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Show Real and Falso Modesty. It would ho well if young women woro taught early in llfo that thoro 1b a falso shamo nnd an affectation of modosty ns unlovely as forwardness, and which ropells as ofloctlvoly ns brazonnoss. To bo on tho qui vtve innuendo, to havo a smart faculty for oxtractlng tho bitterness of ovll from nny good, is all wrong nnd all immodest. immod-est. To seo whoro harm is not intended in-tended is immodest. Tho young woman who thought sho would dlo of shamo bocnuso somo gentlemen enmo Into tho gallery whoro sho was alono with tho Btatuo of tho Venus of Mllo, who foil Into confusion nnd blushed mightily, advertised u modesty thnt was possibly only skin deep, A blush Ib somcthlrig sacred to puro womanhood, woman-hood, and It is a snd spectacle for thoughtful oyes to nolo n young woman so far gono In tho improprieties improprie-ties that sho protends to bo shocked at things which slmplo, unnflcctcd candor can-dor Is far from thinking wrong at all. Thoro aro othorwiso virtuous and modest young ladles who manage to convoy by subtlo Insinuations that thoy aro dcoply conscious of scones which a really modest woman would Ignore. It is trno Indeed, ns n great writer has suid, that a modest woman must bo at times both deaf nnd dumb. Dis-ngrooablo Dis-ngrooablo happenings, olTonslvo to tho oyos nnd oars, nro at times incidental to every ono's llfo. ' Tho most sheltered young lndy cannot ! bo entire y protoclcd. Sho may find horsolf In places whoro nrofano lnn-guago lnn-guago reaches hor ears, wlioro object, ionablo sights rcuch her oyes. It Is thon tho tlmo for her modesty to tnko on un armor of dignity; It is tho tlmo to bo both denf and blind, Thoro cro mnny things In llfo thct young women ought to know of, nnd which, if thoy did know, thoy would rognrd as groat solemn truths, too Bncrcd to bo giggled ovor and slmpor-od slmpor-od at; which nro not proper subjects for conversation, but which nono tho loss exist, and should bo woll compro- J bended. For a young woman or a young man, either there Is no Bafoty In Ignorance. Tho mothor nsBumes unwarranted responsibility who leaves hor Innocont, growing girls nnd boys to bo educated In tho mystorlcs of llfo by unthinking outsldors. Constant rubbing cannot wear oft tho delicate huo of tho scasholl, nor can tho real purity of mind, tho real modosty of rollnod womanhood, bo moro easily worn nwny. Mock modesty i is twin Blstor to that enncor-hcartod I vlrtuo which consists In not being i found out. Persons who nffect It nro social "suspects." llowaro of It, young woman, bocnuso If you do not, young mon who nro In soarch of lovely wives will bownro of you. Woman's Journal. |