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Show I.tro-Stoek nml Farm JTotci. Grass makes good pork as woll as bqof and mutton. A fow oats ovory day can bo fod to owes with benefit Grinding tho grain can bo mado moro profitable with growing pigs than with hogs. Aftor hogs havo passod tho growing stngo thoy ccaso to bo profitable animals ani-mals to food. Tho kind of a horso you brood mat-tors mat-tors not so much if you brood tho bost of that kind. No single c nln will supply nil of tho oloments of nutrition ncoued by a growing grow-ing or fattonlng animal. Frosh charcoal is one o( tho bost romodlos for sooura in young pigs. Thoy usually oat It rondlly. Upon tho management of tho grass land doponds tho future of tho farm, tho raising of grain and feeding of tho stook. Hog manuro is good to apply on clovor Innd, and a good growth of clover puts tho soil in a good condition for corn. It is not so muoh tho froozlng that injures many varlotlos of fruits and vegeiublos storod away as it is tho alternate al-ternate thawing nnd froozlng. After a moaduw bocomos too old, and vot is not doslrod to plow up, It can be bonofltod considerably by converting con-verting it into a shoop pasture. It Is only with a fow crops that tho avorago yiold can bo mado profitable. If a fair por cont of profit Is roallzod, tho yiold roust bo somothlng abovo tho average. Uso tho bost scod. Tho bettor growth nnd yield It is pouslblo to so-euro so-euro will mora than pay tho additional cost, to say nothing of tho lessened risks of failure. As a general rule ono breed of poultry poul-try is enough on the farm, because they need considerable attention In tho spring, at r. tlmo when work is usually very pressing. |