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Show Qtjeek ViCToniA has sent a splondld ;radlo, richly ornamontod, to her great-grandson, great-grandson, the Infant of tho Duko and Duohcss oWJ"iS..r'Awbole outfit for tbo child was boughi'ln England by- iho Empress Frederick, C&BitKX StlvA, tbo Roumanian Queen, was admitted into tbo BardloClrclo at tho reoont Wolsh EUtcdfodd and glvon ho bluo ribbon of tho order. Sho didn't Tiavo torldo tho goat butwascompollpd to listen to tho singing of a largo number num-ber of Welsh pooms. UisnAitcK Is not a good oonvcrsatlor-allst oonvcrsatlor-allst and Is a worso orator. While making mak-ing a publto address bo sways himself backward and forward, twirls his thumbs, occasionally looks at a scrap of papor upon which ho has written somo notes, and altogether is a vory good Imitation Im-itation of a man who is ombarrassod If not intimidated. Still Bismarck always manages to say something worth wbllo. Frw Prlncossos In tho royal and cemt-, cemt-, royal houses of Europo are so sonslblo as tbo Princess Maria Anna of Portugal, who Is about to marry an untltlod doctor' of modiclne. In reply to an intimate friend who asked bor recently how sho could marry a man of such low ank, whon so many prlncoly suitors were nr ber disposal, sho said: "I profor to marry a .man without a name, rather than a namo without a man.'' I Queex ViCToniA'a family circlo now numbers fifty living descendants, including in-cluding sons and daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, groat-trrandsons and great granddaughters. IJosidos thoso sbo has four sons-in-law, fpuf daughters-In-law, Ave grandsons-ln-law, and ona granddaughtor-ln-law. Tho Quocn has lost ono soa and ono daughter, five grandsons, ono granddaughter, one groat-grandson and ono son-in-law. If thoso wore living, hor family circle wonld number sovnnty-four. Ladt Edith Waiid, tho pivpcctlvo brldo of Count Herbert Illimarck. is said to bo vory highly educated but not beautiful, Sho Is lnl, with rath or dull, brown eyes, and wears hor hair braided around bor head In somewhat antiquated antiqu-ated fashton. Young ISlsmarok's fathorls not In favor of thu match. Lady Edith was presontod at court at her Majesty's last drawing-room, by hor 'mother, tho Countess of Uudloy, and was attractively attractive-ly attired In whlto cordod silk draped with soft silk crapo ui$ pearl trimmings. trim-mings. - . . .rf ' |