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Show :.), iMlD - t Started Among (; jassadors to Align ; le Civilized World inst the Bolshevild. - ictions Issued to lomatic Representa- ; 5 at All Foreign itals Ask for Aid, MTNGTON, Sept, 21. Iforrtfiod by ; jy reign of terror In Russia, th States today called upon all ailied .eitral nations to consider what ay do to Impress upon the Bolshe-6 Bolshe-6 aversion with which the ciriliued 'regards their wanton crimes, "Irectlon of President Wilson, Sec-ji'LanBing Sec-ji'LanBing dispatched instructions to ymorlcan diplomatic representative - foreign capitals. fiction aligns the United States l at of Great Britain and France '.'arlng the Bolshevik! responsible 'p murders, crimes and excesses v, lavo shocked tbe world, outlaws vllc, enemies. r Wcr action may be decided upon "l nations, separately or in concert, s-.de clear, will be quite apart from ,v lectition of the war against Ger- OT FURTHER ?"MN SILENT. ' Is the text of the state depart-lnstructions depart-lnstructions to the American Foremment Is in receipt of ln-:,. ln-:,. n from reliable sotirces reveal-: reveal-: the peaceable flusslan citizens vw, Petrograd and other cities ''.fering from ajx opeoJy avowed 'jin of marked terrorism and are j to wholesale executions. Thon-: Thon-: if persons have been shot without J, (orm of trial; in -ad ministered ,1:' are filled beyond capacity and iiipht scores of Rocslnn citizens klcssly put to death; and Irre- .e bands are venting their brutal In the daily massacres of un-Qforcnts. un-Qforcnts. lew of the earnest desire of the ,, t the United States to befriend fslan people and lend all pos-'f pos-'f slstanco in their struegle to re-,ct re-,ct thetr nation upon principles , Ocrncy and self-government, and " Uicrefore, solely in the interest of islan people themselves, thts gov-!, gov-!, - 1 feels that It canot be silent or from expressing its horror at this "t terrorism. Furthermore It be-! be-! hat. In order to check the further ef the indiscriminate slaughter ( Itsn citizens, all civilteed nations t. Agister their abhorrence of such i 8tn. "H1 inquire, therefore, ifhether fnrnment to which you sre ac- I win be disposed to take some r'to action which is entirely de-:,im de-:,im the atmosphere of belllfrerency I conduct of the war. to impress Perpetrators of those crimes OirBlon Avlth wbioh civilization ro-hclr ro-hclr present wanton acts." ; "e?orted action of the Bolshevii.1 ;: ""S an alliance with Germany for a"d defense is an added cause :.' Etop. Shock World. reports from Russia, many through neutral countries, have revolting: acts that have astounded .eked the world. The reisn of ter-' ter-' I alresdy greatly hindered the ef the United si3.tes to alleviate vjins famine rn Russia, as It is ;;e to furnish racch-needed sup-.' sup-.' t-v-at part of the country under . "W control without actually ced-n' ced-n' German army and the German ; It Is conceded thnt there Is 'k,'"SJ ,n southeastern Russia arxi Siberia, to feed all tho Russian if means of distribution could . pi to keep the supplies from - J)'" German hands. n ,'ance between the BolsheviM and ..Prwents a dansramus situation ''tinned on Page Ttro.) U. S, WOULD HALT RUSSIAN MffllSM (Continued from Page One.) to the allies. In that it may afford Germany Ger-many an opportunity rreaUy to increase her waning man-power. .Secretary Lansing today reiterated that the efforts of American troops at Vladivostok Vladi-vostok and Archangel were solelv to aid the l'ze'hn-;ovaks to leave Russia for tho western front and not to establish an eastern haitWront or in any way to interfere with the internal affair in Russia. Thi- conduct of th? Bolsheviki airalnst which today's proieM was directed in con-Fid. con-Fid. -red an entirely separate pha-se of the Russian situation. Precedent Found. A protest which tlio l.'nited Slates made some years aco to Turkey against t ho Armenian massacres is a precedent for today's action. At that time the Armenians Ar-menians were beinc massacred by the Turks us Indiscriminately as Russians now are bollix executed." This country, voicing its protest, cullod upon Turkey to put an ftid to the massacres and asked the remainder of the civilized world to .loin In t he protest, tjermany became alarmed at the time at the nttltude of the world and used its influence, then practically paramount in Turkey, to stop tho massacres, and t ho Armenian jwople wrrn sa ed for a lime. The si tun t ion In Russia, however. Is regarded by officials of the American govern ment :is even more serious than was that of the Armenians. Russians ;irc beliiK executed by wholesale daily upon the slinh i est pretext, or upon no pretext itl all. The accusation that a citizen. Russian or alien, may he opposed to the RolshrvIM rule actually Is sufficient excuse ex-cuse for his execution. It Is known that the Russian people an a whole a re op-pofied op-pofied to the l.enine and Trotzkv retime, but are kept In subjection by the terrorists. terror-ists. And It is to save t hese loyal Russia Rus-sia ns that Ihe Cnitrd stntes has railed upon t lie civilized world to take im media me-dia I e action. |