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Show A PERFECT CLIMATE. Tile rrotilnn of the Bon la Southern South-ern CellfnrntM. Thcro nro no snddon changes of season sea-son here. Spring comes gradually day by da)', n perceptible hourly wnk-Ing wnk-Ing to llfo nnu color; and this glides into n summer which never coases. but only bcco.ncs tired and fades into tho repose of a short autumn, when the sere and brown nnd red nnd yollow hills nnd the purplo mountains nro waiting for tho ruin clouds. This Is according to tho process of nature; but wherever irrigation brings molsturo to tho fertile soli, tho green nud bloom aro porpctual tho rear round, only the grcon is powdered with dust and tho cultivated flowers havo tholr periods of exhaustion. I should think it well worth whllo to watch tho procosslon of naturo hero from lato Novombor or December to April. It is n land of delicate nnd brilliant wild flowers, of blooming shrubs, strango in form nud wonderful in color. Ucforo tho annual rains the land lies In a sort of swoon In a golden haze; tho slopes nud plains ale bare, tho hills yollow with ripe wild-oats or ashy gray with sage, tho sea-breeze Is weak, the air grows drier, tho sun hot. tho shade cool. Tliuu ono day light clouds stream up from tho southwest, nud there Is n gentle rain. When tho sun comes out ngnln its rays arc milder, tho land is refreshed and brightened, and almost immediately a greenish tinge appears on plain nnu hill-side. At Intervals tho rain continues, con-tinues, dally tho landscape Is greener in inlinlto variety of shades, which Boom to sweep over tho hills in wave of color. Upon this enrpot of grceu by Fobrunry nature begins (o weave nn cmbrolderv of wild lluwcrs. white, lavender, gofden, pink, indigo, scarlet, scar-let, changing day by day nnd every day more brilliant, and spreading from patches Into great Holds, until dale nnd hill and table-land nro overspread with a refinement nud glory of color that would bo tho despair of tho car-pet-weuvors of Dnghcstnn. Chariet l)udley Warner, in Harper"1 Magazine. |