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Show i ;MANs' LAST WORDS. - ,1 FAthotlo .TJttoranoai TTn'vti the i 'Vonro or tha Oravo, IF An'cwMlon" Upon Wli'trfc tu Mn Wlli ' I Onolh. V)tr lMtt, V?l- ' lac "n nail Ollifir. A last dying speech and rnnfe-titlori Is L fton pitholin mill alw-iyi Impressive. I say ttin London Standard Most niim . '. I , t, may im r.rcdlted with "peaking lus -j , truth tlfl on IIiIh ori-amon. Vn arc, j -jj. jiot aware, tliatiul of fiction thero is i ? nn aiitbnnlicAlod Innlam-n of aiiy one tt ' , dying wllli a Id on' his lips. Tlio Ig'i j; dying, ton, arn credited In rtimmon bo- f llof with a clearer Insight, nnd a, fur-" u t tbnr knowlpden Into tho pint and prps-. " ont. If not tlm Inlnro. than Is vouch v safnd In halo linmanlly. Last words t it May. Ilipri'fiirn, Imi Kald lo possi, a , , many-sided Inlnrrct; and II In not a lit- ; P tin curious thai now thai, wo have a : f , v literature 'whli h disprln.lli'n faults and J ' . foibles and hablu of great tni'ii. there , ,.! sbnulil exist no collection of'.tho i, U- lttt words of relehrilliis, rVaUiyod l '$ throughout biography aro 'tt' bo ,''' ' found an ImniPnso ntnnN'r of ox ' I acDplos,' many of llipm nirloiiNty strtk- ' I" Inc. wlilrh only await tho Industry of ) - (ho book-maker of thoio "tbtMighiK, 1 k that breathn and words Unit burn " -' I- t'Vom a sholf of on' biioUann, Indeed. i onp ran flml llliixtraKonx and to sparo. IVrhnps onn of Ibn nohlost ofdoath- 1d iiltcrnnri-s wns ibalof J. II. (Irron. whonn last words u-ora: "Idlo toarn t Iva" H Is nln'oit worthy of ranking ' , vpljh thn famous words of (ipnnral If' Wolfn.'whn, whllo In Ui i;onlPS of ilpalli. ww aroiiHPd with tlio crips of Thoy run." nnd pagprly astpd; "Who t ' run?" On l-pliiff told "Thn Vroncli." ho oxdalmod: "I thnnk (lod and dlo con-tpnlod con-tpnlod " "I llinnkliixl." said tho CfPat, TS'nlson. ''that I havo dono my duty." ns tlippiins tliundprod ovprliPad proclaim-ItiB proclaim-ItiB tho vl.-lory of. Tiafnlcar. Tlio i nrliolar nnd tho warrior tlitm allko loolt IWi Jjai. JiarU upjin tliolrllfo-'H work. It Is not flw ''ljlpi9ihPolro'l1p,r.t'Th6pofnal ,r.hiiractcr I ' , .-r"6Mli'naliidpnt;s labors, wblr'li oply nnd. J ' m Uipj? Iiriran. Tho dyln? Uoollio ox- plalmpdt "Moro llclit," and tlio word had posulbly a dpiil.lt! spnip. nllbnnali tbolr first wpanlniriindouhlPdly applied lo tho wnnlnjr twilight of hlsoarthly day. Ills not snldom that wo havo an instanro pf tbo ruling passion atronj;. I ' lu drath. I I': '-Ood IOpss yon." was tho dylnir1 ex-1 Ijj -prpsslnn of Dr. Johnson, who oddrpsscd . I- It to Miss Morris, thn sUtorqf tbo 1-pau- r tlful RlrJ who sat to Itoyndlds for bis' l Irturo of "IIopo Niirslnc Ixivo " Thoso l Avoro also tho last words of Wordsworlb, IL' andof Kilnmnd Jlurko. whlU" hr Wallpr lit ' Scott, In his last momonts of ronsclous- .. noss, lnvokod'lhoblP8slnj3i of Ucavpn IF upon his sons and daiiplilcrs. "Joy" was tbP nttpranro of "Mrs. Hannah . I Moro: "Happy" that of Sir James . 