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Show Both tho method and' results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it ii pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, I Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys tem effectually, dispels colds, headaches head-aches and fovors and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho only remedy of its kind over produced, pro-duced, pleasing to tho tasto and acceptable ac-ceptable to tho Jtomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial In its effects, prepared only from tho most healthy and ugrecablo substances, its many excellent qualities commend com-mend it to all and have mado it tho most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for salo in 50o and 81 bottles by all leading druggists. drug-gists. Any reliablo druggist who may not have it on hand will procure pro-cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. san rnAncisco, cal. J uuiamiE, at. kzw york. .r. "German I Syrup" 1 For Coughs & Colds. I John F. Jones, Edom.Tex., writes 1 I have used German Syrup for the Ij past six years, for Sore Throat, B Cough, Colds, Yarns in the Chest I and Lungs, and let ine say to any- one wanting such a medicine H Gentian Syrup is the best. I . M B.W.Baldwin, Carnesville.Teun., M writes : I have used your German H Syrup in my family, and find it the V best medicine I ever tried for coughs and colds. I recommend it to every-K every-K one for these troubles. i 1 R. Schmalhausen, Druggist, of 1 Charleston, 111., writes: After trying M scores of prescriptions and prcpara- I tions I had on my files and shelves, lj without relief for a very severe cold, II which had settled on my lungs, I tried your German Syrup. It gave I me immediate relief and a perma-j perma-j nent cure. i G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer, i Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. A. DRIGKLY ASH ! I BITTERS I' One of the most Important organs ol the lj human body Is the LIVER. When It (alls to l properly perform lis functions tho enllro i system becomes deranged. Tho BRAIN, l KIDNEYS, STOMACH, DOWELS, all rcluso : to perform their work. DYSPEPSIA, CON- I; ' STIPATION, RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY DIS- I) EASE, etc, aro the results, unless some- l'i thing Is done to assist Nature In throwing 1 of) tho Impurities caused by (ho Inaction ' ol a TORPID LIVER. This assistance so 1 necessary will bo found In 1 Prickly Ash Bitters! It acls directly on the LIVER, STOMACH !' and KIDNEYS, and by Its mild and calhartlo effect and general tonlo qualities restores I 1 theso organs to a sound, healthy condition, i and cures all diseases arising from Iheso causes. II PURIFIES THE DLOOD, tones 1 , xp tho system, and restores period health. II your druggist docs not keep It ask him to order II lor you. Scnd2cstampforcopyol i "THE IIORSETRAINER," published by us. PRICKLY ASH BITTERS CO., I fcUo Proprietor, ST. X.OUIS, Ma I MfllHERlRJi ,1 KGHILB B8S8TH easy IJ IP U8CD DCFOnB CONPIHCMBNT. I ,' Doocto "MoTUiBV'MAH.in'Fnix. I ' '" I BUAUriKLI) UKUI1I.ATIIU CO, ATLANTA40A. j hold sr all Unuaoircs. BORE WELLS ! ill I Our Well VuUni r. th. inoic t IIIUIIUII 1 Mik.UltKA'l Kit l-ltllFIT. 