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All too Nbctr reign, however, us the Coloring represents the hectic. jath, and soon' tbey wil lie "own to be tossed by winter's i teior. while short, is a beanie bean-ie Springing from the bud in tier into fresh, cool green, b shady nooks for vaeatiou Sben fall comes they tint flic jth bright coloring to delight Finally dropping from the sv enrich the earth and eu-flowers eu-flowers to come forth in 8uty fith the return of ' ''lit colored leaves and corre-.Jints corre-.Jints in late garden flowers jig luncheon and tea tables, 'trend about chandeliers and P. trellises for weddings and ll if eniug of the University - of '' irill be the occasion for a ! social affairs given by the bf i be university in honor of tcbwil graduates who will be Jpt the university this year, ijcmi Pbi sorority entertained Slet supper Saturday evening -Ime of Miss Emily BriutOD, in fall flowers were effectively '.evoratiug. The committee in ;tWrrl Miss Hazel MeMullen. . nie Barlow and Miss Emily ,iOoticr members of the soror-iSss soror-iSss Xadine Dunn, Miss Mar-'Wiglas. Mar-'Wiglas. Miss Lucile Farns-Bk Farns-Bk flora liaddati, Miss Jean-Miss Jean-Miss Pauline Brandon, Miss , e .Moon, Miss Josephine Rich-i(l Rich-i(l Iiae Koudseu, Miss Mildred Miss Marjorie Lewis, Misis 'Douglas, Miss Dorothy Farnn-Margaret Farnn-Margaret Armstrong, Miss S McClellao and Miss Kather- Omega sorority entertained I ington Friday afternoon at of Miss Sarah Burton, SC5 B South street. The Alpha f w ill entertain at a bridge .;')day afternoon at the home iith Senior. The committee includes Miss Florence Davis, )ctli Protser and Miss Ruth m r . S- sSARGARET JENKINSON. a i?!"t of late September, was the Jjioonr ft a luncheon at the an yesterday, given by Miss -gerald. basket of white Kith green malino was the 1 for the table. The place rfjin ffreen and white. Cocrs J r U-elva. .,j"rga.reL Collins and Mi-s Flor-" Flor-" entertained at a knitting '6a yesterday afternoon at rfoo E street, in compliment Huson. The tea table was yellow, with a basket of J a ''eaterpiocce. The host !t" assisted by their mother. SSWllias, n4 their sister, Miss Collins. Presiding at the tea I Mrs. Thomas Kearns and in J. O'Brien.. Invitations 'united nuojber of friends of honor. i H.'lgo tea was given un-'''reclioQ un-'''reclioQ of th enter- tamitwe of the Ladies' Lit-.r-'ai lit clubhouse yesterday (hi l the interest of a 'war serv-jf." serv-jf." 'be club. The clubhouse i. fall srdcn flowers- ;-!rigo! were combined in r e ceoterpiece for the tea Si'1 Hie tea table were ilrs. H.r'lsacd y,. John r CowaD 'toamnttee assisted in serv-ff, serv-ff, Sivca during the tea "L Renaia f'reber Walsh. and Miss Fleanorr tables were arranged P "'hers came in for tea'. eP A- CLAWSOX entertained "nbers of the Fridav Sew-uncbeo11 Sew-uncbeo11 Satordav after-Wtoue after-Wtoue on First aveuue. The I; c Mrs. Stanley Claw-r Claw-r T Wells. Mrs. II. G. XVhit-v XVhit-v tj-3 D. Spencer. Mrs. D. 8. lorge D. Pyper, Mrs. ,a' Mrs- Isaac A. Clayton, ' Lynch, Mrs William Louise McCunc, Mrs. .Urs. Fred Clanson, Mrs. John Grocsbeck, Mrs. George Ellerbeck, Afrs. George D. Alder, Mrs. Lester D. Freed, Mrs. William Reid. Mrs. Le Grand Young, Miss Afton Young and Mrs. Seldou CUiwson. rpOR Miss Ha.cl Blomquist, a bride U of the month. Miss Grace Simons entertained at an Orpbeum party Saturday Satur-day afternoon,. Luucheou was served after the matinee at the borne of Miss Simons, 520 Third East street. The guests included Mrs. Walter Kliason, Mrs. J. Elgin Blomquist, Miss La Vaun Blomquist, Miss Marie Arbuckle, Miss Louise Wier, Miss Amelia Margetts and Miss Gladys Simons. MISS BETH KEATE entertained at a slumber party Saturday evening eve-ning at her home, SO Second avenue, in honor of Mrs. Ecx Williams, formerly Miss Helen Spencer. Supper was served at 12 o'clock in the dining room, which was decorated with red and white roses. The guests were the members of the F. H. T. club, including Mrs. Verner 0." Hewlett, Mrs. Gordon Kirby,. Mrs. Rex Williams, Miss Esther Badger, Miss Marian Whitney, Mrs. Edith Patrick, Miss Mary Godbe. Miss Helen Wells, Mrs. Herman Wells, Miss Vesta Edwards Ed-wards aud Miss Lillian Wells. Weddings and' . Engagements npl-lE wedding of Miss Margaret Jen-f Jen-f kimori, daughter of Mr. and MrH. C. H. Jenkir.son, and Edmund Judge Kearns. son of former Senator and Mrs. T'jcr.