OCR Text |
Show First to build truck tires-First tires-First to build the channel type of truck tires-First tires-First to build removable truck tires , First to build the cup cushion truck tire First to build a complete line of tires for all commercial com-mercial vehicles First to build a successful giant truck tire First with the grooved tread giant truck tire First with a practical, efficient giant cord tire equipment, including demountable rims. First to establish 500 dealers with hydraulic presses and service facilities in leading cities throughout through-out the United States. The only manufacturer that makes the tire and rim complete. Result ; - Half the truck tonnage on Firestone Tires FIRESTONE TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY 31 West Fourth. South Jft,, Salt Lake City, Utah. ... Home Office and Factory, Firestone Park, Akron, Ohio Branches and Dealers Everywhere 0tlllllli!!i!lijilHiinil!3 tour Main Phone Lines Wasatch 391863136314-6315 WHERE THEY TREAT YOU RIGHT. W5m S 'mil HOME OP ttfTBADING II Hi STAMPS - ! Why Trade "All Over," When the CENTKAL Can Always ; SAVE YOU MONEY 7 We Buy to Save You From Paying Such Enormous Prices ' , FRUITS AND VEGETABLES OXTR SPECIALTY ' es y'ticcry Specials Worth While for One Week, Starting September 23 ' j EXTEA SPECIAL jj J 60c fiUl pound can Koys.l Baking Powder 18c j c Heina India Jell O, any 15c can Red Seal sS lisa 32c sort 10c Lye : 11c ' can Hominy or 2nc bottle Ketchnp 35c Underwood . :'uer Kraut ....15c for ' lr,c Deviled Ham ...30c jss buik Coffee 20 Natural Brown 20c Underwood S ?y fUio ..29c Rice 16c Deviled Ham ...17c Srir-lr p0i, o 50c Instant Postum 35c Economy Jar t- ncl; Codfish 42c for 43c Lids 30c rff can Cocoa per 30c 25c 10c Ja.r Rubbers S n . on- Special, 3 doz. 21c . " 15c Instant Tapioca jp; rT " Special.. 2 for 35c 50c Wesson Salad . J; can Pumpkin 15c Oil 42c S3 (, . 35c Heinz Vinegar Onion, Celery or S " Mustard, ,15c for , 29c GarUc Salt 2 for 25c :' Wedding Breakfast or Luneta Coffee, can 30c ; MEAT DEPARTMENT S 'ptn buyicS meat at the CENTRAL you can assure yourself you are jtw the best the market affords, and prices are right for the "lUty. We carry only country-fed poultry; all sorts of fresh and ' ni meats. WE DELIVER insi2uiiHnniiiininnniiniimiiiiniHmniiuiiiiiiiiiitiimiiiiii:?nifiiOis:a r j Doesn't Wear i " yes, ladies, I liave squirrel g m j skins, and sell squirrel pieces, but u P V I do not recommend them. j j ' '"''t until a year or so ago gray j f f j f -v, j squirrel was used for children's j H L t, " wear almost exclusively. Skins h H t r 1 l sold for about 30c each. Now w yi t x I 4j they are around $4 each, through j - j J"- sn artlficial shortage created by 2 ur dealers. (By this I mean the M h issiT skin dealers who buy of the R 1 Leff, the Fur Man trapper;) . "tl squirrel is not a LASTING fur. Let it get wet in the snow n m or rain, and it looks almost as bad as a dead cat. It is by no m 6 means the fine fur that nature has provided the mole or the g 9 beaver or the seal with. j j the squirrel lives in trees: the beaver, seal and mole are in ffl P water or mud most of the time. Naturally, Mother Nature L$ H provides them with fur of strong resisting qualities and much R S warmth. g p I have squirrel pieces and squirrel skins, and can make any h U thing you want in the squirrel line, but 1 am not advising my i;j purchasers to buy this skin, since it will only wear about one B season, where other furs, costing no more, wear from five to p ten seasons, and, as in the case of seal, a lifetime. j H this week I am jjoing to offer a 15 per rent reduction on every piece f A of the many, many handsome furs that I have made up. There are m pieces from $J5 to .flOuO. Red Fox. La Crosse Fox, Black Vox, Lvnx, M fa Civet Cat, Fitch, Squirrel. Beaver. Moleskin, Muskrat, Sealskin. RuilsOD a i Seal (made of mnskrat). Russian Sable. Mink. Miirtee, and, in fact, you & ft v,ill fiud practically every kind of known fur in my shop. " P j?J remember that I am the only fur manufacturer in Salt Lake who does B i'l not boy furs ready-made. I