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Show BVBb chir T '8 nnnouncod that in many Now BBBBBF -ii' England townB "living nnd fattening BBBBV' r upon charity liavo bcon roducod to a BBBBW f flnonrt" It hns boon discovered that BBBB r "a consldorablo number of porsons BBBBV f makd a regular practlca of calling for BBBBV) 1 this rollot who do not noed It" It Is BBBBV' J t urthor announced thnt "tho results of BBBBV f this aro somewhat unique, l'nupors BBBBBj havo boon found who aro making a BBBBBLC comfortablu income out of bo.trdors BBBBBP wall-to-do beggars who do no work BBBBWt and druw regular rations of fuel, food, BBBBB i olothos, aud money.'' |