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Show SHERIFF'S SALE. In the district court in and for Salt Lake county, state of Utah. Salt Lake Security & Trust company, a. corporation, plaintiff, aaim:" f . J. Robinson aid Hannah Han-nah Ron in son. utband 3 nd wi fr-., deffn-dants, deffn-dants, to be sold at sheriff's eale at the west front door of the county courthouse in the city and county of Snit Lake, state of Uu'jh, on the Sin day of Octoh&v, A. D. 10 IS, at 12 o'clock noon of sa id day, all the riehl. title, claim and interest of .said ', lot 7. block 134. plat A, Pall. Lake City ; survey, and running thence wst 41 feci. 3 inches, thence south feet, th"nce east 41 feet 3 inches, thenco north 16i feet to , tl:e place of bosinniri,?. Pcrcbase price payab'e in lawtiil money of tile l.'nited .-fu.-tct. , Da led at Salt Lake City, Utah, this 14th : day of September. A. I. I91S. t JOHN" S. CORLES!-', Sheriff of Salt Lake County, Slate of Utah. - i 1 By F. M. Miilhewe, Deputy Sheriff. j f |