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Show HVrirE FOURTH DISTRICT. JF"'' A Bl)ecl&l telogram' to the Salt BBT Lake Herald eays:. TJio Hb.usojU. BV' dietary commlHee, thr6iigh Mr B' Bucanan of New Jersey, roportod H:, ithe Senato bill, to., proyidofor the y- creation of a fourth judicial district t- ',. JHt.be Territory of -Utah with an BL . . amendment, the reason for which Kr- is shown by report, which' 'says; B '''that, tho rapid increase of popula. m, tion'jn.tho iiorthernpoftion o'fthnt Bi: ' .Territory mokes tho creation of an. HM "tthe.reMudicial district highly, des- T irable' The bill does not ikdd to T7 -,the number of judges bu,t simply H 'croatea another district and cbnfer E es power upon tho Bupfomo co(irt B; of thai Territory to nsHignjudgeB B to several districts. TJiu bllliuj B .(ItDPssod the Senato prOvldothut B the governor 'and legislative a8Fem Bv Idy of the Territory shall establish K't the new district It appoars. how B ever, that the legislative assembly Bt will not convene untill tho yea BJ 1892. This will delay tho matte IL MsMsWs1sHslll7"WsnSabVQi for nearly one year. For this reason-your reason-your committee recommended that tho bill bo amended by striking out In the first section tho words 'legislative assembly' and in lieu thereof insert 'supreme court'. This would leave tbo rearrangement of the judical district to the governor gov-ernor and Supremo court of tho Territory. |