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Show tho rolatlvo HBrcHpa for BBBBBBBBBBBflKuzonby in a BVjBtho Ohio Univoralty Bf-' yoars tho troos BJPo 25 foot high and much stralghter BBBBban tho catnlpa which woro only 20 Hot high. Tho objootlons to tho catnl-BAVBBBKm catnl-BAVBBBKm nro low branching and crooked BBBBgrowth. As it will not boar crowding BmBABl those dofocts nro not counteracted. BABBB Tho locust Is bolng vory badly injurod BmBAB by tho borors for which no romody Is BBB known. Mr. Albaugh said that through BBK tho lnfluonco of Mr. llarnoy a. car BABm builder of Dayton, a number of plnntu-BABY plnntu-BABY tlons of cntnlpa had boon started in v western Ohio. Plantations G year's old BmBmy htul treos largo enough for feneo posts. BBBfl Tho host way to trout tho catalpn was BkvBL to cut it back to tho ground at-ono or BBBB two yoars of ago. Tho now growth BBBB was straight 'and vigorous and from BBBB)1 olght to ton foot high. |