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Show TWO. SWLUT GRADUATC3. A Story tMilcli, K.mta Mn Ililuk, Cou. IhIik u Aloral. Two swoot girl pradiatos went forth to walk In tho woods. In'tholr holiday mood all roads woro ono to thorn, and whon tboy camoi to a -cross-road- thoy turnod into it A htintot- who happouod to Iks standing near ttpoko to th'om. ' "Don't taku that road, young women," ho said J "it isn't safe." "Why isn't it sato ?" asked tho sweot-ost sweot-ost of tho girl groduatos, .inorodulously. "Uccauno a bear has lately guno up thot way." "How do you know tBat? Did you n tho bear?" "No, I didn't soo him ; but thero Is his trail:" and tho hunter -poJated to some foot-prints on tho ground. Tho girl graduates carefully examined tho tracks, and said ono to tbo othor: "Thoy don't look liko tho prints of a boar's paws. Do you think thoy oro ?" "Don't bollovo him," said tho othor "I don't think thoy look a bit Uko bear tracks."' "Do you. know a hoar trail whon you sco it?" queried tho huntor. "If you moan tho print of a boar's paws on tho ground," said ono of the, irl graduates, with a lofty air, "I am iiro any ono could toll what tboy would look Ilka" "Did you oyor, soo tho tracks of .a. boar?" repeated tho huntor.. "No," roplled tho girl graduate, "but natural history gives us tho conforma-tlon'of conforma-tlon'of a boar's paws, and tho common-'.it common-'.it mental oporatlun would teach us from that what.tholr tracks would look iko. I don't think theso look tbo least !; Jfjto foot-prints of a boar.. Ucars 'i:iva claws, and thero uro no macks .of .l.iws horo." . "Who over board of a hear without lawav." said tlio other girl graduate, with a withering glnneo nt tho huntor. "What kind of trades bo tboyj thon, tulssV" asked tho liuuloc "linlood I don't know," roturnod ono of tho swoot girl iinduatos, suporcill-.busly. suporcill-.busly. "Thoy certainly are not the trucks of a hoar." "UesidoV adtfid tbo other swoot girl prnduuto, "who over hoard, of bo.ars walking along roads V" a f .-'-'ho .huutojj Btook aif.ktfSmitf'U m' wentqii tnerrTwi y. !t .fL '. Thoy had not pono farfwnen a bear Vpranjr upon thorn- nndi nto thom tip. I'bn only parts of tbolr anatomy not" iiiNtlfutod hoyond Identity woro tholr ,uij,Mieij, whloh, fln.llng tough, tho bear .tj mvalloivcil whulo. L'pforo tho pro- of lUgnstlitn f.ilrly begrtn, thoso nnd tlni' for n fow wordi : "Thoy were bor tracks, after all," aid one. "Arid xuppo'o they wro," rppllqd the tlier, "how wuru wu to kuow V" Harper's Har-per's llaur. |