-.as' Kearns, September' 30, will be ope of the leading social events of the fall season. The marriage will take place at 10:30 o'clock at the Cathedral of tho Madeleine. Made-leine. Bishop Joseph S- Glass will officiate offi-ciate at the nuptial mass. A wedding breakfast will follow at the Hotel Utah and tho couple will take a short wedding trip before going to their home on a ranch near Elko, Ncv. The brine will be attended by her sister, Miss Dorothy Jenkinson, as maid of honor; Miss Helen Kearns and Miss Josephine Jenkinson will be bridesmaids. brides-maids. The ushers will be Warren Westcott, John Kearas, Louis Geoghe-I Geoghe-I gan and I rederick Quigley. The marriage of Miss Mabel Marpney and J. A. Paul took place at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. T. J. Ma-roney, Ma-roney, yesterday afternoon " at 4 o'clock. The ceremony was performed by the Re--. P. A. Simpkin in the presence pres-ence of reJtvives and close friends. The bride wore a dark gTay vclour tailored suit, wirh black hat and white boots and gloves. After a short wedding trip the couple will be at home at 1144 Eleventh Fast street until Mr. Paul is called into military service. Mrs. Laura Jensen announces the engagement en-gagement of her daughter, Laura, to Clyde A. Sheets. The wedding will take place at an earh- date. Mr. and Mrs. John C- Squires announce an-nounce the engagement of their daughter, daugh-ter, Lilliau Estcllo. to Alma M. Bur-Hngame, Bur-Hngame, the marriage to take place soon.. Mr. and Mr:. V. R. Gedgr? announce the marriage of their daughter, Rachel, to George l-Yomiru .Jr., which took place September 11 in the Salt Lake temple. A eceptiun followed in the evening at t.bii home of the bride's parents. The bride wore a gown of pint georgette crepe and carried a shower bouquet of pin!; rosebuds. She. was attended by her sister. Miss Leone Gedgc, who wore a .gown of white crepo dc chine and carried pink sweet pens. V: v Mr. and Mr?. William J. Cruse, formerly for-merly of Biii.e. now of Salt Lak City, announ.-e the msrrissc- of their daughter. daugh-ter. Tlororjce Claire, to Byron W. Grev of the Ogdon recruiting office, which took place W ednesilav in Orrdon at the home of the Rev. J. E. Carver pf the First lresl'vteri3U church. Air. and Mrs. Grey Vill o:a.l:c their home in Oeden. The -riarr'aee of .' Els a Petersou. .;au:-M.r of Mr. and Vr. A. W. Peterson, Peter-son, and Jess .1. Tarlor will taie place Wednesday. :f v Yfr and Mrs. J ' Frown announce the nurriase of their dans-liter. SHella. and Walte- Wlddison. Toe marriage took p'ace Wed"csda- in the Rail Lale temple and was followed b;- a d'nrer at the home of the bride'y bister. Mrs. .1. A rrdley. on First West street. Mr. andMre. W id -dlson will be at home alter October 1 a.t the Bernice apartments. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Flrak . a-nnounre the ctititcnieilt of Uieir dashter. .Ne.l.e Bleak Finser. to Lorenzo Dow Joirnt a son of Mr. and Mrs. I-oreroto S. Tcnrtg I VI aiOld SMOOT, wife of Lieutenant Smoot, who is stationed in the embarkation service of the U. S. government at Washington, and their two children, Charles Reed Smoot and Alice Smoot. Mrs. Smoot. and children are spending a short time at the Hotel Utah, j They expect to return to Washington Saturday. I ere ' ' 1 : . - rk' fx & M r " M;mfm APA !r l- k m - . of Shelley. Idaho. The marriage v.'itl take place in ihe Salt Lake temple on October 2, and In the evening a reception vill be g-iren at the home of the bride's parents on nobcrt avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Kendall announce an-nounce the marriace of their daughter. Cit-rtrudc- A. Wright, and Ross R. Spencer of Portlafid. Cc. The v.