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Show A llonaeholil Chat. Whntovor vegotnblos aro clioton, too many of tho sumo olass or flavor should not bo usod at ono dinner. For instance, ono may uso olther cabbago, spinach or cnllHowor, but notall throe, nor two of thorn. If hominy Is usod, rlco should not bo. If beans nro decided de-cided upon, do not uso pens; nolthcr servo swcot potatoes nnd squash at tho same tlrao, nor commit tho blunder blun-der of serving lotluco, beot greens and ohlckory In tho game course Coffeo as well as tea should bo mado in nn oarthon pot Tho best utonsil for making chocolato in is a wldo-mouthed wldo-mouthed porcolaln pot, whoro tho chocolato can bo cooked vory rapidly and whoro n largo surfaco is oxpusod. By this mothod tho oil dnos not sopa-rato sopa-rato from tho chocolato as it does in n covered dish, or whon tho chocolato is cookod at a low temperature Four tho chocolato in nn uncovered china or earthonwaro pitcher nnd servo It with n bowl of whipped cream. Do not bo tempted by n nnmo to buy a so-called chocolato pltohor. Thoy aro good for effoo, or oven tea, but chocolato should notbosorvod In n covered pitcher. It retains tho heat so woll thoro la no oxcuso for covering It llko tea and coffee. Apples may bo had frosh nnd crisp tho your round by kooplng thorn dry nnd cool. In a collar that is woll aired, dry and freo from mold of all sorts, all that Is nocded Is to placo tho fruit upon sholvos or In shallow boxos, so that thoy do not touch onch othor. If thoro is not room enough for this thoy mny bo wrappod'In soft papor so that tholr Is no contact botwoon thorn, and plncod In boxos. If tho collar la not porfoctly dry, sprlnklo In tho bottom bot-tom of boxos or barrols nbout two inches of dry sand (flro dried is bost), and carefully placo a lay or of apples on this, thon sprlnklo In moro sund and placo anothor Inyor of fruit, nnd so on until tho packngo Is filled to within two inchos of tho top; thon covor this with sand, to oxcludo tho air, nnd if tho fruit is sound whon packed, and tho sand dry, you may oat good apples noxt July. |