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Show CORPOKAL HENBY FLEMING HALL of Midvalc, killed in action ac-tion in France on July 20, officially reported yesterday. I - 1 i ft I r I I f IMA , M THREE UTAH BOYS ! KILLED1N BATTLE Missing and Wounded Also Reported in Official Casualty Cas-ualty List. . Three Utah boys killed, in Action, one missing and two wounded are reported in the casualties this morning. Two Idaho toys have been wounded, ,one gassed, one previously reported missing In action has returned to duty, and one Nevada youth is missing in action . and another is severely se-verely wounded. Memorial services for Corporal Fleming Hall of Mid vale, killed m action in France, July 2D, will be held in the Mid-vale Mid-vale rard chapel this evening al 7:30 o'clock. A detachment of soldiers. Red Cross workers and former associates of Corporal Hall at the United States smelter will march in a body to the chapel. Corporal Hall was born in Kensington, Kan., March 1, 1S&9. He joined the regular armv at Fort Douglas. May 4, 19 7. He went 40 Fort Winfield Scott. California, in the coast artillery corps. He was transferred to K battery'. Eighteenth Eight-eenth field artillery, and went to Camp Bliss, Texas. He went to Fngland in June and thence to France. He Is survived sur-vived bv his father, N. C. Hall, and lister. lis-ter. Miss Nevtf I-lall of Port Pierce, Fla-Anorher Fla-Anorher eister, Mrs. Effie Strom, resides in Midvale, and an aunt, Mrs. John Morrow, Mor-row, resides in Missouri. Ixl ward C. Anderson, registered from Cleax Creek, was killed in action on the French front August 10, according to advices ad-vices received by the young man's father, Chris Anderson, at Ken il worth, yesterday yester-day afternoon. The message to the elder Mr. Anderson was from the war department. depart-ment. Voting Anderson received his training at Camp Lewis and had been in France since January r of tbe present year. A b ro t h e r i n o'w in I ruin 1 rs: at C a n i p Uewis, and a sister, Miss Nellie Anderson, who w as the first girl in Carbon county to enlist a a Red Cross nurse, is awaiting await-ing a call to active duty. . Niels keem of No phi. who gave Mrs. Johnette Skeem as the person to be notified noti-fied in e-isp of emergency, was kilied in action In France, July is, 1?1S. He joined the army in 1?17 and was sent to Camp I .wis, where he re ma i tied until September Septem-ber 19, 1917. when he was sent' overseas. He ias married August 1917, and his wife, parents and one brother survive j him. Memorial services will be held for ; him next Sunday in the Ncphi taber-1 taber-1 nude. 1 Theodore. Ke.chapalos of Garfield, reported re-ported missing in action, grive as the I notiftahlc person John Kechapaos. I Clarence W. Rackman, who is reported i officially to liave been missing in action I sinev July 'Z'2, is in a hospital in France, rnpidly recovering from slight wounds, according; to letters received by his mother and written July 26 and July 31 from the hospital. He "waa born February Febru-ary 3, TW. at CentervUlc. and Is the sou of Mrs. Sarah , 3nd the lato August Kackman. He has two brothers, S:tmuel an d Waller, now with the A m e ri ca n e- -poditlonary forces, and anoi her brother, David, who experts to be called in the present draft. The young man had been up to the firing lino three times, escaping escap-ing uninjured three times, only to b wounded the fourth time. Although James F. Jensen of ScoReld Is o Hi chilly reported as missing in action in 1' Vance, his father, l,ars Jensen, believes be-lieves that tho young maji is only wounded. Recently Mr. Jensen was advised that his son was niissirg in action, between July IS and 20. but since then the father has rc.ee ivc three letters from the boy, :Ul writ t en after t he dat e upon which he was reported- as missing. Tho last Utter was dated July 2S, and in it tho young- soldier said that ho was wounded in the hand nd was in a base hospital, getting along nicely. Tho you n c soldier is only 21 years of R:e, and ioft Scotield for Camp Lwis In October, 1917. He has been In Franco about throe months. Charles Moore of Ka nit ah, Idaho, severely se-verely wounded with American troops, gives' MY?. V. S. Moore ss the notirinble person. J. Turner Treffvy of IVnewnh, Idaho, has been wounded v ith the Canadians, Ca-nadians, and M .' W, l';ir of Wall. -we, Idaho, has been gassed with l he same forces. Alvln Kcllberg of Troy. Idaho, who was previously reported mining tn action, ac-tion, hat returned in duty. luincpp' liaudont of t 'hurchill. Nevada, Ne-vada, giving M r:s. Flet vo Ha ndont as his jne;irrM relative. Is repoHed mussing j hc( ion. Serjeant 1 low a t d V. Uebblns, I'Ya nk rv(dbins, AMnnemuee;v. Nc ., notl-liablc notl-liablc p r.-.on, ha:, been wounded seetvt in aclion. |