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Show THE BIIITHPLACE OF BURNS. Di itonnitT a. i.s'gci'joll. Though Scotland boasts a thousand names Of patriot, king nnd peer, Tho nublcst, grandest of thorn all Wits loved and craJbd hero. Here lived tho gentle peasant prince, Tho loving cottor klug. Compared with whom tlie greatest lord i but a tilted thing. TIs bat a cot roofed In with straw, A hovel tuaduof clay; Ono door shuts out tbo snow and storm, Ono window greets tbo day. And yet I stand within this room And hold all thrones In scorn, For hero beneath this lowly thatch, Love's sweetest bard was born. Wlt.iln this hallowed hut I fool LIUo ono who clasps a shrlno. When tho glad lips at last havo touched Tho something deemed dlvinol And hero tho world through all the years, As long as day returns, Tho tribute- of its love und tears Wlll pay to Robert liurns. |