5Ef J VJ! H TheyFINIKIIir.il. when (A VT?M U uWn VaII.I Any Hi., iyU , H U-t-JJ. . ks incbeitoUlncheidl.m.ur. RS1BJ JbsssJ'sj I LOOMIS & NYMAH, Mm2a,0BUO 8 TIFFIN, - OHIO.gyjjiqff FREEs S i nENsioNiaffi52v,,j.,a' I 1 3;rlalutwu,U'AUiuUcUiigcUluaa,utuK. ' ' W. N. U., Omaha, 555 7. i (iRrlleld Ten cu (n the Mood, renontlnr the eutlra tjiteini L'uiea Cotutlpatlou) bring, tl hus of health back to fauej chocks. A large oak tree known to bo 140 years old baa been felled at Flint, Mich. Vli j are colls lll.e rich men's tonal Be cause tiey vion'tlrork until they are broke. "I have been occasionally troubled with Coughs, and in each case havo used Ditow.N's llitoxcuut. Tsocnrs, which hare never failed, and I must say they are second to nono In the world." icllx A. Jlar, Cashier, St. a'aul, Minn. I'm down on your check, at the beard laid to the jouth. Christmas It at old at many of tho lilt's, yet nobody thinks of calling It a chestnut, ITolman'a l.lvrr Pads. Holman's l.ivan I'illb riira JUMniA. llOLHAN'S I.IVKII TILLS turo lllLlnUSSHt, Holman's I.lvtu 1'ii.m cure iNiuorxTiux. Tamphl'lfreo with full instructions anl commend -Uona. Houiax Ltvau 1'au Co., I'.O. Uoz ill, N.V. The rails In the United States would go around tho earth twelve times. Many reoplc think that the word "Bitters" can be used only la connection with an Intoxicating In-toxicating beverage. This It a mistake, at the lest remedy for all disearca ol the blood, liver, kldneyt, etc., la l'rlckly Ash Bitters. It Is purely a medicine and every article used In Itt manufacture la of vegetable origin of known curative qualities. The English prlre fighters can stand punishment pun-ishment at long at It meant pound! sterling. THE WORLD GKOWS. Noah Webster would not know his old dictionary In Ita new dress. The world grows, however, and dictionaries dic-tionaries with It, ao an old '-Webster" It now worth about at little as an old almanac. Webster's International Dictionary, a new book re-edlted and reset from cover to cover la a magnificent work, and well used In a family will bo of more value to the members thereof than many timet Itt cost laid up In money. A man can never write true poetry unless ho has once been seriously In love. For Fresh nud, Krllublo Heeds Wo can cordially recommend the teed house of II. W. BuckLcc, of ltockford, Jll. High grade, first clad, Western grown tcedt have been supplied by him for the post 15 years. All vtho buy, hit seed are pleased with results. To those who have not tried hit teed we advise jou to get your supply of him this year. Cataloguo on application. Fish are water-drinkers at a rule, but tho shark never objects to taking a nip. When Baby was alek, we gavo her Costorla, When aha was a Child, the cried for Cattoria, When aha became Miss, she clung to Caatorla, When aha bad Children, thegavetheci Cattoria, The minister It a temperate roan, but ho always rctpondt to a " 111 you Join utl" Swedish Asthma Cunr: never falls. Eend your iddrcss. Trial package mailed free, Collins Brothers' Drug Co., St. Louis, Mo. lie: May I hope! She: Yet; If you will promise never to refer to the matter again. Mra.WlniloiT'aSonthlugSrrup, for Children Chil-dren teething, softons the gums, reduces toBatn -nation, allays pain, eures wind colic. 