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Show I HAVE YOU READ THAT DIXIE I OIL COMPANY FULL PAGE S R ADVERTISEMEP4T IN MINING B ! 3 SECTION? YOU SHOULD IF 3 M YOU HAVENT. il t ! I I Knr Co'lc ,'i'jrl Dl-rri linra . V . V. , 'J;i T-.fin. . - r 1 1 ;i rn . : ;. . y.liu i.i.'-.il'.itr? nl f.-.iniU. niIirliu., 1 : ' ;" : " .- 1 ' i'll. I )i.im!.i-lain '. I ,,l' j -.mH fii.irrl'ma ,Vmi-.;- i- Ihr V.-I i,n ; '' ru i !'n ...Ii.. , 1 , ;) r !i .i . ' ' .' ill t I n ' hr,, I . r, J In I . -A h ,1 :i ' 'if 'h'- !nnm oi'Mji.-n. lor r.-ilr 1.,- f 1 !'-rr. i A-IvitIi.- i-ini'ii I j , j A Column of. ppjgg I Splendid L yJl k shtCJk i?! 1 ilargam Values . . , , rp. , p v jl Now Is the Time to buy Your y- ii Manchester Percales . 7 I 06 inches vride, io a large ( rl 1 Jl HT- I assortmeot of fretty pat- J ' yfVTr rtT ' NT1 TTT1 M ' j -aorUrSytt ( L IMC YV 11 tW, .) vari to a customer. No - --CA phone oriicrs. , Astonishing udues (ffj I 47 $2.75 D,aper Cloth featmed Jthe kA4i U Ro.l Star Brand which is N - . I f I S kj . 5 1 lhh;-he,"h"d ar" juried' Q "I Q8 f,0r5U'ar P7"1"06 Of . . . j" ssnitarv ra.-kcl. one d.on ijj Woaicns intrrest vill bo divided between the styles them&elve.s and I i to-packajf: zc l'4n24. No I , . , . , . , , , , , j , ' i 3 pboce orders. Liwit doz. 1 DOZ. the pne", whn-h is so reasonable when considering the tremendously jl . 10 11 l'0iton,er- ' advanced Oohtb and the price usually asked tbese days for suits of j eorrepouding tt'lc, -workmanship and material. Yr-u'll find them L 50c Cotton Batts (aikired in the most popular matt-rials, such as velours, men's wear I J , , , nerpe, tricot ine and pabardinc. So lop are rieb.lv trimmed with fur, AvvV booa qua.itv. lonj fiber . r r . I jto.-k: natural whit.-. Hand I velvet, buttons and braids. Distinei.ive styles. All sizes and colors. rolli l and jut about oon -. U (T rour. J to a roil. No phot's J Jr S i: ja!-"rao.t rTecs!jayor6.M!,nc. ' A N Stable Gt ouping of New end I $1-25 Satin Damak V 1 TT "ittSifSE RQr I ii (Ullll iiJiL 'OCiav - .-ic.- l"nz Ib-.i under , kJ V V -v;7 YARD In which many gfj r?j R ' 60c Linen Crash Toweling i fljt'l remCrfeabe UaueS ' J kuu ci inrhr, - ;.r i .1 may be io a . . . bi. : lij mr; f:j!i bi-a.-he!. 1 t-..-f k ' ; . ' Beauty of btyle is a diitinitivc feature of these h ,'-''n :a -- -ai- .;i r; '-r ' C-f i-T V-r ' ,1 I ', . I 1 the richces and quaHy of ihe materials is far irw..- : U, t;. ...r, , ,n YARD Ui' 'J.y.. I expect at th:s price. know eery cnaa -.rm :5 5-7 .j ar.u;. " - , elated in what can he hid. Th.- materials ir.-.v..:-- - I ') - 1'rench scree, rich down-a vain and georgette dr.-j-j.-:. ij $14.00 Wool Blankets UJ ' and panel effects. Trimtu-d vi'h fringe, bea-ls. l,-i':.... ji ' dev. Ail n.-- colvr and mvv. I'.ivbie ! m.-- Ira--. ! i. jj of c :.:-. I ..uaiitv. 1 ! Eri'.V'rtEf i:.J,,3 kS Jaunty Models in a Great Offering of - : to .i .Mjj'-'iner. ;.V;0'.o I , ::rt'.''r4'.j,1,'.-r'"' 1 ''"r Mju ; PAJK "p "p " ' j - I! A .pi'.-.a! .ot t'-t i.f'f'? !! S350 Extremdy iw priced n) nn II '-rf::iZ. for Monday sale VA U V- i j a LHUl i 65c Baby Yokes j ThcM- garmcuts were just reeeied in time to he ticketed and placed ri 1 U--utifu!lv b n d rnib roi . ihis low price even). AYc kuow of no other coat sale in which nrirty i d'Ted M'lie,. no fine W I , n i 11 j ; ; , , . , V and !nci- v ere so coukIIv tndncinp. I lari.lsoiiie imv.eis. tas!:,.e'',ci vi fabrnw. Import.