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Show IKON CITY NOTES. Blair Bros., of Bait Lake and Logan have Leeu here looking over aomsprbper ly situated In the Pinto Iron Mining Hbitlit. 'Iheymade some locations in tho district and talked very favorably of the piospecta, Mr. Frank E. Brown, of IlamUntona Fort hat let a contract to the TrVboloy Bios., of Iron City, for a well to be dug ou the desert about thirteen miles west of what to known aa mouth of Pinto can) on. The contract calla far a specified, amount orwaWr. per minute -The Wooley start work fight-away. Ho we'erne, pay, Meieera Leiktidge & Pago, have goiotpwork their coal prospect In Washington county. They bavoathree foot vein of fine anthracite which in-said to bo the Wst In' Bouthern ' Utah for cokemug purpose. |