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Show Mother. Lord Mncnulay pays tho following beautiful tributo to his mothor: "Chlldron, look In thoso oyes; llston to that dear volco; notice tbo fooling of just a slnglo touch that is bestowod on you by that hand! Mnko much of It whllo yot you havo that most pro-clous pro-clous of all God's gifts, u loving mothor. moth-or. Head tho unfuthomnblo lovo of thoso oyos, tho kind anxiety of that touch nnd look, howovor slight your pain. In after llfo you may havo frlonds, but novor wlll you hnvo ngaln tho Inoxprcsslblo lovo and gontlo way shed upon you thnt nono but a mothur bostows. Often do I sigh In tho struggles strug-gles with tho hard, uncaring world, for tho sweot, doep security I foil whon of an evening, noitllng In hor bosom, J I Hstoned to somo quiet tnlo sultnblo to my ngo, road In hor untiring volco. Novor can I forgot her swoot glances cast upon mo whon I appeared nsloop, novor hor kiss of ponco nt night. ' Years hnvo passed nwny slnco wo laid hor by my fulhor In tho old churchyard, church-yard, yot still her volco whispors from tho gruvo and hor oyos watch ovor mo as I visit spots long slnco hallowed to tho memory of my mothor." |