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Show Tlie InlionofToadannd Salamanders E A recent microscopical study by II Dorr Schultz has rovcalod two kinds m of glands mucus and poison in tho I skin of tonds and salamanders, Tho I mucus glands nro numorous ovor tho wholo body; but tho poison glands aro w on tho back and limbs, in groups about tho cars, and, in tho salamander, nt I tho anglo of tho jaw. Tho mucus I glands aro sphorlcal, nnd appear clear I and glassy: whllo tho poison glands O nro oval much Inrgor, and havo a I dark granular look. Tho mucus, has ' M no special smoll nor blttor oc acid iH tastes. On stimulating tho poison H glands electrically, thecorroslvo liquid VJ Is spurted out by tho salamandor in a m fine jot often a foot long, but from the K toad it oxudos lo3s promptly, and spar- H ingly in drops. 1 |