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Show titb far and home. IBa half-hour with good au H rrtr'r Titi end rrf Work ItottM Koike B lhl(t Worker llfM Drouol V Caialpa m FprlnslVoilVor BBV As n spring feed or work horscB BLBLBf nothing cqunls cut liny sprinkled or BBf raolstonod with water, thon adding V-. meal to a half bushol of cut hay. J j Horses can cat a certain amount of BIB hny thus proparod in about half tho H Gi timo roqulrod to pick it out of tho Kv' t j manger in the usual way; honco glvo Hfe' tho cut feed for a noonday ration, also H' J placing Bomo dry hay In tho mangor H& J for thorn to oat, for a horio, if not dls-BHuV'f dls-BHuV'f turbod, can rost whllo eating. Somo Kf furmorH liavo all tholr horso food mlxod BBB in the spring', mixed and groiirid, ,and BBm mix a full ratlou with ttio cut food at BBU noon. Exorcise caro in giving' it dur-BBB dur-BBB ing tho rush of sprint; work as Bomo BBBtahorsos nro quite particular nbout tholr BBBflMrod. In such coses romovo nil that BBBBBfcba' loft in tho mangor after each HHSBVBVB us sours bocomes BLBLBLBLBJBflpslblo. mix tho lonst nn BBBBMniofore food lug it Tho hay bo-BB"comos bo-BB"comos moist nnd moro ooslly dlrostod. BBY When coding damaged hay if wator BBft slightly Impropriated with salt bo BBgf sprinkled ovor it stock will oat it with BBA n groator relish. Don't add too rauoh BBV salt, nbout a quartor of a pound to two BBj pnllfuls o( wntor sprinlriod ovor two BB hundred potiuds of hay will .prove BBA nbout tho proper proportion to uso. BaBM Western Itural. |