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Show V A Qnnrter-Acro In Carrot, H Carrots aro so good a root for horsos BBBk and cows that no fnrmor should bo BBBBj without a supply. Wo do not bollovo BBB in growing thorn ns a main food, but BBBBt only as tin appetizer, and to promoto BBBB good digestion in tho season whan dry BBj feed Is tho main rotlanco. A quarter BBBJLof an aero will glvo a fair supply enoh BBBBBjJMurlng tho wlntor tothreo horsos BBBBBklLor Qvo nnd If cultivated BBBBBBBBVykhorso powor tho BBBBBBBBBfegglng pitting, BBBBBBBjOlght ton cents nor BBJBBBBHtho eood ruthor thickly BBWBBBBBWp-rootod thin out BBBBBBcarrow boo. Tho so variotles BBBBBBViir to bo as near as throo inohos BBBV't in tho rows. Tho Whito Uoigian BBBBW-cllrrot grows much largor. but it Is not BBf jo nutritious as tho yollow varlotlos. BBV Am. Cultivator. |