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Show J fad He en Given ttio "Itusli." During tho recent visit of a delegation delega-tion of members of tho legislature und invited guests to Hot Springs thuro occurrod an cplsodo that is illustrativo of tho haste of somo men to perform nn notion without nuking why or wherefore where-fore It Is n well-known fact that whou It rains In the Hot Springs vnlloy It comos down by the bucketful. Windows Win-dows nnd doors must ho closod nt once, else carpots nnd floors will bo soaked through and through. It camo to pass that Hnu. John J. O'Dowd nnd Thomas J. Cogan woro given tho sanio npnrtment, occupylug bods at either si do of tho room. Lato one night a heavy rain camo . nud thoVuoiso of tho storm awak-Kicd awak-Kicd Cogan, who discovered that the windows wero wldo open. Sitting up in bod ho shrieked to O'Dowd. Starting Start-ing from n sound sleep that young man uskod: "Huh! What's tho matter?" "Get up and closo tho windows, qulckt It's ralnlugl Hurry up!" With n bound O'Dowd sprang to tho floor, and, aftor a struggle In which his night-shirt was soaked und his feet wot ho did that which ho was told. Roturnlng to tils couch, tho legislator carcfullv tuoke'd himsolf beneath tho coverlid's. A sileuco of two minutes passod, nnd thon It was broken by O'Dowd, who sat up, and, in an injurod in-jurod tone, said: "Say, Cogan, what was tho niattor with you getting up nnd shutting those windows?" Ho had boon glvon tho "rush," and it took him a long, loug whllo to t limbic |