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Show A nln of Tsarina. Tho kUddon uppcarance upon tho ground of a considerable supply of nn edible subntanco astonished certain peo-plo peo-plo of Asiatic Turkey ono day last August, Au-gust, It enmo during n. Tory hoavy fall of rain between Merdln and Dlnr-beklr. Dlnr-beklr. and covorod a circular aroasomo six or eight miles In clrcumfcroncc. Sorao of it was gathered up and raada into bread, which was of good tasto and very dlgostable. Spcclraons of tho substance sub-stance havo slnco been submitted to botaulsta who find that Is In tho form of small grains, yollow outsldo and whlto and mealy Inside, and that It Is a lichon (I.ccanoru csculcnta) known to occur in some of tho arid regions of Western Asia. It was supposed that Iho grains wcro drawn up In a wntor-spout wntor-spout and transported by tho wind at a considerables height In tho atmosphere. A Fronch traveller has reported that a similar fall of tho lichen occurred In many parts of Persia in 1828, when it covered tho ground to tho dopth of nearly ono inch, and was eaten by animals ani-mals and collected by tho inhabitants. Many othor falls aro said to havo been mentioned. |