23c. a bottle. Sixty thousand peoplo are oat of work In the city of Berlin. Salvation Oil has the enviable distinction of being a synonym for cure of rheumatism, neuralgia, gout, and kindred affections, such as sciatica, tlcdouleroux, etc It Is growing more popular dally. The people believe lu It, and will havo It. S3 cts. The deepest hole ever bored Into the earth Is the artesian well at Potsdam, which It 6,600 feet deep "I wonder what Dr. Bmlth It looking to Slum about!" "Why I can tell you, he tayc kit trade It almost ruined, that he'll hardly have a patient In the winter months after a while, all ou account of Dr. Bull's Cough Byrup." " reople are peculiarly gulllblo at a twoll dinner where they art arrayed In swallowtail swallow-tail suits. - The guillotine always "wins by a neck." No one doubts that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy really cures Catarrh, whether the disease be recent or of long standing, because the makers of it clinch their faith in it with a S500 guarantee, which isn't a mere newspaper guarantee, guar-antee, but "on call" in a moment. That moment is when you prove that its makers can't cure you. The reason for their faith is this: Dr. Sage's remedy has proved itself the right cure for ninety-nine out of one hundred cases of Catarrh in the Head, and the World's Dispensary Medical Association Associa-tion can afford to take the risk of your being the one hundredth. The only question is are you willing to make the test, if the makers are willing to take the risk? If so, the rest is easy. You pay your druggist 50 cents and the trial begins. If you're wanting the $500 you'll get something better a aire I A pension for everv dlaabled Holdletror Hntlor wbo served nlnei v dars during late war, leirnrdleas of causaof disability, Pensions fur all -tvJflo-n-a, mluorordlsabled children of deceiuod soldiers and sailors who served aa ubove. Tensions for dependent Parents, rerardlessof dependener at d.ta or soldier death. J,o charge unless successful. success-ful. Address at nnce, ll.rJ.UERtilN, Attnrneratr.aw. tVuauluamn, D. C. jSfSS& Prettiest II001tajastM mtn (W!8&$g V 1-rlnte.t. lIv,SE aVAOKiiiLyrg kj.U.I.JJJ,y oz. & n. HOnecentapko. up If rare. riri Cheap.pure.best. 1 000 0U0 extras. FffcJmmSZ IleautitulIlluitraUdCatalocuefrre. WTT-.J3S It. 11. Shumwny, HockforU, 1IL k How to win at Cards A HtUijunooui7tptoC.o.kUmpitop7nlUH Wpostaira. )drit, or rail la rwrvoti.WHLH A lu bunuM, Union toquArt, H. Y.T TEHTS AND AWHINGS dinX& ISO CO.. UUrarn.M8l.,Om.li,M.b " ASTHMA 5JhZi7 -asTnitAijirfa V,"r"-'llm'ntrilOUntUnrrt.r-i-a-'ir' iKt.TAfIBm.f.CO.,S0CHUM".FREE 1 TACOMA ''. carsraiir limit inn? SHUUIVIH Ltrs brine Annual! from toentr IUU 4 ts. Twins. Tirost lavtiTstKT Co.. Taeoma. Wub 1 'r,"r,:.'