-eddip.g took place September 1? in this city. Josiali T.os announces; tho engagement o' his daughter. Leone, to Krank Edward Goodale of leth, Nev. The marriage will take place on October 3. Mrs. Sophia Daniel; announce? the en-pragrmeiit en-pragrmeiit of her daughter. Alice, and Chester Clifford Fedlar, the marriage to take place October 2. Personal Mr. aud Mrs. Ernest Quaj'le ana family have returned from the "Q" ranch near St. nthony. Idaho, and are at their home, 470 Third avenue. Mrs. J. V. Olsen and little son, Date, have returned from spcudinrr the summer sum-mer with Mrs. Olsen 's aunt, Mrs. A. J. B'urdett. in Kvanston, Wyo. Mrs. Olsen w-as formerly Miss Grace Cameron. Mr. Olsen was chief mechanic with the 1-lota U. . infantry and is novr over-r-ea. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Leate, daughters daugh-ters Mary and Catherine, and sons, Fraik nd" Robert, left Saturday morn-ijs morn-ijs for PocateJUo. -rhare Mr. Leute is nov stationed in railroad service, to make their home. Miss Claire Gleasou has returned' from Los Angeles, vh?re she has vis- ited for the past five months. ! 1 Mrs. Florence K. Woodruff, Miss Adelaide Woodruff, Mr. and Mrs. John chcid and George Brodie left yesterday yester-day for a ten days' trip to Little lion's canvon. Mr, and Mrs. Dou E. Bay and two snKtll daughters, who have been tiuc-jts of Mrs. D. E. McAllister, have returned to Poeatollo. Tbey were accompanied bv Mrs. A. J. Gibl-ons and son, JaeL. v Mrs. H. Ross Taylor and babv daughter daugh-ter left laiit week for Ogden, after spendin.tr several weeks in the city. They will visit Mrs. Ralph Bristol before be-fore returning to their borne at McGill. Nev. Mrs. Alfred H. Warren left last week for Berkeley, Cal, to spend the winter, after spending several v.'eeks; in Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Schramm have returned from San FT.ancisco and a tour of the northwest. Mrs. Schramm left early in August and Mr. Schramm joined her in Portland several weeks ago. 4 Miss Kate Judge and niece. Miss Mary Woodward, have returned to the city after a visit to S2n Francisco and I Santa Barbara. Miss Woodnard will be at the Hotel Utah for ten days be- f ore returning to Washington. ' v I ' Mrs. M. K. Hoffman of Los Angeles is visiting friends in the city. "Mrs. Hoffman is a former Salt Laker. Mrs. Paul Keyser and baby have returned re-turned from San Francisco, where they visited Lieutenant Paul Keyser at the Presidio. Mrs. George Gilligan, arrived home Frid;:y night from an extended otay at Berkeley. Cal.. jb her husband, who is in training there for tlu' avtatioa service of the V. S. ar'uy. Mrs. Gilligan, Gilli-gan, who was formerly Miss Ada Kron-ner. Kron-ner. is vith her parents, Mr. ;jud Mrs. William Kronner. on Fourth avenue. Miss Anna E. Fisher, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Wells Fisher, will leave W'ednesdav for Berkeley to attend the University of California. Miss Bessie Curtis has gone to Wash-ir"ton Wash-ir"ton to enraee in government service. ; " " ' Lientciant and Mrs. David Keith and baby have arrived from Xew York, where Mrs. Keith went to meet her husband, who has just returned from overseas duty. v Professor William F. Cooley of the department of philosophy of Columbia university, is spending a few days at the residence of his sister, Mrs. A.. F. j Bardwell, in this city. Dr. Cooley hai exchanged places for the year n"ith Professor Pro-fessor Parker of Pomona college, Cal.. and is on his way to assume his duties with that institution. i;: Mrs. Paul Kinf has returned from Denver and Greecrivcr. TJtiih, sad will I spend the winter in Salt Lake. Captain King is in France. , Mr. and Mrs. Keuneth Euma.n a.nd little daughter of Big Piney, Wyo.. are ! in the city for a few weeks' visit. 