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Show H TRIALS OF A PREACHER. I Xneldanti In Th XAt of a Mstliedtit Minister t a Poor Appotnlmint. W Ono of tho clergymen In tho New M York Conference of tlio Methodist W Episcopal Church tolls thU story about K himself: "When I was tho pastor of a email church In Delaware county this State, I had a hard tlmo in trying to keep- B soul and body together. My labors S wore arduous and the salary only f 100 w a year, and If we bail not recolrod w various donations of provisions from n parishioners almost equally poor as ourselves, we would In all probability M havo starred to death. H "it was what is known as a 'hack M woods appointment,' being eighteen U miles from a railroad nnd located in a K valioy created by thickly wooded hills. 9S To giro you nn Idea of our reduced clr- M cumstances I am compollvd to say that m thoro was but ono white shirt In tho M houso, and that was shared lu common 9 by my eldest son and mysolf. Whon n ho woro It I went into tlio pulpit with- W out one and made up for tho ctctlcioncy jl tho best I could. jl "One Sunday wo had tho presiding n elder of the district with us. Ho had B come the previous night. Early In tho morning ho was disturbed by this shrill question from my son: "Father, father. who wears tho shirt to-day; you or me?' "Wolf, I was In doubt who was entitled en-titled to cucaso himself in that useful garment on that occasion, but in a spirit of self-sacritlco I shouted from tho conilncs of my room, 'I think it's your turn, my boy.' "I thought'no moro about the matter mat-ter until after breakfast and family prayors were over; then tho elder took me usldo and asked if there was only one white shirt lu tho house. Of courso-It courso-It wns an embarrassing question nnd I tried to evade making a reply, but ho was persistent and I tin ally was forced, to admit tho truth. Tears welled up In the elder's oyes nnd ho offered to part with somo of his moagro hoard of monoy, but I assured him that I did not need it. and ns I refused absolutely to accept a cent ho did not press tho matter further. "Still, although the elder wns a kind hearted man and receiving but llttlo moro salarv than myself, yet ho loved to Indulgo in practical jokes. On another an-other occasion ho accepted nn iuvita- jj tlon to dino v.lth us and my wife, who nlwnys seemed to stand in nwo of tho I big, dignified older, made nn extra I effort to prcparo a tempting repast. 1 Oysters were scarco nnd very high la B that section, nnd consequently a luxury, lux-ury, but my wife concluded thnt for onco we should have oysters. "Well, thanks to recent wedding; fees, sho was able to buy them, Then she exorcised nil her ingenuity to placo them on tho talilo in every conceivable form thnt would please tlio oyo nud gratify the taste. ffi "Well, whon wo sat down to the 1 table wo saw oysters stewed, oysters 1 fried, oysters roasted and oysters on tho shell. It wus literally uwildorness of oysters. "Outsido of oysters thoro was. In fact, but llttlo to eat except bread, buttor, applo sauco and, I believe, somo sago checso. Still tho llttlo woman sat with a beaming counto- S nnuce, eagerly anticipating tho older's I delight at tho unexpected treat. "Aftor a blessing bad been invoked I, ns a matter of form, turued to our guest nnd inquired: "Elder, will vou pormit me to help ' you to somo of the oysters?' "The elder's faco assumed a sovcro. expression ns ho slowly and deliberately deliber-ately replied: "'Well, Dominie, I hato to say It, I but tho truth of tho matter is I vory I seldom eat them.' 1 "I glanced at my wifo. Hor faco wns almost a crimson hue aud tours woro starting from hor oyos. I think I felt just a trifle savage, but I betrayed be-trayed no sign. "After a fow seconds of tho most painful pnibarraoxniHiit I ever oxoo-nenceU oxoo-nenceU tho elder broko the silence, by saying with unruffled deliberation: "You sec. Dominie, I very seldom oat oysters, becauso I very seldom got them.' und ho burst Into a tremendous roar of laughter that almost mado tho dishes rattle. ! "Of coiirso ho dill ample justice to-tho to-tho dlnnor. which nt tlio best was fru- ; gal enough, but I don't think that my i wifo ovor qulto forgavo him for thoso- i painful moments of suspouse." jj |