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Show A City at the Ilottom of tlio Sea. Liifl Tho city authorities of Kovigno. on H tho pcninsuln of Istria, iu tho Adriatic. ll Sea, havo discovered a little south of H tho peninsula tho ruins of a largo town H at tho bottom of tho sea. It has been' M observed for somo years that' Usher- V men's nots woro sometlmos entangled:' in what appeared to be masses of ' masonry, of which fragments woro H brought up from tho son bed. A year fl or two ago n diver declared that ho H had scon walls and streets bolow tho Tho city authorities recently decided H to investigate Thoy seut down a H diver who. at tho depth of olghty-llvo M feot, fouud himself surrounded on tho H bottom ot tho sea by ruined walls. He H says ho knows thoy were tho work ot H man. He Is a builder by trade and he J recognized tho layers of "mortar. H Continuing his explorations, ho lH traced tho lino of walls and wns able H to distinguish how tho streets wero t laid out. Ho did not sea any doors or .j..aiHHHmi window oponlngs, for thoy were hid- sSMsiiiiiiiiiiiiH den by musses lucrus- RU He tho masonry for a H distance 100 he had to M stop, as his diving cord did not permit him to go He had proved bevond a doubt he found the JH ruins ot n onco Inhabited town, which,, H through some catastrophe, had been, sunk to tho bottom of the sea. Liiifl Some people think that thoy Identify, H this lost town with the Island men- H tloned by Pliny tho Elder under the' .B namo of Cisia, near Istria. This I Island cannot bo found now, and it is H thought the submerged town may have H been a settlement on tho island that' so ' H mystoriously disappeared, jV. 1". Sun. &H |