3 t Jtacklnlosli. tho historian. Charles ' jf. j Matthpws. tho prpat actor, dlpd ivlth r J tbo -words "I am ready" on his ilps. which remind ns irresistibly of Colonel. , Jsowcomo's death, moro real to most t, ' ; , peoplo than many in real lfo and of tbo ' ' ' noblo oxprosslon Thackeray puts Into.' . ' I ' . Jils niouth. "Adsum." It Is dIDlrult and porhars needless to Institute com . ' parisons. but It would bo ImposslbleJ ; wo lmaffinp. to And any nobler words! I than tboso of Upnpral Washington: "I k ', am about to die. and. I am not afraid to ' . ' (die." Tbpro Is a calm heroism In t tbom which soems lo show us that tho ' f. ,- groat BolJIor bad conquorod Uioklng " I ii of torrors. "Wonderful, wonderful, this ' -'-W doath" that sooms to Indicate a plillo- ' 1 r'' vff' Bophlcal calm they worn tbo words of W ' i Etty. tbo painter. "Dylntr. dylnp." I '' said Thomas Hood just before the end, I and his blojrrnphor tolls us that ho thus '- oxprossod pratltudo for comlnp rest I'li I ' Who shall say whut w&s tho mpanln'jr ' : ,a of Charles l.'a "Uomombor." onJ was $ tboro not a prim Irony as well as per- j;' ', baps an unconscious pathos In tbp ex ' f j prosslon of tbo merry monarch, tvho tt " , apologized to bis cour(lors for tho I trouble bo bad caused them: "I bava , ' ' boon an unronsclonablo tlroo In dylnp, ' and I -hope "you will exemo it" As , Lord Macaulsy remarks: "Tbls was tbo, ' , last pllmpso of thut pxqu)slro urbanity '' so of ton found potent to 'charm away rt tho .resentment of a justly incensed na- yi tlon." "This band bath offended," ijj , was tho last and noblest utteranco of . r. ' Cranmcr, as cxtcndiig bis rlbt band' bo watcbed It consume away in tbo flames. And Latltnor, adilresslnp , ' ltldley at tbo stake, cxplulmod ! ' in tones of triumph: "This day ' 1 1 wo light a cnndlo ln,En?laiid wtilcli will : nover boextlnpulsbod." Is Ihcro not B Bomothln? Irresistibly tc'jcblnjr In, 1 X)ousla Jcrrold's last words: "I fcal I "'''' .. '-V"- .'" ' as ono ft bo Is waiting Slid waited for.?'' Frank iluckland. It Is said, shortly bo-foro bo-foro his death remarked! "I am polnp on alonp journoy to s stranpn country and shall soo many strsnpe animals' by tbo way," and, Whether tbls he wolf founded tr'not. His certainly cbarsctor. Istlc of tbo pfeat naturalist. A (ururo without God's lessor but lovoly creation was ImposslLle to such a lover of nature, Mozart died slnptnp tbo llo part of bis "Itcqulcm." wbllo frlpnds took tbo sofnrano and bass. "Happy, supremoly happy,? Lord Lynd hurst exclalmod as bo lay dying In .tho . fllritnff-room surrounded by his father's f kturos, and ablo to look back upon a earner of raroly successful effort. '-Sleep I am asleep alroadyt I am talk-np talk-np In my sleep." was tho oxprosslon of Dinlol Wilson on thonlphtof bis death, .which romnds'a'f SheUy'a beautiful linos: ' , i "It o wonflrrfnj Y t)rat h. Death tad bis brotber Blcrp. t; f.nrd Ktdon roslpnndlyromarkcd In ro--joinder to tho Information, that It was a cold day. ttbnlnp. In polnt"bf facCono of thn sovornst frosts that bod occurred for many yaars. that It mattered not to him whero bo was polnp whether tbo u'ual hor was hot or cold. It Is. porhapsj hardly fair to lay anyirreat stress upon tho last uttorancos of riwKt. which are recorded as