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Show To lie Ilobbed of llvullll Jly a pcetllental climate, by a vocation entailing constant exposure, physical overwork or sedentary sedenta-ry drudgery at the desk, Is a hard lot. Yet many persona originally possessed of a fair constitution sutler this deprivation before the meridian of life Is passed. To any and all subject to conditions Inimical to health, no purer or more agreeable preservative of tho greatest of earthly blessings csn b recommended thsn Hosteller's Stomach Hitlers, which Inures the ststem to climatic, chauge. physical fatigue and mental eihsustlon. It eradicates dyspepsia, tho bane of sedentary brain workers, preserves and restores regularity of the bowels and liver, when disordered from any cause, annihilates fever and-ague and prevents pre-vents It, checks the growth of a tendencv to rheumatism rheu-matism and pout, and neutrallces the danger to be apprehended from causes productive of kidney, bladder and uterine ailments. To be convinced of the truth of theso statements. It Is only ueoea-sary ueoea-sary to give this sterling preparation an Impartial trial. Metals tho I'yramUl Ilullilere Lacked. Apparently wo aro ignorant, and llkoly llko-ly to remain so, of tho mechanical power which erected tho pyramids. Kelthor do wo know by what process tho granite was cut and polished. With us, having steel and steam, this is casj, lly dono. In many of tho American cometerles aro to bo seen shafts, pillars, pil-lars, pedestals and plinths of red granite gran-ite which is extremely hard, but can bo cut into any shapo and polished to tho Btnoothness of a looking glass by simple machinery. Now, though tho ancients sometimes used iron, and got tho motiil out of tho oro by groat and long-continued heat, thny did not know that by adding carbon to it thoy could convert It into steel, which is hard enough to cut all other motals. Besides Be-sides iron tho ancients wero ucqualutcd with coppor, gold, silt- iend, quicksilver quick-silver and tin thai t with soven metals, whereas wo havo ovor fifty, Thomas J. Bowdltch in Troy Tlmos. |