'Mrs. Wing B. Allen and daughter, I 'Jane, have, returned to .New Yorkafter I visiting Mr:-: Viion 's parents. Mr. and iMrs. W. H. Alexander, and bur sister, ! Mr:;. A. D. Cleveland. ' i u Major and Mrs. Joseph Tyler bavcj returned to Salt Lake to make their home. Major Tyler has been transferred trans-ferred back t.o Port Douglas froui Fort D. A. Russell. Mr. ar,d Mrs. W. C. Price and una;! son are visiting v.jth relatives ;.r.d friends in the city, pi e,-. ious to their dc parture for their home in Omaha, Vb. Mr. and Mrs. Price have jo-t. returned from Ocean Park, Cal., wL'ere tlicv have been spending the summer. I Mrs. R. G. Grimmer, formerly Miss Esther Sioey, who has been visilin? at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Sloey, 32-1 Sixth East, street, left Thursday evening to join her husband, ' fOonttmaed on Pags Two.) n Parties Planned for Charming Bride K bO'Jor of Miss Margaret Jenkinson, I a cuaruting young .bride of September. Septem-ber. Miss Gertrude Geoghcgan aud Miss Kathleen Geoghegan will eutertain at tea at the Hotel Utah, Tuesday afternoon, after-noon, from t until 6 o'clock. Wednesday Wednes-day afternoon, at the same hours, Miss Jenkinson will be the guest of honor at a tea to he giveu by her sisters, Mrs. Henry Cran aDd Mifcs Josephine Jenkinson, Jen-kinson, at tho Grain home on Wall street. Thursday, from 4 until b' o'clock, Miss Helen Wright will entertain en-tertain at a tea at her homo on First avenue, lu compliment to the bride, and Saturday by Miss Constance Piekell at her home on Seventh South street. WITH Mra. Harold Smoot of Washington Wash-ington as guest of honor, Mrs. Joel Nibfjy will entertain this evening at a buffet supper. Mrs. Horace WMt-ney WMt-ney v.dll entertain at luncheon Wednesday Wednes-day in compliment to Mrs. Smoot. Mrs. Frank Fisher has issued in itations for a tea Thursday afternoon at her home on Wai'ott avenue in complimeut to Mrs. Smoot apd Miss Katherine Whitney, Whit-ney, who v.iil leave soon to attend au out-of-town college. THROUGH the courtesy of the directors di-rectors of tho Country club a dance will be given there by the War Camp Community.. Service association Tuesday 'evening fur officers of Fort Douglas and of the .University of Utah and tboir wives. A successful dance was given Friday evening on tho McDonald Mc-Donald roof garden by the outsido recreation committee of the War Camp Community association for enlisted men from tho post Eutertainnieut in tho way of lortune-teliiug us furnished by Miss Minnie .Sadler. Miss Daiay Kaybould and Miss LyTc Bradford. S :it Professor Kvau Stephens will entertain enter-tain at a la; go dinner party at his homo on State street, Tuesday evening next, in honor of his niece. Miss Alice Dau-iela, Dau-iela, and her fiance, C. C. Pedlar oX San Francisco, Cal. Invitation is extended by tho faculty of Westminster college and the Collegiate Colle-giate institute to a reception and ma-sicale ma-sicale at Ferry hall Friday uight. The program follows: Vocal solos, "Caro uiio ben'' Giordaui "So tu m'ami so Mspiri "... Pergolesi , Miss Frances Til ma Jensen. Piano numbers, "Barcarolle" .... Grodsky Prelude in G Chopin Mrs. Winifred Jensen Stedman. Reading. "The Highwayman". .Moyea "I've Got the Mumps" Franklin Miss Marian Marshall. Vocal duet, "Every Flower," from Madam Butterfly" Puccini Miss Frances Ililma Jensen, Mre. Winifred Jensen Stedman; accompanist, accom-panist, Miss Katherine Davies. Flute solo, "Come Back to Erin" . Barocbby Louis Vernon Becker. Harp selections, " My Heart at Tbv Sweet Voice" '. Saint-Saens "Cradle Song" Kreisler "Elegy From Thais" Massenet "By the Waters of Minuetonka" Lieuranoo, Miss Frances Hilma Jensen: flute oblicalo, Louis Vernon Becker. Reading, "Carry On" Service "Seein' Things"at Kieht" Riley Miss Marian Marshall. Vocal selections, "Dedication". .Franz "It Is Lilac Time" Hiidrcth Mrs. Winifred Jensen Stedman. ITarp solo, "Rouet" itasselmans "Minuet" Hasselmanti " 'Tis the Last Rose of Summer". . Irish ail-Miss ail-Miss hi-au'-ej Hilma Jensen. The Bon Ami club v ill entertain at a dancing party Wcdnetiiay evening at the Lfiicf.' Litem'-;- club. At a recent mecliiig of the club officers for the coming veur rre elected. Mis;. Lillie Kai'f I'iiian , president; Mis Thco Furrow. Fur-row. trc25ur-i", M:ss Emma Kauftmai), I vice president. " and Mis:. Virginia Wortbinan, sccrctar-. The other members mem-bers of tho club arc Miss Wilrna Davit, Mis:. Vivian '"hiicnfm. Miss Jenny Bro'.vo and Mr-- Obdv, Marsden. v Mrs. r.. C. V-.irv. eatiic r -.-.ill be. at bom inlormaiiy Wclncsda v afternoon from 3 ur.ti.i t o'cloct:. lo .-ty cood-hy to friends b':torfe leaving lor New ori with Dr. Fair-.', carrier to m:.!:?. Iter Pome Misr Lo;ii-e 'clr!