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Show BJH ' Bucnnnn? Kalxkaua, whoso ourthly caroor is - tho Sf run, wns not it powerful monarch or a BJ CrcV wise. Ho lacked skill in llnanco. Ho r1" always strugglod with n dellolt of 1 somothlng like threo-quartors of u Bl UflV' million annually, but wa9 m buoyant BK BrP' Ils Mlcawop himself, and had an abld BK B; lugconfldoaou In two pairs, kings up, L w, that wus touching to soo. In tho oat HVA K. Iter day shls race had u habit of dining BVa BkI on "" 8tray Europeans who might BBr Ts touch lit their ports through strom of Bfty T. ivouther, but this practlco aroio not BB 4? from nny unklndneas of heart, but BB through tuvotorute habit stimulated BBT by omptlnoss of siomuoli. Thoy bo- BBt enmo In tlmo tho most amiable ami BB ,,y hospltabla of pooplo, and lnsltnid of BBV W living upon Europeans, Europeans BBk B commonucd to llvo on them. Contact BBlL Jm with tho whlto man has been thoir Bt '-i bano. Ho taught vlco to tho nutlvo BBT moro destructlvo than tnan-eatlug, und BBV I ino'jloated In . tub monarch an un- BBT V wholesorao and faulty haakorlng for BBV V joker. |