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Show Soldering data to metal. A method of soldering glass or porcelain por-celain to metal hus been communicated to tho Thyalcal society of Paris, by M. Callotet, and is llkoly to provo of groat valuo for many purposes. Tho portion por-tion of tho glass vessel or tubo is first covered with a thin coat of platinum, which is affected by brushing over it whllo warm a mixture of chloride of platinum and essential oil of camo-mllo, camo-mllo, gently ovapo'rating tho oil until tho odorous whlto vapor ceases to bo given off, then raising tho heat to a dark red, when tho platinum Is ro-duccd ro-duccd und covers the glass with abrlll-lunt abrlll-lunt motalio coating. This film is next connected with tho ncgatlva polo of a sultablo battery in a bath of sulphato of coppor, and a csjppor ring Is deposited depos-ited upon It. Tho glass covered with coppor can now bo treated ns iv vorlta-blo vorlta-blo picco of metal, and soldered by means of tin to iron, copper, bronzo, platinum, or nny metal that can bo united by a solder of tin. Tho soldering solder-ing Is so strong that M. Callolof has used it in his apparatus for solidifying tho passes, and successfully exposed a soldered tubo to an lntornal prcssuro of more than S00 atmospheres. |