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Show 1 Yank Samarltna. Thero waa a good samarltan on a train from Nowport to.Baagor tho other day, and tbo Fairfield (Mo.) Journal thus telta of bis Jounwyr "When ho got on tbo car a doublo coat thoro waa occupied by a tired woman and four hot, tired, dirty, squabbling children. Did tbo newcomer, after a short remark about tho nulsanco of children traveling, travel-ing, put bis feet on tbo scat in front and bury himself in a newspaper? Not bo. As soon as ho saw tbo party he folded up his paper, put it oway. tuckod his baggage in tbo smallest possiblo capacity capaci-ty und enticed tbo tired and dirty blta of humanity over to blssido of tho car, getting somo ono just ahead of him to glvo up a seat, so as to uocommodato all four of them. Soon bo had tho quartette coting wofers and laughing at his stories while tbo tired mother got a nap." . flJg II HaMlMSl |