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Show ' Our Tire Inspection ; Service Saves Truck Costs ! I As a Goodyear Truck Tire Service Station we make it our business to save tire money for I the truck owners of this vicinity. We consider carefully the regular intervals at least trucking problem of every once a month by our sales- S customer and for each truck men who turn in a detailed recommend the size and report of the condition of ! type of tire best adapted to customers' tires. its maximum load and max- If vital recommendations are imum speed-specifically the t0 be made thege wm be : correct size of Goodyear S-V letter t0 our customer or tQ Sohd Tires, Goodyear Cush- the superintendent of his i j ion Tires, or Goodyear Pneu- service Notisi is j j matic Cord Truck Tires. lcft to This is a j j We inspect the tires on the real service. It saves a lot of j j trucks of our customers and cartage expense. in many cases take measures Our facilities-8000 feet at j j to prolong the life of tires floor space, a 300-ton press and, m the aggregate, to save and Well equipped Wheel- j 5 thousands of dollars of own- 0r, , , . ' , woric shop enable us to I mne' render prompt and thor- jj Such inspection is made at ough service, day or night Goodyear Truck Tire Service Station TX)N'T LOSE ANY TIME j F . Let us put your truck tires ou your truck during the night. Tor appointment call night i phone Wasatch tuci. j THE RUBBER PRODUCTS CO., Inc., l 139 EAST SECOND SOUTH ST., SALT LAKE CITY UTAH I j J L. C. BURNETT. Manager. PHONE WASATCU G2B8. J i ' " IS j SMART SHOPJ 1 Clothes From Hamilton's Always Appeal to the Smartly Dressed Women t' 1 THEY ARE MORE IRRESISTIBLE AND WONDERFUL THIS SEASON W I Individually and Collectively They Score the Most Unusual Success in Smart DreS8 I : ica' A PERFECT ENSEMBLE OF BLOUSES ty 1 AFTERNOON DRESSES So lovely in all Suit Shades; Combination, 3 Colorings most unusual; "New" an ' I In Silk Duvetyii and Tricolette is given the lored as you wsh with a smart Tic ! leading role this season. Tucked Front. II Velvety, soft of contour, radiant -in color tone, lavishly flattering, but simple. FURS In Coats, Coatees and Neckpis-J; I Fur Trimmed and Mannish Tailored. That they are sponsored by the Ultra-t ' ionable is established in the showing of ft 1 - wonderful garments. ::t IE The French Serge and Tricotine Dresses have taken their envied place among the A MOST PERFECT SHOWING smartest of practical and wearable dresses. Of Chic Tailored Suits in all Correct, : i vored Fabrics and Luxuriant Velvets. I THE HOSIERY SECTION ALL-BLACK HATS AND TAMS l I Prides itself upon the showing of "New" "Stunning" Just Received ' I Hosiery Fashion Favors. With a Fascinating Ensemble of FavC- I Shoe Shades to match 1918 color tones. Colorings. ; l..wi.B.r-'-- rrTiMWA5Wl M-i. ,'HHaz pROOF of Avery Tractor success is shown by the way Avery p " ; A Tractor sales grow in the same community. When one fanner feSl'iM& jrets an Avery Tractor, his neighbors watch its work closely. It ft-5' is not long before another Avery arrives and then another, for his n ' neighbors see that Avery Tractors stand up under the work. jFjjvf Likewise, when, an Avery pets into a RhH by Mafnr FsrmilK '. family, other members of the same U F taXmmS faV!: -?$A family soon become Avery owners. Machinery Specialists V''T' - Brothers, cousins, fathers and sons, Tho five sizes of Awry Tractors from 'S?- S tht l . w'h"emanyrccordso design. They have low speed motors, in Z ll Ur bVAexl reuew;lblc ier cylinder walls, ad Tf3 . ; ? eT'-lmC aT 'y . h":? b0 " instable crankshaft boxes, sifters f bf act '8'- that turn kerosene or dist Hate into " ( '.VCS buy S and burn it all, and many other l&X&MA Z SitCJl' i?3Vf VAd,C(l original ana wclusve features. -A ' carefully the work of the first Avery .. m . ... ... ' t?- itJ-titJ Tractor in their community or fam- er7 factors ar? built entirely fa ! ily, is the very best rroof tliat Avery owa factories a::d every part W Tractors are a success. J ofaaAveryTractoris built especially -Cff J ' n x r tr m or tractor work and only for tho A ''S.-r-J. -fVPlI : wPOWer I0r Every Farm Need Avery Tractor. Avery Company aro p:v7vfCPff f '. You can get an Avery Tractor to cx- butldersaot assemblers. J.. jS-Vx? - afireS See the Nearest Avery Beafer felSSt every sue i artn. ' AV nil an Avery Mo- Go to your Avery Dealer and get the - " tor Cultivator you can also cult.vato 6iM tractor and equipment to meet your row crops vy.lh motor power. tho needs of your sL farm. No mat- ,U7T ou can also pet a sue Avery Cram- ter how smalt or how largo the acre- fmM Saving .Separator and Avery 1W ago you cultivate. Avory motor farm- E S A for any sue : Avery 1 raclor 1-or any ing machinery will (ill your require- nr&& kind of field work, hclt work or road wents. Or, writo for completo Jy-WV work there is a successful and prolit- catalog, showing tho Avery Lino in U-j able Avery Motor 1'owcr Machine. natural colors. MX LANDES AND COMPANY ' P' M Distributors, Salt Lake City. t-J&&f II MPt?r Jarmin Threshing pfet tand Road Buildm.Machmery I k-l |