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Show V OUR MAIL SERVICE. f P ' The present mail servico botwecn B Milford and St Georgo 1b. a fraud, ? mildly .speaking. There afe somo places or panics' that may have received re-ceived rt benefit frorrt tlie recent change of schedule, b jt to the people of Iron coupty it has becom'o a nuisance For some, fimo past, and up to ten days ago, the service warfvory good, and reached St George within the stipulated timo- 40 hourB. Now a ch'ongo has come M over tho scene, and things that were BfcL, do not any longer appear. ,, B The whole, service, seems to bo Aregulated upon tho ,'p)a pi your-jtkkle your-jtkkle -me and-I'll -tickle jtbee, o. B)ay bo said it has every np-nce np-nce makes a vast dif- BMB whose cornB. are trod oil. HHtv By the system whicil prevailed, two w" weeks ago,' the mail loft, Mlliord an r hour or so after the. arrival of tho j itain and by proper crmneotions ar ' lived in Cedar in loss thbri 2i hours V . kfterllleft Milford, it 'then laid 1 r " over hero untill the' next' morning A und wasfthen sent on. to St.Georgo j ,, It etaid here probably(uight hours, but was doliveredat St, George B( . within the forty hours. Mow tho B 1 ft train from the north arrives at Milford at about 8 SO p. m. and B f the. mail lays over at Milford untill HM nbQut 5o' clock next.mprning H? It arrives in Beaver near ! o'cloo W f.d continues its Bouthward jour mf 'ybetween 2 and 3, p. mV itrriv- B , Inftin Pnra'goonah aliost within Bl 24' hours after its arrival ,itt Mil- Hy ford; It layB over at J'aragoofmh BL utleast'four hours and gou to Cedar B? -Text morning ready for - Uho St. B; "George buokboard at 730: Thus B ,. we find that the mail between Mil- B i?wd and Cedar .has. been Relayed H 1 i 'nearly twelve hours' And. all this k - happens, it must be ''u.ndeVstood, By " notwithstanding the besij connett-B connett-B t'ont, "d the best time possible Bxh'aye been made at this end; Bl$ Mr corryl the cojitracr.'rtSB 'left Jjno Otne.unturned in 'trjrlng 'ot give HDHQjjjQplethejW! connections and Hf WRive them HHeWwhore the.oigprlng, BBkP?red to oboo,conn)B'ln. When B tho mail. wd- hold at Cedar the H cry was " Mr. Corry bus no right B to hold that mail eight hours at HVf, Cedar." These Ba.no parties who B chipped so londly. (hen do hot say, B" ''Mr Williams has no right to By i hold that mail nearly- nine-hourB EA atMilford." But wo cay Btoftnd we mi. jfindi response, bd'th loud rYrid long B-' " uireuRht this section of cojiintry. Kv The very best timo that can be B . n5ade now cannot put the mail in Bl ,St. George in less than forty-eight B houra from the timo of its arrival Hl in Milford. We ire creditably in m-' formed that the time 1b forty-nine B hours'. Who is to blamo7TKdNEwp Bl' bellevesrtJncle Sam is. The whole B Star route isrun 'QC.'CheapJohu H plan. Instead of saying wo will pay' Bi ' $20,000 or $80,000 for this .route, B'. bids are asked for and the cheapest B gets it., arid it is often' thaHt 1b by Bt the utmost endeavor that" tho. tnnil BajsMBets through at all, on account of Borr poor conveniences Bh place on down Bnd |