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Show A TUriRJilNO EXPERIENCED Ileirmrlinlil" Maleiiient of Personal Ilnnger nnd I'rovlilentlnl I'ecape. Tho following story" which Is attracting at-tracting wldo attention from tho press Is so remarkable that we cannot ox cuso oursolves if wo do not lay it boforo bo-foro our rondors. on tiro. To tho Editor Koehestor (N. 1.) Dora- ocrati Sin On tlfc first day of Juno. 1881, I lay nt my rosldenco in this city Biir-rounded Biir-rounded by my friends and waiting for death. Hcavon only knows tho agony I then endured, for words can novor descrlbo It And yet, if a fow years provious any ono had told me that I was to bo brought so low, and by so torrlblo a dlseaso, I should havo scoffed at the Idea. 1 had nlways boon uncommonly un-commonly strong nnd healthy, and wclghod ovor 200 pounds nnd hardly know, in my own oxporlonco, what pain or sickness woro. Vory many pcoplo who will read this statoment rcallzo at tlmos that thoy aro unusually tired nnd cannot account for It Thoy fool dull pulns in various parts of tho body and do not understand why. Or thoy nro exceedingly hungry ono day and ontiroly without nppotlto tho next. This was just tho way I felt when tho relentless malady which had fastened ltsolf upon mo first began. Still I thought nothing of it; that probably I hnd taken a cold which woutd soon pass away. Shortly aftor this I noticed no-ticed a heavy, and at times neuralgic, pain in ono sldo of my head, but ns it would como ono day and bo gona tho noxt I paid Uttlo attention to it. Thon my stomach would get out of order and my food ofton failed to digest di-gest causing at times great inconvenl-enco. inconvenl-enco. Yot oven ns a physician, I did not think that these things menntnny-thlng menntnny-thlng serious. I fancied I was suffering suffer-ing from malaria nnd doctored myself accordingly. But I got no better. I noxt noticed ft peculiar color and odor about tho fluids I was passing also that thoro wero largo quantities ono day and vory llttlo tho noxt and that a persistent froth end scum appeared on tho surface and a sediment sottlod. And yet I did not rcallzo my dnngor, for, indeed, seeing thoso symptoms continually, I finally becamo accustomed accus-tomed to thorn, and my suspicion was wholly disarmed by tho fact that I had no pain in tho ntfectod orgnns or in tholr vicinity. Why I should havo been so blind I cannot undorstnnd. I consultod tho best medical skill in tho land. I visited nil tho famed mineral min-eral springs in America and traveled from Mnlno to California. Still I grow worso. No two physicians agrocd as to my malady. Ono said I was troubled trou-bled with spinal irritation; anothor, dyspepsia; anothor, heart dlsoase; anothor, an-othor, general dpbllity; anothor, congestion con-gestion of tho baso of tho brain; and so 'oa through a lontf list of common diseases, dis-eases, the symptoms of many of which I roally hrfd. In this way sovoral years passed, during which ttmo I was steadily stead-ily growing worso. My condition had roally become pitiable. Tho slight symptoms I had at first experienced woro dovoloped Into torrlblo and constant con-stant dlsordors. My wolght had boon reduced from 207 to ISO pounds. My llfo was a burden to myself and frlonds. I could rotaln no food on my stomach, and lived wholly by lnjoctions. I was a living mass of pain. My pulso was uncontrollable In my agony I frequently fre-quently fell to tho floor and clutched tho carpet and prayed for doath. Morphine Mor-phine had llttlo or no effect In deadening deaden-ing tho pain. For six days and nights I had tho doath premonitory hiccoughs constantly. My wator wns filled with tubo casts and albumen. I was struggling strug-gling with Brlght's Disease of tho kidneys kid-neys in Us Inst stages!" Whllo suffering thus I received a call from my pastor, tho Kov. Dr. Foote, at that tlmo rcclor of St Paul's Episcopal church, of this city. I felt that it was our last intorvtow, but in tho courso of conversation Dr. Footo dotailcd to mo tho many romnrknblo cures of cases llko my own which had como under his observation. As a practicing prac-ticing physician and n graduato of tho school, I dorldcd tho idea of any med-iclno med-iclno outsido tho regular channels bolng bo-lng In tho lonst beneficial. So solicitous, solicit-ous, hoyovor, was Dr. Foote that I finally promised I would walvo my prejudice I began Its use on tho first day of Juno, 1881, and took It according accord-ing to directions. At first it sickened mo; but this I thought was a good sign for ono in my dob 11 Hated condition. I continued to tako it; thoslckonlngson-satlon thoslckonlngson-satlon departed and I was finally able to rotaln food upon my stomach. In a fow days I noticed a decided chango for the hotter, as also did my wife and friends. My hiccoughs ceased and Ioxporloncudless pain than formerly. I wns so rejoiced at this improved condition that upon what I had boliovod but a fow days boforo was my dying bed, I vowed, in the pros-onco pros-onco of my fumlly nnd frlonds, should I recover, I would both publicly nnd prlvntoly mako known this romody for tho good of humanity, whorover and whenever I bad nn opportunity, and this lottor is in fulfillment of that vow. My Improvement was constant from that time and in loss than three months I hnd gained 26 pounds In flesh, bocamo ontiroly froo from pain and I believe I owo my llfo and present pres-ent condition wholly to Wurnor's Safe Cure tho remedy which I used. Since my recovory 1 havo thoroughly ro-lnvestigatcd tho subject of kidney difficulties and Bright's dtsoaso, nnd tho truths dovoloped nro astounding. I therefore state deliberately, and as '$ a physician, that I bollovo moro than ono half tho deaths which occur in " Amertei nro cnusod by Bright's dls- i caso of tho kidneys. This may sound '', J'ko a rash statomont but I am pro- , ' pared to fully verify It. Bright's dlsoase dls-oase hns no distinctive foaturos of its own (indeed, it ofton dovclops without nny pain whatover in tho kidneys or their vicinity), but has tho syraptcms of nearly svery other common complaint com-plaint Hundrods of pcoplo dlo dally, whoso burials nro authorizod by a physician's cortlflcato as occurring from "Heart Dlseaso," "Apoplexy," "Puralysis." "Spinal Complaint, "Rheumatism." "l'noumonia," and othor common complaints, when in reality it is from Bright's dlseaso of tho kldnoys. Fow physicians, nnd fowor pooplo, rcallzo tho oxtontof this disoaso or its dangerous nnd insidious naturo. It steals into tho systom like a thief, manifests its prosenco if at all by. tho commonest symptoms and fastens ltsolf in tho constitution boforo tho victim is nwnro of it. It is nearly as horedltary ns consumption, quite as common nnd fully ns fatal. Entlro families, inheriting It from tholr nncostors, havo died, and yot nono of tho numbor know or realized tho mys-torious mys-torious power which wns removing them. Instond of common symptoms It ofton shows nono whntovor, but brings donth suddonly, from convulsions, convul-sions, npoploxy, or heart disoaso. As ono who has sufforcd, and knows by I bitter oxporlenco what ho says, I im. I ploro ovory ono who roads theso words 1 not to neglect tho slightest symptoms I of kidney dllllculty. No ono can afford I to hazard such chancos. E I mako tho foregoing statements I bnsed upon fncts which I can substan- I tiato to tho lottor. Tho wolfaro of ; thoso who may possibly bo eufforors such ns I) wns, is an amplo Inducement I for mo to tako tho stop I havo, and If I can successfully warn others from tho dangerous path in which I once walkod, 1 nm willing to enduro nil pro- ; fessional and personal conscquoncos. J. B. IIENION. M. D. Rochestek, N. Y., Dee 30. |