bolnp: "lam what I am: I am what I am," for ho -passed 'away In s the midst of an almost Jowl ocllpso of InlellncL "I am not polnp to dlo, am I?" Churl otto llronto asked her husband hus-band adorn fow short months of mar-rind mar-rind llfn: "Ho will not separate ust wo havo hoen so happy;" and tboro Is much that Is patbotlo In this wbon wo ro-mombcr ro-mombcr what stormy and sorrowful llfn sbo had passod tbrouph. Tboro Is. too. somethlnp saddening. If characteristic. charac-teristic. In Oliver Goldsmith's farowcll words whon his doctor asked: "Is your mind at oaso?" and he ropllod, sorrowfully: sorrow-fully: 'No, it Is r.ot:" but'lt is fulr t6' add that there seems toliavo been in hli mind a natural rcmonJeforhavlnff taken his own romodlosMn splto of.tbo.rp.mpn stranccs of his mi-dlcal advisors. Koats, as' everybody romcraborfe, exclaimed,' shortly before his dcatbj "I foci tbo (lowers pcowlnp over tno." ; beautiful c.onooptlon. worthy of ono of. onr greatest -.Viirious)y,t:JIke tbo. dying.sprByor,i'f' Martin Lather. :My doysare passed -as shadow that rourns not." were tho Ust words or Uihard Hooker, but' they wcro pet . spokon so niucb In rep ret for wasted hours as for bU labors belnp at an end . I'eforo th'ev wcrt completed. Joeph Addison, when dylnp. called. It. Is said. tho younp Karl of Warwick, his wife's . sen. a very dissipated younp, man, to' his bedside, sayinp: "I havo sent for !you that you may see how a Christian ran die " Cow re r '8 was a sad doatb-led. . Asked bow bo Mu ho roplJcd: "Feell I fool unuttiT-,blo, itijulteratilo'dofpalrl' His last-words wert to ajajy wbo of-fored of-fored bim:a cordial) Vhat docs it signify?" sig-nify?" Whon Lord Lovcrenco Jay on bis death-bed. apparently unablo to , spoak or recopnlte any ono, his wlfo ' said! "Po you know mo?" To which ho replleJ. quite audibly: "To my' last trasp. niy darling."' and a fowmlnutos .later, htoathlnp.tho.wprJs: "I'm so weary," bo .passed away. Tboro Was much tbat'jwas artificial about Popo's doath-bod- Ills atlompt to wrtVo an ossay on tbo .immortality of, tbo soul scorns unreal, and" his last- words: "Thero Is nothlnp which Is meritorious but tirtuo. and friendship, and, lndeqd, 'riendsblp itsoff is qnly a part of vlr-no," vlr-no," , road moro Hkobcopy-book.mxim' than a confpssion, of faith. And it la lllllcult to bollovo that Bollngbroko was sincere even whon. bonding over tho dying poet, ho declaimed: "O, Godl what js man?" .Mr. Justice Talfour died In tho midst pf delivering a chargo to tho grand jury at Stratford, defining tbo needs of a closer connection botwoen Ich and poor'. Ho was saying: "That which Is wan'tod to bind togotbor tbo bursting bonds of tho different classos of this country Is not kindness, but sympathy." when ho was struck: with ipoploxy. He could hardly have framod -i nobler sentiment As Humboldt lay lying tbo sun sbono brightly into tbo room, and he oxclalmod:, "now grand hoso rays; they soem to beckon catth o Heaven." Out wo doubt whether , tbcro aro any last words more palbotio than tboso of tho dying schoolmaster, wbo exclaimed with bis last breath: "It grows dark, boys. You may go homol" |