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Show ' . AFTER THEHONEYMOON. Mrs Cai'dUc Crncludlnp a curtain l iMtiiro) "nvuiemK'r 1 am- telling you wl tbls. for, your1 owjr pood." Mr. Caudle tULaBBBBBBBi (speaking fof -'Lhe'Drst lime) "I that .H or I tbougnt. if must be for your own if H Sitousomerit", 'LbbbbbbI Buaix noTr-"Ppa.. what does 'nij- ' H BOtonotfs' mean?"' Father (Wearily) -LLH "WaltUllyourmptnPrbpplOi'to Ulk H ArsM with your. altnV. "my .. boy: then H you'll realun"iho full uteaojof of lbs rH word." ,, JM , Dtsflt'Mrp n.'ir)Am (cstlnr UbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI fata fifth H.torc, llat)-' MuiluH do you rail thU7" -"That JH pt Bostoa brown bread of my vHH Inf. John." John; opens' wlnJowfHsl throws loftf sf breadAAui. It kills tH stroet-esr horte. -Gfst ' eicltemelnt;. 'H i Mlssllo inspected by local'Bclentlsta and 3H unanimously pronounced anvaerollto. ' ,t-' H Mns. Nkwuajcd "Whstl twtnty cnts r pound for mackerel? Why, tbo man 'HH across tho 'street only asks, sixteen cents." Fishmonger "Very pood. mad B ami'but you mutt remember that my H Bih are band-caught those 'you see op- . H poalte are caught In nets:' that makes a - difference, you know." Mrs. Newbind i "Of course, bow stupid of me. Yos H tasjglvo me that Jarpo ono thero." , Younq Kirs "There's a gcntlcmsa, H in the library, dear, who wants .to see,, you." Young Husband "Do you know LB who It is?" Young Wife "You auet H torptve mo. dear, but that cough of ' yours nss worried mo so of late, and yon k '"-H take such roor'care of your hoaltb, o'nd tJbbbbb1 . and. 'oh. if I wrro to loso you, my ) dsrllnpl" Vursts (nto toars. Young UH Husbind ."There, (here, -dear! Your' M fondx-ess for me'bar inspired foolish as, n " ls unneossary fears. I'm all rlgbti yos K H mustn:t'it-,asrBled. But V see.tbV J JM physician.' of course. Just to satisfy you. f M U It Dr. rellctt?" -Younit Wlfo-N-o, - H His not a doctor: lfs-ia ll'icias'urksies " rH eBt . . .. il' ' K t )M "I CAXr. sM,,what It the mattstTwith,, i idsH ,; this csiev" tbeounp- wlfo-1 aald, 'rvo ' '.H ; jlutlalh'a cfjrs,"a'nJ thesupar. ani th' JH i corn. starch, and ttie flavoring jest asths,H don't baW.r jean muGV.any'(nV-e(BBBH ,bf list .l):Jiri tool-ii,';. ' -VcJ baTSfilH (orgdtlp'ri'''ai thlrWkaM7bliBsssH heVsbsper." ..'CHl Of KAn SH way. 'Then add the 0WffTK I'added them, hutlt doetnnfseiH to look llko a baiter. Il'a juit,a!?H of eggs and sour milk and thingsH "Where's your'flour, my love?'' "nuitH Horace?" cxelulmed tbo sweVt yduflLH Vlfdj "do thoy put flour in cake?" yH llsssssssl |