-tn Loofbourow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wade Loofbourow Loof-bourow has left for Wooster, Ohio, for ber junior year in college there. Miss LooFoourow is a graduate of Vest minster college, and has spent the torn-me.r torn-me.r with her parents-. , 4Z s - (Coutisned from Page One.) Lieutenant Grimmer, who is stationed at Camp Lewis. W;ih. Mr. and Mrs. K C. Jensen have ;'onc to Alt. Pleabaut to spend a few week. Miss Triest Pearson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Georcre Pearson, lias cone to Berkeley to aiteud the University of California. Mrs. Harold Smoot and two children. Alice and Charles Reed Smoot. who have ben at the Hotel Utah the past week. yect to return to Washington the latter par! of the week, where Ijeuienant Smoot is in th j embarkation department of government gov-ernment service. Mr?. E. J- Raddatz and Uausnters, Pearl. Flora and Eunice, have just returned re-turned from a three months' visit to Los Angeles and the beaches. Mr?. Frank How'and left yesterday for er home in tan Francisco. She had b&en visiting in this city with her sisters. Mrs. J. Gro.nt and Mrs. G. W. l.indsey. Miss Evelyn Mayer and her mother, Mrs. Carrie Maver, have returned from New Tork City," where Miss Mayer attended at-tended Columbia university for the pat year and was graduated wuh a B. degree. Miss Mayer will resume her duces as teacher of art at the 1'niversity of Utah. Sfiss Myrtle Heath has ium returned from a six weeks' tour of the coast, including1 in-cluding1 Los -Angeles. San Francisco and Poruand. She was accompanied by her sister. Miss Lucille Heath, who recently completed a post - graduate course in the Los Angeles county hospital. Mrs. Arthur Iver Johnton has gone to join her husband. Lieutenant Johnson, Trho is stationed at Fortress Monroe, Virginia. Vir-ginia. i Mr. a,nd Mrs. Grant M. "Darby are receiving re-ceiving cor.gratulatiuns over tl;e arrival . of a. son. born at the HoW Cross hospital hos-pital Miscellaneous Events Mrs. Henry Simon; entertained at ier home at South Fourth East street Vednesdar evening as a surprise for har sister, Mrs. Albert G. Robinson, in honor of her wedding anniversary. Mrs. Robinson, who was Miss lia-bti lia-bti Heater, ivas married a 'year aeo. ! Her husband left shortly "after for training at Camp Kearny and is now oversea. Miss Sarah Melius gave a dancing party at her new home on West South : Temple .street, in honor of Miss Louise ; Voeler, who leave for Los An geles this week to attend the Girls' Collepriate college of that city, and George Xiblock, who has been assipied to a'camp in California, and leaves for ' his post in a few days. Music was fur-' fur-' nished bv Miss Lucile Keber, Charles ! Campbell' and Miss Alice Abbotts. Ke-i Ke-i freshments were served late in the eve-i eve-i ningr. Twenty piests were in attend-' attend-' ance. Mrs. Harold Earp entertained at a bridge tea Wednesday afternoon in compliment to Mrs. W. B. Cannon, who is visiting here from lAs Angeles, 3nd Miss XeUic Hasbrouok. The guests included Mrs. D. W. Teaehenor. Mrs. I. J. Ford. Mrs. Worth-ington Worth-ington Clark. Mrs. Clara Sheet?.. Mrs. Jane Mecham, Mrs. T. F. Jackson. Mrs. E. E. Bennett, Mrs. Hal Smith, Mrs. John Tobin. Mrs. Pauline Ostler. Sirs. J. W. Be Ford. Miss Blanch Miller. Mrs. M. Kilgore and Miss V. Staples. Miss Louise Weer entertained Thursday Thurs-day evening at a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Ha.el Blomquist. a bride of the coming month. Mrs. F. L. Boynton entertained the ladies of the Gordon circle, G. A. R., and other friends Wednesday in honor of the birthdiy of her mother, Mrs. A. P. Wellington. Twenty-five guests present and games and knitting were, followed bv refreshment?. The circic presented Mrs. Wellington with a beautiful beau-tiful birthdav token. Those assisting Mrs. Boynton were Mrs. Mary L. Hubbard Hub-bard and Mrs. Maud Whipple. Miss Clar.H ami Beatrice Sarton enter-taiftcd enter-taiftcd lb-? members of the C. L,. E. club Thursdav evonir: at their home on Hub-hard Hub-hard avenue. These present were Miss Keren Coombs. Miss Constance Bml?ett. Miss Minnie Knialu. Miss Ruby Richards;. Miss Snow. Miss Milieu Davis. Miss Lilly Atkinson. Miss Florence Knight, Miss Mary Glade. The teachers of the Kvanklin school entertained en-tertained at tea Friday afternoon in the kindergarten rooms at the school in honor of Mrs. John Thomas, formerly Miss Harriet Har-riet Partridee. The rooms were decorated with red and white gladioli tied with bows of blue mahne. i s The Krtre. Xous club jave a "cheer" party for Mrs. T. C Coffmaryil her hcume on Vst Temple street FYiosy evening. The club members arc Mr. and Mrs. Max Beaver. Mr. and Mrs. M. Z. Ko'-seutt, Mr. ijid Mrs. R. J. Jeff. Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. AS". E. Coulam. Mr. and sirs. Matt Rumph, Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Stenhenson. Mr. and Mrs S. H. Lund. Mr. r.nd Mrs. M. McDonald. Mrs. O. A. Amur.sden. Miss' Mary Beatie and Miss ThaJia Coffman assisted in serving. State Society 1 HEBER CITY f f HEBER CITY. Sept. 21. Mrs. TTU'is-ji Bujs of Salt Lake is- visiticp friends in Hebcr. Miss I la Fisher cntcruiined a few friends at diant r Mcplfo . Mbs Jljiel K. Carli'r. danpiiter of Mt. P.irah F,. Carlilo. a.i'i E.irnesr Kmebi of WoMlaod "Prr uarnptj in rbe S;iit Lake trmpte September Septem-ber 11, Mr. and Mr?. Koichl will bo ar bo me in Woodland. C tail, to their friends after October Oc-tober 1. Mifcs Alice Wood and Mrs. Lupins Murdx'k were victors t" y.iU Lake Thursdjy. Mrs. Leona Hughes of S.iU Lake is visiting with her mother. Mr. Willi. tic (ribbh. Mrs. J. LiDdfay entertsuied hi a bundle shower Th'irJiay eveninc in bnnor of Miss Poa Jones. The rooms, were doooratod is au ftitun leaves and flofer?. Musio va Hie l"i?B:ure of the ereaing. I.nnobcon j.or-.ed. Miss. M. TV Shwte i? home tlte rintr. after spmdi'jc most of the summsr in Snlt LhV1. Mrs. Faciei Duke is Tisitir.-; d Nornjl. L'tjh. with her daniliter. Mrt. Aldorus DHfton. Mr?. W. D. Wrieht ts isitinc in Salt TuVr. Mrs. AWa Marine entansinod at a Ke-DMnr-frJ Thursday af terr-oin. Thete. p"esrnf were Mrs. Geo rye A. rither. Trs. L D. Green" c-l. L-s. Charlie Bronson. Mrs. Andrew Mjrdr'-.. Xrrs. Th. Jssperson. Mrs. Chase Motilton. Mr. Edward Clyde. Mrs. R:ir Duke. Mr?. Ed Mc-Mnlliar. Mc-Mnlliar. Mtf. F. S. Karns. Mrs. Wi'liam Bin-ncr. Bin-ncr. Mrs. Tom .lones. Mrs. Francis Mom 'ton and Mrs. Umer W. Marrick. M!s Edith Wallace wa. a visuor to S.tlt Lake Friday. Emmet Shields of the V. S. navy is home TiMtinp h! wile. Mrs. Emrcct Shields, formerly former-ly Miss Jessie MurdocU. Miss Beatrice OrrioV wa?. roarriod Wednesday afternoon at Farmirjgton to Leslie J. OUi. T KAYSVIUZ f 4 KATST1LLK. Sept- Miss T.ner t4 en-trtiine-.l a few friend? a' a soeia'l a' her hire Wednesday eenin?. Games ".ere played fl !-"wo.i by refreshmenT. 'I b ru't ep M'i-se.s Marita Blo-xl. Artel) I. in ford. Hi t" Ronr'-i;'1. Cleo Bodily. Msmic Knsh forth. BUnrhe Wb-Rter. Wb-Rter. Erma Bodily. Ruby Ku-hfonh. Bes.-ie Blood and Mi-s. Willsie Ciibrsith. Mrs. .r. D. Rnrledce and -s. K. M. B.irces were Tisitora to Salt Like Lit.- Saturday of U;t Mister Verna freen. H"lon Talbot and Oliv Green, all of ?!t Like Cry. w ere ls:t "-ek end 2-tiett of Miss Hr'en Clark. "'r. and rs. W'llard Gui'ey rf Fnirtin-. iTdalTX ;iikJ Mr. and M. E-c-r Galtry of rif-( rif-( trt. Tdaho. '.prnt a f"vr da s tn town this week ' a? zuts if re la ties. t Mr. and Mr. Am"M M. Birr.o pnt Su'rdf j m ( learfield as guestj of Mr. nd Mrs. Jese H. Barlow. Mr. and Mrs, Lambert B!amins are spndin? tvn weeks io Barley. Idaho, us guest of Mr. and Mr. Lawrce B!siriT. Mrs. Henry Graham srer,r Monday in Ordn. Mrs. John G. M. Birnes. spent Woin5daT in Salt Lake City. Mrs. &Ath C. J"nas "? Buctiful visited rela tivps in town i.-n Monday. 1 Dr. and Mrs. Clyudo Q. Tannrn and c'o'!drn of Salt Lake City rent Tlmr-diy in ton as guts of Mr. and Nfrs. J. ,. m. Rirne-. Mrs. William E. Gailey ard Mr. f ltfford. D. Strocy were Ronnnfnl litors Thurrdav. Mr?. John W. Oj!I"t nnt t)e w; tn Orden 'dr. and Mrs. John Rbin. Mr. and Mrs. I;j'i rd Robtot. Misf .lnnte ;o.ins and Mi- or-' : R'.bin. sll of Salt Lake i My. e'e Knj h f 11 vii,.os Monday. i Mi? G'-tdjs Barker enfrrained a fw fronds' a soein' al her 'nmD Tled;iy fK-ninc, i;.'inip- j wore played and re f rr-hn't-n rs srvr. tn to Mflli.