.' i Thompson's Ey Water. Is Your Child Sick. S. S. S. j' NEVER WITHOUT IT. i It is giVeS ; About thrco years ago my llttlo boy'! PGrfCCtlV otpann4ri thrco ycurs old was confined to his bed!' , , OllUliyul, ,; with what tho doctors pronounced in-11 nariTllGSS. hoilvh ' flammatory rhoumatlsm.ln lilsloft leg. J llcallll J Ho complained of sovcro pains nil tho'i V6t 80 nnrl i time, extending to his hips, 1 tried dllU aovoral remedies but they did him no i1 P0W6nUl ,. ' good. A nclRbbor whoso llttlo son'! VlflOr ; had been aflllctcd tho same way,' 38 10 , ' . i recommended B. 8. S. After taking . 10 WGUK 'two botUcs my llttlo' boy was com-1 ClOiUISO . plotcly cured, ond has beon walking ', ., and i1 ono nnd a quarter miles to schooler- tllO SySTGITI j . . cry day slnca Ikcop S. B. B, In my UGllCtuQ Shousoall tho time, and would not bo Of Qll .... )' without ik B. J. CiiEsmnr., ', ClliluTCn. Kaston, aa. ImpUritlGS. DOOKS ON ni-OOD AND SKIN DISEASES I'JtEI!. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta. Ca. Pa Best Cougli ifedlclno. Itrcommondcd by Physicians. aSX Y" Cures wliero all clsn falls. Pleasant and agrncalilo to tho RSI E-fS tasto. ChlUlron tako it without objection, lly Urut;glsts. (SI yjnK p Chichcsur'S Enousii, Ren Cross Wv Diamond Brano J -eA'SSViAlI. THCOSIOINaLaKOOCNUIMt, Til. olr S.fo, Sun,iiSrI.Urill for nil, v3' 1 Z Vrf' J-atflM.uk Druilil for aU.,l.r-, j-r,tl(. DUmmd iJr.nJ la (r, cj4 Di.iil. if 77 l-v Mkrt wlib tin. hW. Tieatbcr Ll.d. Xivit 3vUtuHnt anj tmUntitnt. V f wr illiIIUi.pii,twr4tMiti,lDk ,?,- r.ri.Kr.r.u.rAunlerrvllft. AlPmKfl.i,rrii4 n. l w hr e- ' ! fr pMlta.l.n. wtUnunUli, nl --lUUrr lur IaiIIm, in Iniir. Hr rrturM AlalL X IS 10,000 TxUrwHiltli. Jl,mt-,,rr. CHICHtSTCII CMIUIC1 Co,, ..M.n . r si.M br all Lo-l iraut.ifc rilll.Vjn.Ll-IIIA, xT REMErfJAir. H CUXBFltOUrTLTAlroPCItlUMIKTtT H RHEUMATISM, .H Z-nmbairotneadaeiil Toothache, NEURALGIA, H Sore) Throat, Swellings, Frost-bites, ( SCIATICA, -' Sprains, Drulsea. Duriu, Scalds, I H THt CHARLES A. VOOELtH CO.. Baltlmers. W. JH W. L. DGUOE.AS H 3 SHOE CENFTLREMEN. H BC, 00 aenulnoJIaiiii-savrril, an aleKantanO afsH .trll.hitrcHSlioawblclicoiuinendslUMlf. H A-00 Ilanil-aennlWelt. A tln.ralf .hoaun- bbbbbbbbbbbbbbI equallodforsirleanddnrabllttr. H KO.SO:looil7rnr Welt Is the standard dress bbbbbbbbbbbbbs Khoit, ataponula-prleo. sTaTssBBBBsaTl BO. 00 l'ollcitnmii'aHliooiicpeclaUjailaptad PssBBBBBBBsarl for railroad men, fnrtnor., eta sbbbbbbbbbbbb AlltnalnCongrsi, Ilulton and Lae. sbbbbbbbbbbbbI 80.00 for Ijidlri, In the onlr hand-sowed bsssssssssssss .noa sold at this popular prim. H O.SO Mnnculn Hhue for l.aillea.laanewds- 1 parturo and pmniUcatnliocnnie popular. BBBBBBBBBBaTJ Pp.00 fthno Tor I.nrs,nnIS) 1. 7for Misses IIIH ,rr , still retain fliolr eicollenra fnratrle.eto, SsbbbbbbbbbbI Allirood.warnuit.danitiinintlitinam.onKtton7, - adrllMlloral .(rent Mnnot ,upply you.onddlrM H FURNITURE, CARPETS. ' ClllLUUKS'S CAUHIAaZS, E10- 'H saaaHllsH taaaaH SSBSlBsWlSBSlBlSBnBslsSBSlBsVsSBSlBSlBSlBsB A SSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsl Thti Mentl?tt "T-n"a"'t" urJi" Tftstt gjmM Ur edtr win tMlMMMflHH tulftttorx uIii'tu9sH WTiolf m! and rvlavU dlr niUiVZhH HOI, auul 1119 Fuun tsirMt, Onubt. -iH TcTmi-FifsniH Wbra I asr cure 1 donotra.tniniin1rtosUpUin bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI foratlm.andth.nluTatbemntarnataln. I mam a CbbbbbbbbbbbbbI radical ear.. I hava mad. tb. dlMas of OTTO, KVU bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI IJtl'Sr or FALLING SICKNESS allflona.tadr. I JH warrant my rcmadr to ours tba worst ct.a, Dmsos bbbbbbbbbbbbbbI others bar, failed Js no ration for not now reclvlD a Sl car.. Bead at onoa for a troatba and a Ftm llottla of l H mjr Infalllbla raraad. OlTsKiproaiaadPoatOBloa. 