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Show SOME SAFE, STORIES. Amufnr IncldanU Connctd with the Sato-Mate tlntloMi. A liostott Bafo-taAot rocontly giro to h Courier reporter a tow amuilng lnol dents connected with his business. Locks, of courno, vlll somotlmos got tjutof order and whanb business man can not lock his safo, or. worso yot, can ' not unlock it, ho loses no tlmo in Bonding Bond-ing to hoadquartors for holp. Not long ago wo rocolrod a hurried mesaago from ono of our customers, wboso safo door had suddenly' refused so shut far onoigh to allow tbo bolts to bo thrown. A workman hastened to tlio cstabllshmont, and glancing about tho ontranco to tbo safo. noticed a cont resting rest-ing on cnoof tho bottom flanges. Ho picked it up. and tho door shut and locked without any further trouble. Tho bill for tho workman's tlmo was probably largo enough to prevent a repetition repe-tition of tho occur ronco. In anothor caso of tho samo sort a button but-ton from a lady's dross was found by tho expert in ono of tho lower bolt boles. 8omo years ago wo dollvorcd a now set of vault doors for a bank about two hundred miles away. Just as tho bank was ready to go Into its now quarters wo had a tolcgram to send a man at'onco. Tho bolts of tbo outer door would not throw far enough to lock it Our man started off forthwith, and this Is what ho found: Tho bank officers had fitted a board flooring into tho-vcstl-buloof tbo vault, but had omitted to boro holes in it to allow for tbo throw of tho bolts. An augorandton minutes' work set overy thing right, but they mado that ploco of board a rather oxpen-slvo oxpen-slvo luxury Our morning mall brought a letter from a man throo hundred miles from Boston. UJs safo could not bo opened, and ho was in a distressing plight. Would wo send an expert at onco? Our man picked up his kit, took tho next train, and arrived at tho customer's custom-er's offlco the next morning. Tho safo proved to bo an old-fashioned one, with a largo key-lock. "There" said tho owner, there is tho safo Tbo lock has boon working harder and harder for weeks, and now I am locked out I musthavo somoof my documents Immediately Novor mind tho damage but break Into, H in short order " , , Tbo oxport tried tbo koy, but it refused re-fused to work Then ho took a small wlro and picked out half a thimbleful of dirt and lint Ho tried it again, and ' a better-working lock Was novcr soon. "How much is your bill?" asked tho customer "Forty dollars." "All right That Is perfectly satisfactory, satis-factory, on ono condition Docs any ono In the placo know your buslncsm here?" , "No ono." "Very good. Get out by the next train and keep mum I'd rather pay a hundred dollars than bavo any of my friend Ui,ow that I sent to Boston for a nun to pick tho dirt out df my key." |