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Show AYE.TS Tsssl" -If ths Xiror V B E! I-.CS' L 'JBH somes torpid, it rrlsUsUO.; 'Jl boweUarsconrtpatwd.orUtho'stHaacJii' 'JBssh falls to perform Its functions properly, .was "- 'UH Ayer's Pills. They, ara InyaliMible.. tt. i - 'JH For soras rears was a victim to LlVs JlLLLLV Complaint, in consequencs id- which I 4ssssa su0sredfrom General SvbUlty And. ladt.' 'AH gestlon. A faw boxes ot Ayer's Pllki 'VaH restorsd-rae to, perfect heaUhv -W. T. 'TssH BrlghUey, Headerscn, W. Y. ' '. , ;H .For years, I have .relied more awmV 'sLH Ayer's Hlls than anything else, ,to v V H . Rgui.te ; .;;;; ' M my bowels. These Pills are mild Isio. . H tlon, and do their -work thoroughly; X B hare used them, with good 'effoct'ist JM cases of Rheumatism and Dyspepaut mTjsssH O. F. Miller, Attleborougb, Mass. r-JatssH 'Ayer's Pills cured me of StomaehnsWMHH liver troubles, from Which I hatuflBH .for years. I consider them VtstsssssHssH made, and would not be w.'al Morris Gates, DownsvlllH I was attacked with MIHI whloh was followed by JaAVH ' was so' dangerously ill that.UqcH den paired of my recovery. lcotxurW taking .Ayer's Pills, and soon tetuH my customary strength and vigor; -iHsl John O. Pattispn, Lowell, Nebraska. "AvH Last spring Z suffered greatly fr6m . JV troublesome humor on my side. In spits vH ot every effort to cure this eruption, it la- ( LH creased until the flesh became entirely 'vjHfl raw. Iwu troubled, at the same time, A?H wlthlndJgeitlon.aoddlatreMlnjpalusla, The Bowl. . M -By the advise of a friend I began taking -,)H Ayer's PUls. In a short tlaie I was fce? V troupaln.my'fooddlgested properly, tho Jto sores on my bod commenced healing, aM ' and, in Uss than one month, I was eared. Tsa Samuel D. White, Atlanta, Go. fl I hsvs long used Ayer's Pills. In my fNI famlly,'and believe them to be the best l! H yllUmade. 8.0.Darden,Darden,Mlss. . VtH My.wlfs and little girl were taken with lLi Dysentery a few days ago, and I at onca n ! began glvlnff them small doses of Ayer's Pins.tEinkinglwouldcalladoctoriftha 1U disease became any worse. In a short '))lS 'time the bloody dtscharges stopped, nli ' 'M pain went away, and health was res torod, JH Theodore EsUng, ltlchmond, Va. tt 'LV Ayer's Pills? M i ?irpnilyDr.'J.O.Ayf Co., Lowell, lOtt. H BMd by all Vealers la Me4,ijU. ,f ,l J -AfnJbBsflsBss , rt J2bHsHbB LsBsBBLasssl |