1bbbbbbbbbbbb1 II. U. JCOOT, .11. C, 133 I'eart HI., N. Y. JfaLaLai OH 30 DAYS' TRIALS H eift THI8 NEW .SJS, 9e lisjiq truss H JWlla. a 1'uf dJttranl from sK bsBBBBBBBBBl yu oihm. I, cup tbap. with Sail. aTaTaTaTaTaBBBBTal , 'V'UnSI'-'lllnwiiUr. adM. aaaaaaaaaaafJ ltMlfln,lipoutioD.o(th.bod7.wkll bbbbbbbbbbbbbbI ttitbajilaibaeappraoaea baoH bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI , tbalnteatlneajust aa a per- bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI & on rloaa tvlth tha finder.. Wulrilslripr&ar ttsBBBBBBaBBBBBBl ll.rnUT. hld Mearoly dl and nlcbc, and a mdlaj bbbbbbbbbbbbb1 jsramrtain. Isii,iur.rinr4h,i,n'trn-p. K-ntbrmais. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbI sirealars fraa. EG01E5T0N UFO. CO., ChloagO, III. sssssssssssl fE, SEEDS : K?i&irJJ Frttb. Kellablii celobratedl 3w?T94w for 1-untr and stronjr Uenninaa ATsbbbbbbbbbbTJ icv ine; QuUltl,.. Onlr a and So p.r sbbbbbbbbbbbbI H larira pek.a.. andnoTpiiyostraawlUa H fsTasii all onfr,. SUwMth Bm4 r.raal Sm Acrm fSafgfgVgVgVgVaSJ bbbbV ' ata uiu,i writ lor my UeauUfuI .sTaTaTaBBBBTl fsTaW lUuitriiwd r.talnauo, Kita. iaaBBBBBBBBBrl 5y II. XV. UUOKI1KK.' IsbbbbbbbbbbI BUatd Brt Ftrw. BQCSJUUP, Has, -H Fsaa ass m Illustrated Publications, WntfeiiiiH U la IL MPS doKrtblnir innnu-ui-m-LLLLLLLLm K P B" North MonUr-yjB 1 1 bVs L. Wasalnaton Or-H sjsasawaavsiKrro Uoctuiaet. -LLLLLLLLLLLLLLM anil (UiVkAI SJ a a aaBHH NORTIIKKN I A hi MslH it. r. I nil uiaiilililililililililH Oratlnf TlrasBsaVSafMHs sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI Wr Land, now open to settler,. SUricnl k KklC Addr.VwBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsl uiii.a. uvuoui, lutj.. . r. a. a. su r, auu. SsH MEMORY llaH 3 Mind wsnd.rinf rnrad. TlnnVs learnM rl tlln Mianidim Tostlmonlil, from all ' IbbbbbTI 51 part, of lb. glob., I'mapwla. rosx ) -'sBTararl MANHOODSIIISfi '1 fal lmprul?nc. raiuinir rj-m&tui lecuy, Jcrrou , , IrsfbiHty, IaO( Mtnbood, Ac, liATlntr trIM tn vaLu vvcrr knnwu rtmsjf, ltu dlavorerfd tmlmnla mconiofitclr 1VH cure, wht-h lie will Fjni (wnitxi) YUKK to )U f l'nwuf- V3 fcren. AddruM J. M. UICKVM, li, Uox 3AJ, N. Y. Clt - AlJM waMted"! a lady m Toffnftoutclrcular-.doplenant, iayjnrteadr horn jM wrotic,fwlmurdllr, Htn4 loo (aflrer)for liAOKoriiv '.H xNal'mt Huron, Mich. tHHlH SWEET POTATOFSn-V-n-t-y V WIIIKatk D cd on tho shares. No azperlenc 1 required, directions for sprouting free. Address, '-H T. Js SKIHHER, Columbus, Kansas, S STEnEOPTIGONS Battery & Oplfcsl Co. .fl c"lta- mm LANTERNS. FREE 5 SEEDS M . -H B A ni P" Q can ,hav smaller feet. Polld H lUHU'lCOoMiliiit, raiiipiil-t free. Ham. sbbbbbI pis pk., lOo. Tho 1'oJluo Co., tievr Vurk. H .lsaaaHsaH |