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Show Sho Was Quito l'raotlcal. fj Ho was deeply In lovo with hor, but 'J sho. whllo she liked him, did not liko ft him qulto so much as to run a risk of A starvation to obllgo him. Sho was- & quite practicable enough to Identify at n glance on which side hor bread was buttered, and rntlior than look for plain dry bread in preforeuco It was more in hor lino to keeit hor woathor eyo peeled on the jm dish. Hg arguments argu-ments were much more passionate than forcible, while her ruplies wero uvldently the dictates nf cool and deliberate de-liberate judgmeut. "Hut look ,ero n , lie remoustratod, oagerly, "thero can bo no really good reason why you should not marry a follow who "ha's a good salary, Just because ho has no "'Im'1:. r.'01J,8 f,,r onouRli haclo you'll Hnd that Eve married a gardonor , without n halfpenny iu Ids pocket." "What's tlie idea of your bringing that forward as an illustration? ,? you not remember that (ho next thing ho did was to loso his situation!" Sco-. tish American. |