- Barnes. Thelma Wtllium.. LU.i W )!--. ,. Irinthia Siinnion?. Pons Tnortilry, Hn-iM I Thoniess.on. Tone Phillips, Alta Crlddle. Zella Green. Altha Rihfortb and Alice Williams. Miss Leila Gailey entertaiDcd at a dinner party Saturday evening of l;ir week, la houor of Miss Irene, Gailey. who leaves soon for Riv-erton. Riv-erton. where she has accepted a position. Covers 're laid for the following, in addition to the truest "f honor: Mr. and Mrs. Heber Gailey. Mr. acd Mrs, Henry Bono, Mr. and Mrs. Goorj Gailey. Mr. and Mrs. Charics. W. Millard. Mr.. William Bone. Mr. Lelbert Gntley. Mist-es Lu-?lla Lu-?lla Bone. Velda Gailey. Lucille Bone and Cora Boor. Mrs, Ada Williams is visit ioc in Salt Like Ciry. Mrs. .lane Checketrs of Ocden is the ?uct of her oiMor. Mrs, Cbarlet. Odd. Mrs. tSfirah Ann Sessions of Bountiful spent edue;ciay in town as Uffct of bcr &-?a. Jod SosiDs. nod f ami ly. Fear heltoQ wis a Salt Lake. Cuy rit-ifr rit-ifr Tufda y. Mrs. Manila Robbins i spending a fe- dys ui Garden ab ffuett of her tiiter. Mrs. Earl Stewart. 1 LARK : f m m , LARK. Sept. CL An enjoyable dancinc rny "a cien by the T.nrW Social club at the club-nT5 club-nT5 Frida? f.ecicf. A featuro of tb eve n'nz ""as t h" fr w term el oo served by the club aS-ut midnipht. There was excellent rauic fron ;i!t Lake and a Itrsc cro-d was present. The Hod Cross kaitticg uitt met with y.rt. Ha-ry Tjtess Piifsdav, Tbotc prr-ent ere Mrs. A! Heller. Mrs, Howard Loom it. Mrs. Frank Ronrk. Mrs. thristensea and Mrs. J. H. Wray. Mr:. Frr.ncip Downey has rerurned !rom GoH-f GoH-f :eld. Nov.. where she spent the sn-umer. Her sis tor. Miss Ruth Richards. rc;iiracd with b'.r fo snenu the "-intrr. Mr. and Mrs. p. Sage ard daughter. R'lby. li t returned trt 1-ark after an 1 1 receded an' o trip r-.reuj:rt California and Washington. Artrur Brardow. after a hori vacation 1o 1 ark. has returned t the bhipyirds. where be holds a responsible position. His sttcj. Mrs. Har'vv Lanro!-. and Mi?a Marguerite Lanrot returned to California w t h aim. Mrs. Harry Kuphildt returned borne tbn wprk alter a fi;.it of several wecia m Call-fria. Call-fria. M:ss Leah Jorj of Ozdtn bap been the a-dest of Mr. dnd Mrs. R. Wilsoo Ruff for serraJ Jar Miss i jera Lytei! of Torinptoo . Ner. . it : o"rd!? the w'cTtr "itli her C5usn. Mrs. Howard How-ard L'ViTTtS. Hnrey Lanrs. Mr. iod Mn, Harry Tbrae Rid Dr. and M rs. I'ewey metered to Ring ha ta Monday evening. lrs. Howard Loomis and trotb?r. M-. Downey, spent tb livi wpek end ir S-alt !jtk'. Mls L-tti" Wrodhead bis l?ft to ipeoS bcr va -at ion in Idaho. Mr. :md M1 rs. C ra rrrr tnlorrd (n Prerrt bit-ur.:.y bit-ur.:.y if last w'. Mrs. Ld Moore a od Mrs. Harold Welp;rt spent Friday in Salt Lake. il MURRAY MVRRAT. Sept. ?L Th R-rvkVn lodgo enterlined nt a laree part T'jes-d.T- eAninc jn t'ne InHeerooni? at th Fraternal hall. It being the c-'cajion of t' o F'.xty-t-o- enth anmv"rarv -f top 'odre. The hall ua de;orated with gsr-d?n gsr-d?n tlo frs, fr ni and fine-. After the anniversary exercise 3 a program was rendered. ren-dered. Luncheon was served at a lat honr to a larse number of puotts, and dancin ; folio" cd M:fs .1 p naif William entertained at dmnrr Tnsda , e-cnitic a: her hmp on J'n-s. avenno To ert wtr laid (or ten. Tho M-tho1itt ..idles' Aid ociot held l;.rt pvun; f t'io omlna; yr.tr Tlinrsd r ;r Urnoon in the rhurrh. Sirs. K. i"'ark v a. elected T'rid-nt : Mr. V. f:. And-'!!. ire pr.'bidrnt. nnd Mrs. V. II. ;roene. aiM-etary and ire.t MirtT-Thf MirtT-Thf n'f arc to le held the second and fourth Thursday of each month. A program eon; i ? 1 ins nf piano vrVctiorf bT Ml-s Jennie William.' and soUn ty Mr&. R Wilkin, follow ed the husincpp meeting. meet-ing. L'Cht refreshments were .served. Mrs, A. Fetorson, lias been vHInc her parent?. Mr. and Mrs. V. t'i. Itiwmmi. If-ft diirlnc the week for Garland, wharf she will "peiid the winter. Miss Rayola vTwo-vj returned dunne the uok from Oedo. whrrr she had ben the suM of lir eiter. Mr?, G. W. Biker. The Rv. and Mrs. E. V.. Mork. wli have made their home during the summer sum-mer at the W. R rink rrslden-e on t.usl rnrty-lplUh South sirtet. moved Thnr.