buy from the trapper and dress, cut. and i ( make all div own pieces, selling them direct to you, and save you much fA li money. Also you get FIFST-QUALITY skins" when you buV of me. tf & come in Monday and look around. Compare my prices with those p M a?ked elsewhere, and you will be convinced. Fl Bring in your fa f J 3 F II P Taxidermist I M P old furs for re- W fe F fe I U ft The only 0 modeling. We Jj bT rTS pn- Taxidermist in U H make them over it lite? flfif Salt Lake City 1 42. SOUTH MAIN STREET nnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnn n : n r GORGEOUS SHOWING OF n I g Late mil ; n The Fashion Sensations of 13 I 0 J-4.i3VP the Day 0 f D l-$t X Al1 sl::es- A" stlades. Smart tal- Q z2 AT pii k"- ' ' -v" :- lored effects. The skirts are nar- rj : LJ I yfl Jwvt row and some have pockets. Belt- JJ t ft ifiK fe,-J-: -?'.' ed models with large collars of vel- 1 a I . h vet or plush. Some have -fringe Q nl; 1 ft, I ft J ind braid trimmings. Coats show 19 f'H It, -... the long narrow silhouette. Mate- Jl n j t i I ' " rials embrace velours, gabardines, w V''f7 I I VV v ' burellas. pencil stripes, poplins, i-i n Wi K'y' and. flet a ,u" "a n ; H fcfell r LADIES' COATS U - M V.1 Buy now and savs C&C AA M n l v early hases- J g u -'f HI -n n 1 U 1 I Stirring Style Innovations m U g lr ladies Dresses g 51' t??50 1159 and g ! n A up n i n r H T n I Y We are setting an unusually high standard of value giving in dresses ' nand we urge our many patrons to visit the store without delay. See w the new collariess, straight-line, loose panel, sash-betted and tunic U effects. A wonderful dress display. Materials are TAFFETAS, SATINS, GEORGETTES, CREPE DE CHINES AND COMBINATIONS. J Q u v y n n LADIES' -TRIMMED MTS n The Style Hits of SM AND S g The Moment. m $ UP ft : n n 1 u wMi S n pW$ Wz$g$ Bu? New 7311 Cl0thes n n lftO the Whole Family at 0 n IIMti-rs nord-s. u n -Buy on the same plan a5 you R R tX&iXntwJ "Would purchase Liberty Bonds. Y-f H W? PAY A LITTLE EACH R R H-Mf WEEK OR MONTH 3 r mtMy R and before you know It the bill Is paid, you are dressed in the height V of fashion and you haven't missed the outlay. D v n . g Q SPECIAL VALUES IN FlfiC5? C6 S FWS? n WWK BUI a &mla u n luMi gj isul I is styles t0 please q ap ailfj 5 Z2 THAT ARE . "REAL.CLASS" the boys-prices H . R i n 10 ult "oaa' p g 1 0 SiP'&SW? BmPsJ' shoes for every member 0 j-j 1 1 OF THE FAMILY. Y-J, And Up Buy at Casn store Prices on w r Nord's Easy Terms on Any NORD'S Cheerful Credit Plan. 0 , - Selection; j j J-J g CREDIT TO OUT-OF-TOWN PEOPLE g 0 jSB 0 W. T. NORDQUIST, Prop. Opposite Auerhach's. 1 The Reliability That Means Economy : Reliability in thp most Important eoiiKideration with a person nor.dinc: M dental work. Reliability is the foundy tion of service. r 'pa The whole effort of tho Union Dental conipnny h devoid to Hojus,' -. I M dental work of unfailing- reliability. The exj-erifiice of sixteen yenrs i K has been combincrl with superior facilities with the purpose to niaKe p'ftj. m i fjs Right now -when supreme service fp demanded by t lie work of t he '' 1 fcj war, when every resource must be devote! to nat iun:i I welfare, it. i-: . ; Hj your patriotic duty to have Fimh a necessjiry iViinK a: d'.-nt;i work done j" Q as economically and yet as durably and iratisfaetorily a-; possible, (.'11 Jj ; any time at the "Union"' for a free examination, as the, nbuvc werviee in , k the kind you wUl receive. 1 jB&PJrnn one price 1 l&W-Vtfm TO ALL r P ? ' Gold Crowns ..$5.00 L U s ? BridSe Work.. $5.00 U it ( vv a Gold Inlays, a 'S . f-'' Porcelain Fillings, h 1 wc,jit.' vi ?2' to ?2-5 : H K "-t t ' Y Silver Filling. $1.00 i .3 If' , of Teeth (Tru- f jj I -i r , byte Teeth) $10.00 ,j y in?" - r j$ P The Old Reliable Union Dental Company. : y '( absolniely fpiaranice a.il our work and wr have spent year?; in y perfect ing our met Mod.-; r,f pa i nless ext. net ion. fall and sa t isfy ynur- I; , M self. Five thoroughly e,.erienc-d den' 1st;;. Iady attendati! s. j . j jg 212 Main St. Call Was. 1126. Dr. L, J. Dull in charge. j j 1 KJHSWISSSSnvSEOT i |