-d fr..m t J fi 8 ' ' swit.-rland. I.'iiuiid. -.juari- ma l ena .-. of veloiir. bn.i.irloth. pebble rboviot. plu.sl-, a-.id ibe'-re. :' " '"r u'.-k:. fn-ttv I vir 1- Belied or plum models, l.arre plank or fur collars : roveltv belts l- . d.-'ir--. and eviraordiniM 1 , . . "" . , bar.-.iin. ' buckles, norm ii or r;nei w aistline. Njown in mwn, t.-uipe. rfr--':i"C blue, preen, niivy and black. Ail sizes for wonien and ini-vscs. j Slip-on Veils, 2 for 25c " I r; ;:";.:;:, ) NEW SILKS AND DRESS GOO j lei hij.' rrnvri nod of 1 P1 terei a, v.rv rf;..e.bie Kp Fine Quality Storm Serpc Tine French Dress 5" aif.h. in Mnt'k npU, rpl-n.lM nP-wool i-cre.-. in.- hr w ; cr-f .i i?chrs uiir. '.n rsv b)jr. b'o ;"' - ; .IrMfabfr for suit;. anl irf.rs. AVi n.tr Irrt xa-iety ol' I'sll coor. ' ' : j f:ll ha-i', blnck tm-.v, .(o.-t p':irr v h I.1 r-r n '5 .lrrc, kin.-. ri - ': " $ Girl' 50C SlOckina ou.l.tr i, rr.e.-.1 f1..10-va. Cj Or; y-rd nrd t-H-,-. Our .peo:.vl v7'' 'N ' Cehn f pner i;, yard yiitiV ard p - rndrrrrved brr.Tiir of , rINCU Rl'.TUB- : 1 PS- 'V?. IS. .I12I11 iinperfertior;. w,-ar j e.iniaMe for wo Excellent variety of o6-i.neb fancy taffet.i i"''': me quslili'S u-ffcelod. f ' ML in n'? one pi o c o ... ' , , . J'.i-.... l-.r nhbr.d cotton: MaeV ' fXC rirre-i a o d eh,l- Silks. TnonOtOtie ftnpc UtfCtS,'. atid fzXS i , , , ; onl--. and well reinfon-rd. s ,1 r e n '(. fthool Stin TOCsSfllinCS and cbiffon Uffpta. in "''' ' ? ' AM si-r-r. Mondar and I eo(l,ep. hovin m rui h.o ; r.M.c::. per p-r bii -i. y, brown. all tbe watile.d fall and winter slndc?. A v p-i'i-u and red. spe j I :'.v " mi ai. o. wonderful collection. AH low C 7- ! Women's 50c Vest !:-' I rnmi at, y.rd riphi tlir i - arsM-lr, . INCH CHirVCN VELVET .vlM')! COSTVMV. VELVV-T "7 TWH 0Klv ; ribbed eollon. Sleevele-K; I r 'T ""V-; . 'P'"' V'"" ."i i" i ' ' '"" 'r' V li(Thllv in.norfr.-t. ( 0 B 9 B and crern: tuilable for roal-. rWy lli-. laurel, t,,,.,-. ili, she n tn ' . ( , d. 'fill bar-am at thi.npr.ee. - ' 'i"vro:.. Morll. wme. h,r, e.-.x .,.) 1-1.1 '"!' All ro;..lnr .-;.. JT.eO yard. jC ft ft fvtra peeial at. CMC? V " I 1. I Unr pnee, nrd (jl'f.UU varl. ynJiWV rM $1.25 snd'$l,35 Gertrude V " ,w fl , Cotton Goods and Beddi :"rnPei;:,.e,nn';r;:n,;r7;" cStC (i"T ,ND,AN HKn" ?c m.nv.n rtsit r.nv.r.Ts vN'f ; b.ir;-:nn vol i.e. in l.. Mon V Vi, bli-ael.cd. in, he,, Mid, ; foil double bed i-e; el-a Ct-OTH -''" due .'md Tile -d.'- inle ' M.,1.. ..,,.,,...1, ' .. " tor uniform... ete. t;.'.ore ,xl" ' ''' I ..'-.' ' , , ' 'o1n ' 1 r-vt t to a . .... , ,', . rie-'ltOIIinllilU'ietll i. ,o,.ia,r' .$2.00 Infants' Dresses Nr' w,.u.:,0 ni; , l"',;'v ,:!,;,;:: i canton vlanm-.i.-. " ' rul0W ' Miort. 1,; oi enil-roidered fj.1 "B I) M.F - riain or fnnev pMI.-rn . .j,.,,,. ,,,ft n.-e.e. tin. ,,v -oL-r. villi deep er . B . .If. inv'lio. wide, Koi M, ,1,1a, ble.i..-.l. l.mnl 1., to 'P'-o ''. . Ir.nipiin-. a b,,tl,,. el' -f' -v. . - .,,. nj r e "- ...... r. No ,.).,. to a , . 0'ir ' S v l"'"L"' ' v.-"d : l'iC ev-S |