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Show SOCIAL HALL TRANSFORMED i INTO COZY 'LITTLE THEATER' First Home of Dramatics in Salt Lake to Be1 Used for Presentation of High-class One-act Plays. y- OCIAL Kail M the first house iv ereote.i in Salt Lkc for the-IJ the-IJ atrical purposes, by Brigbam Voting in 1S52-53, has beeu restored and is to be usod as a little playhouse for productions by the "Varsity "Var-sity players'1 a group directed by Maurice Browne and Ellen Van Volk-enburg Volk-enburg (Mrs. Browne), late of Chicago, a ud Profesbor Maud May Babcock of the University of Utah. Tho outside walls of the building arc tan, while tho roof is in its original color rod. !l t w ill be surrounded' by shrubbery as a re-fre:hin change from the more conventional lawn. Inside, serene restful grays are the general color tonoe, while soft, crimson hanging.; add interest and warmth. Tbe appeal of "JOS comfortable opera chairs also is not to he lightly rated. The lighting eystem is the must modern. The fixtures are beautiful in appear-anee appear-anee grouped ea ndle-eleetrics. bung with wine-red cords and they are capable capa-ble of all t hade of light from that of the brightest ballroom to that of the dimmed cathedral. Inside and out Ihe hall forma a cozy, friendly, ' ' intimate ; ' theater. Movement Is Popular. The ' ' Social Hall ' ' theater will be in line with the "Little theater' movement. move-ment. hi le the mo e merit is new in America it is old in the world. It was inaugurated in Paris by Andr0 Autoin in 1'", and in thn United St.V.cs at C hicago hy Maurice R row no in November, Novem-ber, 1 i r The "mission ' ' of the ' 1 Little Lit-tle theater" htis never been ad-'quiitely explained uhich fart proved its many missions. It introduced the nnc-art pUv to the puhlie; if eneoiiraged f -"eMines'i lind spontiim ity in yo-ing pla v m n h t s, he auac thi.-. war- ihe thig dereunded P the direi-l-.rs, and, aboe all, p-rh.ip-, it W3 a velcninp change from the cini-merriu!ied cini-merriu!ied prr.fpeioualiMi nf th. b'gi'-in:ite b'gi'-in:ite t'nca'er, and g:ive to tne afnateur hi- plye, being lenient In inoyj rnmrr, ?iT r. Prow n.. the ieaui;! ra t or of tne mn' frpept in the 1 ri'te.) s!;i'i-3 nn ! une nf he f our erra t t hen t rj.-i ; i r -in in A me ru-a. i now in :i ! t T ,n ! . e. and . with his uife, M;s Van 'ni en h:j r " orl j p nut i ri n L'l v tn ui e i ;'n ? tho b't in d raniHl i h rt . The ' ' h ri t v players" are the coworkers in the tvork of play, and the "Social Hall" is to be the ' ' playhouse. : Tbe plays produced will be varied, une-act, three act, tragedy, farce all of the very bc.-:t and "art" in its highest high-est form. Barrio '$ 1 ' The Professor 's Love fcitory' will be the fiirt production, produc-tion, and will open September 30, with Mr. Browne in the title role. One of tbe most interesting innovations "ill be tbo puppetry that most modern of a most ancient art. Few bait Lakers bave seen tbe charming little figures ugly often and inherently wi?tful but they are soon to be given the opportunity. oppor-tunity. Mrs. Browne, (be foremost artist in the work, will have charge of this in tbe theaicr. "Jack and the Be.in Stalk," delightful fantasy of youth, is once mure to bo seen through the puppets. Puppetry was started for ehildreu, but, like the circus, it toon became inunflient upon all the uncles and aunts to escort small niece "Betsy" to the i-erf ormaace. Aid to Amateurs. The "Varsity players" wiU occupy "Social Hall theater every alternate week, and will play to audiences the sit evenings and a Wednesday aud Saturday Sat-urday ia t inee. Season tie hots are be-ing be-ing eold hv subBTiption and the price is distinctly pnpu la.r, which is the cme big variation from the regular ' little theater ' ' idea. In keeping with the movement, the east? will be larcelv composed of amateur ama-teur talent. At the prent time (Htc are onlv four really professional people thr Rrownrn, Mr1. V-". P. KL-er and Mi-? 1'lo-enee Kim hall mi the thirty-odd thirty-odd players. It is in no wdv a eommer-i-ia! undertaking, but i itnoT the wins of the University of Utah, and ma ny talented and n t h u f i a i i e pen pi e are giving their I'me to the work. M Maud Tay PaU- ock. one cf the 1 diri-M of-, ii main!;, i pons : Mo for the I est ahl i h men t cf the theater. . tireer.wdl is the m.ma-r of all affair? eoutirted with t" ha'l. The other ui-rer ui-rer t nrs, Man n e 1'ro'A i e and M a o Volkerhurg. l:ave bMi nio-l f ni-ees-ful. Kor -e eral voar-' Mr. and Mr Browne Anrl.cd in ("ni.-ao and :t- repaid by J .-r.iv, jc ! hon.--i anil eh'i-med auCirnce-?. I Th-"- ar K-rttie and iin wry inz in t'l.-ir rf-'n-ts. and c""i tinu's nr.- ct j ei rd .-f ihr " Pi' i !e t heater " a:- a '-r.it of t hi r d ' rert io;i . win ,i.- v' y Hill It C ,-' '"' 1 |