-.-dav intrt thlr new home in .alt Itkc Mrs . K- J. Edwn rdb of .uiim, Ai is., it. ils'tfnz Ht thr home of hrr parents. Mr. and Mri. H;itv Atood. on Vino s!r-et Mr. VA" nrds. who Is a tirs t lhMiteniint itli tiie Forty-third relnint. stationed at fl" Antonio. Te;is, will leave t-oon j yt.ri'i.-e mi Kraiv e i Thf RHptist IxiHies' Aid M-tM" will met Wednd.v jfirnicon in the church 1 (or th punvse of i'l'cttnp otiiror. Mis Marv Nlsnu Irft Sundny eentnc for VlnrUIni whore nho will b mar''ird to Everelt T'rlnUw ater, a Murrnv boy, who is In govertimenl service ut that place. i l.'eirov Gardner, who Ur. been In government gov-ernment service at San Kran'-it'o. returned re-turned to Murray. Thursday, tor i shorl visit wllh his purenlf. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gaidner. before leaving tor Btudy at the Locttit Acrlultural mlleye. Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson and ton. Wq.sIpw oT UexburR. Idaho, die pucst.s of Mrn. Kichnrd HocfheiT. Mrs, Ira Morgan and Mis. James Mor-CAn Mor-CAn of 1 ,evHi and Joseph T oefhrlns of H'drhMi ;ru RUesta of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. l,iyr.i. 1 PAYSON I - PA SON. Si-pt. 21.--Mri. I.nfllf Obrrhannlry rti ort n iTiJ thf nicrnlw of Hi" vv-rhili vv-rhili Fri-lnv n f trri.cvm nt th" honu of pnr-fpi-, Mr. und Mrn. .t'lin t.:Oit. Thr A fttrti'ori Si'nt;- club mi1 ThiirMliiT lll. Mtk. .1. r. MrtlH.-in. I Mr ui'l Mr. .blui Mnrl; n t rrl ,i imi1 lit Mip-pi-r S;iHiIi' efnHc- I nviTt 'iT.' Ini'I for Mrv-: ii'il M -1 n nw Hm r tlnilrr. Kiv-tt-r Hn.rni'' iiii.t .totiti Shirk. Mr- I,. I'h'i r Inn I iii Im"" iriir-!-- Krt.l.i.v f lio Olft!ltr nf HtP Mfrrv Miitroni.' rnt. T. II. WiKnn rnt.Mtnln.) slvtcrn if his yumi; f nrnl- S ii lulu v r vi-it I m: n I flu l"in of his pno-nt. Mr, n'nd Mr--. TlM.tn.f WINmi. Mis Sk..ml Sinllh. VIM.'i' ttin on.1 Mar pirt liumi nU-i'lnliH'il l( ri in 1.ri I In "! , "Iniv.T nt 1 hf hniiir of Mr. mi.l .Mrs. llin. f-... 1 . 1 tv ii th'-nlnr purl v. Woiln.-v-.li s . ill i-Mniilnn-nl to Mis. Prink S, TImhih, r..rmi'ilv Mls 1.o..n-i H.iti'F.. m rni'til hri.lr. Mr. 'I li m n h n li ni'v h I inrwil lit ( Jimp K-'iirm . Mr-. H;lt -rit't Kiitrn nml rh M-l r.n nn Mr. mill Mr. Or -on Sim 1 1 Ii nf Snrtv wrri 1 r K'l.t-is rlit- ..! of Mrs. Kiirrir'n fnlli.r. S. W ..rtlilMf:f..n, Mr. nml M r. Sin Oh Ut f I'rt.ln v for III. h 1 1 I'M . whorr I hy wilt rof-1.1.' I tMiiii-r. Mi. smith t..-litf u l.-nrhi-r In l hi hlh nho,. i ut iiuii ptniT, Mtk, .iMM.ph ir-.,.),. Ml-in Miitth- I'nwnn, f ri ( ,i I ir.' ;i n f I l ii rirn rrl tHimi tn-l.iri i to Sp'i.nisli Km U Ttjr,....i i . .Mi. iinil Mi'-. Mrti'iii Monvon of t'lmiunt llroic will nuikf th.-ir horn.' hrc (hU lntcr. 1 MANTI 4 MANTI. S-pt. L'l.-Oim of th if.-II if Ii I Tut nf fmr- of llir fU km the Km.!- i..n alvcu "-ti H'v iif"m.,.n hy Mrs. A. (I. u-ln urn. I oVil In in- hi on win n.'ri ill to tji Irl , 'T in? W'irn.iti'M Mlr.rlrt,mr y w-l. l v nir( n-(lh Mm, M f, Hll"n Tnr-MtiT. .Scrrtl irl.rl on China anj Tnm wr rrd tv an-rrhTs. A report of t hr rnnir ntJnn it S' a K ti kf ;i i n bv Miss Jromf S Work. K . f ri -hntit; f r srTa. . .Mrs. Kannlt: ISt'r in.t d.Hightf.r. Kstlo. bsv ret 'irnff rrna s.i 't I,i kr. Mr., H. P. Han.n t-prol vfond.iT in fentrr-ffH. fentrr-ffH. 'o'llfe'-d JBen cmr ip from Carcp t.ewdt Mori .it to fpml two w(5 itji h'h i-fp. Mr?i. Thirh'b l,nnl of i.fnntwn hpriit ITrdrcn-dir ITrdrcn-dir ith lr. J. h. Hnrio. The Sogtii iinj KfUof oviotT lart'Pi, r,tt T-icsy at te-ir b3ll. g jJIuar (cr ttc cecefit of the Ki-i t r.v-. Mi-? rhlv lr-1d. -'fr. PnhT Ro'M-2 and Ihi-U Millrr fr'nn.-.i t-.,- n0i'?:e- cinV at ih.- i or e of Mts J:;dl Mdnii.r rv-i)!C "I hi Vi -.rs Vu-cSn r1 t Tr,' Mr t rtfr-t;inf1 rtfr-t;inf1 the I. T. cljb at thnr hn-.t Wtv1ne-iv ;v( o:tif . Mrfse: HornMnc- 'ho -.-rptly TPtnrne:4 fr.tni (l.tnl. Til . lft V'Js;it for MfuTt Pics "-An i to atti-r.l Wassfrh ai'adeciy. lr. Heury Winter) oat ?rta ;md h dn4--n r'.A ) tivr ard frifd it d't- s-p'ti L" Mr?. Will -"'-" D?r p-irty Triii :'..' Mrs. a; J L-'T ': acci csrot.n Pr;-T T-- Mrs. AcWw VV: '"" tuesr of Mrs- -tbii-s.l.Hy , . Mr?. Hb-r F "d Wr-.insisv afuT5-t- : .-t. j. |