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Show m Drone and Worker Her. BBF A rendor writing from Indiana, BAY' wants to know about tho workor bees, BLBL also tho workor oggs. Tho workor BBB bees, which aro also orroncously call- BLBLt ed noutors, aro undeveloped femnlos, BLBV possessing most of tho organs of tho BB oueon, - nnd somotlmcs laying eggs. BV Tho oggs of thoso workors, howovor, BB produce only dronos. Tho workors aro BB tho most populous Individuals of tho BB hlvo, llioro being from 15,000 to 40,000 BB ' in each good colony. Tho workors. ns BL tho name impllos, do all tho work, ox- BA copt laying oggs, which ditty is. 1m- Bk posed upon tho queans. Workor eggs BBk nro oggs that aro Impregnated nnd BBft Juld only by a fortllo queen; thoso, will BBB produco olther workors or queens. BBH Hybrid bees nro a cross botwoen two BBH spoclos. In bee culture tho term is BBk gonarally applied to n cross botweon BBH tho black nnd tho Italian boos. Italian BB boos may bo known by throo bands of BBB yellow ncro-is tho uppor part of tho BBBA- nbdomon of the worker boe, Italian-BAVBBBVlztng Italian-BAVBBBVlztng Is changing from any othor BBBBS BPoa,os of beos to the Italld-i.N. Y. BBBM'WL ft . |