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Show Mmlmn for MUkere, Memleil nnd Mai tlplleil. Do gontlo with your cows. Ito-mumbor Ito-mumbor you nro u man nnd thoy aro brutos; bo thou not n brute. Glvo your cow a nnmo and call hot by her name, sho will loam to know it soonor than you think. Novor feed your cow whllo milking; ono thing at i. ttmo. Mako nor pay attention to you and not to hor food. If you havo moro than ono cow always milk them in tho sumo ordor; a boss cow does noU-yMHBJA Cloan your stnbfBBJBBBJBJ I know of no substanco that will tako up bad odors soonor than milk. Cloan your cow with brush or cloth boforo you milk; pcrfoot cloanllnoss is most essential to porfoot dairying. In cold woathor wash your hands in warm water boforo you milk; a cow's touts nro vory scnsltivo. Havo no conversation whllo milking nor "top at a "what did you say?" from your follow milker. Milk as rapidly ns you can and as cloan ns you can; If you do not your ow will dry up. Strain your milk from a stralnor nail into nn indopondont stralnor, nnd in this havo bosldos a stralnor cloth. A good strong mllkor ought to milk ton cows in an hour, but ho has not tlmo to carry tho milk to the dairy. |