to it? .Do you know the dlfforonco in sound mado by four and by oigbt hpols? Can you match colors without samples; carry colors and shades in your memory? l!y tho touch only, can you toll which matqrlol is cotton, which is woolon? Can you from a bunch of different colored col-ored zophyrs plol: out a block strand, keoplng your oyes shut? Con you, by tho tasto only, toll what kind of moat you aro oating? Can you dcoldo .what flavor has boon used in a glass of soda water? Does a rose potal taste llko that of a vlolot? Do hard and soft water tosto aliko? In short, do you uso your senses? Do you train your observation, and thon n-momber n-momber what you observe? |